Class GetAuditCredentialPrerequisitesResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class GetAuditCredentialPrerequisitesResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    The audit credential prerequisites.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetAuditCredentialPrerequisitesResponse

        public GetAuditCredentialPrerequisitesResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getCloudPlatform

        public String getCloudPlatform()
        Getter for cloudPlatform. The name of the given cloud platform
      • setCloudPlatform

        public void setCloudPlatform​(String cloudPlatform)
        Setter for cloudPlatform. The name of the given cloud platform
      • getAccountId

        public String getAccountId()
        Getter for accountId. The provider specific identifier of the account/subscription/project that is used by Cloudbreak.
      • setAccountId

        public void setAccountId​(String accountId)
        Setter for accountId. The provider specific identifier of the account/subscription/project that is used by Cloudbreak.
      • getAws

        public AwsCredentialPrerequisitesResponse getAws()
        Getter for aws. Provides the external id and policy JSON (this one encoded in base64) for AWS credential creation.
      • setAws

        public void setAws​(AwsCredentialPrerequisitesResponse aws)
        Setter for aws. Provides the external id and policy JSON (this one encoded in base64) for AWS credential creation.
      • setAzure

        public void setAzure​(AzureCredentialPrerequisitesResponse azure)
        Setter for azure. Provides the app creation command and role definition Json for Azure credential creation.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object