Class ClusterSummaryResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ClusterSummaryResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    A Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterSummaryResponse

        public ClusterSummaryResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getCrn

        public String getCrn()
        Getter for crn. The CRN of the cluster.
      • setCrn

        public void setCrn​(String crn)
        Setter for crn. The CRN of the cluster.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Getter for id. The ID of the cluster.
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        Setter for id. The ID of the cluster.
      • getEnvironmentCrn

        public String getEnvironmentCrn()
        Getter for environmentCrn. The CRN of the environment where the cluster is located.
      • setEnvironmentCrn

        public void setEnvironmentCrn​(String environmentCrn)
        Setter for environmentCrn. The CRN of the environment where the cluster is located.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Getter for name. Name of the cluster (same as the name of the environment).
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Setter for name. Name of the cluster (same as the name of the environment).
      • getStatus

        public String getStatus()
        Getter for status. Status of the cluster. Possible values are: Creating, Created, Accepted, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Updating, PreUpdate, Upgrading, PreUpgrade, Restarting, Deleting, Waiting, Failed, Error.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(String status)
        Setter for status. Status of the cluster. Possible values are: Creating, Created, Accepted, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Updating, PreUpdate, Upgrading, PreUpgrade, Restarting, Deleting, Waiting, Failed, Error.
      • getCreator

        public ActorResponse getCreator()
        Getter for creator. The creator of the cluster.
      • setCreator

        public void setCreator​(ActorResponse creator)
        Setter for creator. The creator of the cluster.
      • getCreationDate

        public ZonedDateTime getCreationDate()
        Getter for creationDate. Creation date of cluster.
      • setCreationDate

        public void setCreationDate​(ZonedDateTime creationDate)
        Setter for creationDate. Creation date of cluster.
      • getCloudPlatform

        public String getCloudPlatform()
        Getter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform of the environment that was used to create this cluster.
      • setCloudPlatform

        public void setCloudPlatform​(String cloudPlatform)
        Setter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform of the environment that was used to create this cluster.
      • getEnableSpotInstances

        public Boolean getEnableSpotInstances()
        Getter for enableSpotInstances. Denotes whether the spot instances have been enabled for the cluster. This value is only available for AWS and Azure clusters.
      • setEnableSpotInstances

        public void setEnableSpotInstances​(Boolean enableSpotInstances)
        Setter for enableSpotInstances. Denotes whether the spot instances have been enabled for the cluster. This value is only available for AWS and Azure clusters.
      • getReservedComputeNodes

        public Integer getReservedComputeNodes()
        Getter for reservedComputeNodes. Number of additional reserved nodes for executors and coordinators to use during autoscaling.
      • setReservedComputeNodes

        public void setReservedComputeNodes​(Integer reservedComputeNodes)
        Setter for reservedComputeNodes. Number of additional reserved nodes for executors and coordinators to use during autoscaling.
      • getReservedSharedServicesNodes

        public Integer getReservedSharedServicesNodes()
        Getter for reservedSharedServicesNodes. Number of additional reserved nodes for other services in the cluster.
      • setReservedSharedServicesNodes

        public void setReservedSharedServicesNodes​(Integer reservedSharedServicesNodes)
        Setter for reservedSharedServicesNodes. Number of additional reserved nodes for other services in the cluster.
      • getComputeInstanceTypes

        public List<String> getComputeInstanceTypes()
        Getter for computeInstanceTypes. Compute instance types that the environment is restricted to use. This affects the creation of the virtual warehouses where this restriction will apply.
      • setComputeInstanceTypes

        public void setComputeInstanceTypes​(List<String> computeInstanceTypes)
        Setter for computeInstanceTypes. Compute instance types that the environment is restricted to use. This affects the creation of the virtual warehouses where this restriction will apply.
      • getAdditionalInstanceTypes

        public List<String> getAdditionalInstanceTypes()
        Getter for additionalInstanceTypes. Additional (fallback) instance types listed in their priority order. They are used instead of the primary compute instance type in case it is unavailable. Since additional instance types are not supported for Azure, this is always empty for it.
      • setAdditionalInstanceTypes

        public void setAdditionalInstanceTypes​(List<String> additionalInstanceTypes)
        Setter for additionalInstanceTypes. Additional (fallback) instance types listed in their priority order. They are used instead of the primary compute instance type in case it is unavailable. Since additional instance types are not supported for Azure, this is always empty for it.
      • getAwsOptions

        public AwsOptionsResponse getAwsOptions()
        Getter for awsOptions. Response object of AWS related cluster options.
      • setAwsOptions

        public void setAwsOptions​(AwsOptionsResponse awsOptions)
        Setter for awsOptions. Response object of AWS related cluster options.
      • getAzureOptions

        public AzureOptionsResponse getAzureOptions()
        Getter for azureOptions. Response object of Azure related cluster options.
      • setAzureOptions

        public void setAzureOptions​(AzureOptionsResponse azureOptions)
        Setter for azureOptions. Response object of Azure related cluster options.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Getter for description. Cluster description.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Setter for description. Cluster description.
      • getWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs

        public String getWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs()
        Getter for whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for kubernetes cluster access.
      • setWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs

        public void setWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs​(String whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs)
        Setter for whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for kubernetes cluster access.
      • getWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs

        public String getWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs()
        Getter for whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for workload access.
      • setWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs

        public void setWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs​(String whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs)
        Setter for whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for workload access.
      • getResourcePool

        public String getResourcePool()
        Getter for resourcePool. The name of the Resource Pool the cluster is in.
      • setResourcePool

        public void setResourcePool​(String resourcePool)
        Setter for resourcePool. The name of the Resource Pool the cluster is in.
      • getExternalBuckets

        public List<ExternalBucket> getExternalBuckets()
        Getter for externalBuckets. External buckets attached to the environment.
      • setExternalBuckets

        public void setExternalBuckets​(List<ExternalBucket> externalBuckets)
        Setter for externalBuckets. External buckets attached to the environment.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object