Class RestoreClusterResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class RestoreClusterResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    Response object for the restoreCluster method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestoreClusterResponse

        public RestoreClusterResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getClusterId

        public String getClusterId()
        Getter for clusterId. The ID of the cluster.
      • setClusterId

        public void setClusterId​(String clusterId)
        Setter for clusterId. The ID of the cluster.
      • getOperationId

        public String getOperationId()
        Getter for operationId. The ID of the restore operation.
      • setOperationId

        public void setOperationId​(String operationId)
        Setter for operationId. The ID of the restore operation.
      • getAction

        public String getAction()
        Getter for action. The cluster action. Possible actions: Create, Skip
      • setAction

        public void setAction​(String action)
        Setter for action. The cluster action. Possible actions: Create, Skip
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Getter for message. The description of the cluster action.
      • setMessage

        public void setMessage​(String message)
        Setter for message. The description of the cluster action.
      • getDbcRestorePlans

        public List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> getDbcRestorePlans()
        Getter for dbcRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the DbCatalogs.
      • setDbcRestorePlans

        public void setDbcRestorePlans​(List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> dbcRestorePlans)
        Setter for dbcRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the DbCatalogs.
      • getHueRestorePlans

        public List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> getHueRestorePlans()
        Getter for hueRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of Hue.
      • setHueRestorePlans

        public void setHueRestorePlans​(List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> hueRestorePlans)
        Setter for hueRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of Hue.
      • getHiveRestorePlans

        public List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> getHiveRestorePlans()
        Getter for hiveRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the Hive Virtual Warehouses.
      • setHiveRestorePlans

        public void setHiveRestorePlans​(List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> hiveRestorePlans)
        Setter for hiveRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the Hive Virtual Warehouses.
      • getImpalaRestorePlans

        public List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> getImpalaRestorePlans()
        Getter for impalaRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the Impala Virtual Warehouses.
      • setImpalaRestorePlans

        public void setImpalaRestorePlans​(List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> impalaRestorePlans)
        Setter for impalaRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the Impala Virtual Warehouses.
      • getVizRestorePlans

        public List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> getVizRestorePlans()
        Getter for vizRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the Data Visualization Apps.
      • setVizRestorePlans

        public void setVizRestorePlans​(List<RestoreClusterEntityPlan> vizRestorePlans)
        Setter for vizRestorePlans. Information about the restore-plan of the Data Visualization Apps.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object