Class ComputeUsageRecord

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ComputeUsageRecord
    extends Object
    Record of compute usage values aggregated hourly.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComputeUsageRecord

        public ComputeUsageRecord()
    • Method Detail

      • getQuantityType

        public String getQuantityType()
        Getter for quantityType. Type of usage by the cluster (Eg: INSTANCE_USAGE, COMPUTE_USAGE).
      • setQuantityType

        public void setQuantityType​(String quantityType)
        Setter for quantityType. Type of usage by the cluster (Eg: INSTANCE_USAGE, COMPUTE_USAGE).
      • getEnvironmentName

        public String getEnvironmentName()
        Getter for environmentName. Name of the environment.
      • setEnvironmentName

        public void setEnvironmentName​(String environmentName)
        Setter for environmentName. Name of the environment.
      • getEnvironmentCrn

        public String getEnvironmentCrn()
        Getter for environmentCrn. CRN of the environment.
      • setEnvironmentCrn

        public void setEnvironmentCrn​(String environmentCrn)
        Setter for environmentCrn. CRN of the environment.
      • getClusterName

        public String getClusterName()
        Getter for clusterName. Name of the cluster.
      • setClusterName

        public void setClusterName​(String clusterName)
        Setter for clusterName. Name of the cluster.
      • getClusterCrn

        public String getClusterCrn()
        Getter for clusterCrn. CRN of the cluster.
      • setClusterCrn

        public void setClusterCrn​(String clusterCrn)
        Setter for clusterCrn. CRN of the cluster.
      • getCloudProvider

        public String getCloudProvider()
        Getter for cloudProvider. Cloud Provider on which cluster is running.
      • setCloudProvider

        public void setCloudProvider​(String cloudProvider)
        Setter for cloudProvider. Cloud Provider on which cluster is running.
      • getServiceFeature

        public String getServiceFeature()
        Getter for serviceFeature. Service Feature of the cluster.
      • setServiceFeature

        public void setServiceFeature​(String serviceFeature)
        Setter for serviceFeature. Service Feature of the cluster.
      • getUsageStartTimestamp

        public String getUsageStartTimestamp()
        Getter for usageStartTimestamp. Timestamp of start of the usage.
      • setUsageStartTimestamp

        public void setUsageStartTimestamp​(String usageStartTimestamp)
        Setter for usageStartTimestamp. Timestamp of start of the usage.
      • getUsageEndTimestamp

        public String getUsageEndTimestamp()
        Getter for usageEndTimestamp. Timestamp of end of the usage.
      • setUsageEndTimestamp

        public void setUsageEndTimestamp​(String usageEndTimestamp)
        Setter for usageEndTimestamp. Timestamp of end of the usage.
      • getQuantity

        public Double getQuantity()
        Getter for quantity. Quantity of usage of the cluster.
      • setQuantity

        public void setQuantity​(Double quantity)
        Setter for quantity. Quantity of usage of the cluster.
      • getGrossCharge

        public Double getGrossCharge()
        Getter for grossCharge. Number of credits consumed by this usage.
      • setGrossCharge

        public void setGrossCharge​(Double grossCharge)
        Setter for grossCharge. Number of credits consumed by this usage.
      • getListRate

        public Double getListRate()
        Getter for listRate. Rate in credits at which usage is charged for given cluster type, instance type and cloud provider.
      • setListRate

        public void setListRate​(Double listRate)
        Setter for listRate. Rate in credits at which usage is charged for given cluster type, instance type and cloud provider.
      • getHours

        public Double getHours()
        Getter for hours. Total number of hours for which instances were running.
      • setHours

        public void setHours​(Double hours)
        Setter for hours. Total number of hours for which instances were running.
      • getInstanceType

        public String getInstanceType()
        Getter for instanceType. Type of instance of the cluster.
      • setInstanceType

        public void setInstanceType​(String instanceType)
        Setter for instanceType. Type of instance of the cluster.
      • getInstanceCount

        public Integer getInstanceCount()
        Getter for instanceCount. Total number of instances in the cluster which were in use.
      • setInstanceCount

        public void setInstanceCount​(Integer instanceCount)
        Setter for instanceCount. Total number of instances in the cluster which were in use.
      • getClusterType

        public String getClusterType()
        Getter for clusterType. Type of the cluster.
      • setClusterType

        public void setClusterType​(String clusterType)
        Setter for clusterType. Type of the cluster.
      • getUserTags

        public String getUserTags()
        Getter for userTags. The tags assigned to a cluster. The format of this is a map serialized into a string as json. e.g.: \"tags\": \"{\\\"key1\\\":\\\"value1\\\",\\\"key2\\\":\\\"value2\\\"}\"
      • setUserTags

        public void setUserTags​(String userTags)
        Setter for userTags. The tags assigned to a cluster. The format of this is a map serialized into a string as json. e.g.: \"tags\": \"{\\\"key1\\\":\\\"value1\\\",\\\"key2\\\":\\\"value2\\\"}\"
      • getClusterTemplate

        public String getClusterTemplate()
        Getter for clusterTemplate. The template with which the cluster is created.
      • setClusterTemplate

        public void setClusterTemplate​(String clusterTemplate)
        Setter for clusterTemplate. The template with which the cluster is created.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object