Class ServiceDescription

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ServiceDescription
    extends Object
    Detailed description of a CDE service.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceDescription

        public ServiceDescription()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Getter for name. Name of the CDE Service.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Setter for name. Name of the CDE Service.
      • getClusterId

        public String getClusterId()
        Getter for clusterId. Cluster Id of the CDE Service.
      • setClusterId

        public void setClusterId​(String clusterId)
        Setter for clusterId. Cluster Id of the CDE Service.
      • getEnvironmentName

        public String getEnvironmentName()
        Getter for environmentName. CDP Environment Name.
      • setEnvironmentName

        public void setEnvironmentName​(String environmentName)
        Setter for environmentName. CDP Environment Name.
      • getEnvironmentCrn

        public String getEnvironmentCrn()
        Getter for environmentCrn. CRN of the environment.
      • setEnvironmentCrn

        public void setEnvironmentCrn​(String environmentCrn)
        Setter for environmentCrn. CRN of the environment.
      • getTenantId

        public String getTenantId()
        Getter for tenantId. CDP tenant ID.
      • setTenantId

        public void setTenantId​(String tenantId)
        Setter for tenantId. CDP tenant ID.
      • getResources

        public ServiceResources getResources()
        Getter for resources. Resources details of CDE Service.
      • setResources

        public void setResources​(ServiceResources resources)
        Setter for resources. Resources details of CDE Service.
      • getStatus

        public String getStatus()
        Getter for status. Status of the CDE service.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(String status)
        Setter for status. Status of the CDE service.
      • getCreatorEmail

        public String getCreatorEmail()
        Getter for creatorEmail. Email address of the creator of the CDE service.
      • setCreatorEmail

        public void setCreatorEmail​(String creatorEmail)
        Setter for creatorEmail. Email address of the creator of the CDE service.
      • getCreatorCrn

        public String getCreatorCrn()
        Getter for creatorCrn. CRN of the creator.
      • setCreatorCrn

        public void setCreatorCrn​(String creatorCrn)
        Setter for creatorCrn. CRN of the creator.
      • getEnablingTime

        public String getEnablingTime()
        Getter for enablingTime. Timestamp of service enabling.
      • setEnablingTime

        public void setEnablingTime​(String enablingTime)
        Setter for enablingTime. Timestamp of service enabling.
      • getClusterFqdn

        public String getClusterFqdn()
        Getter for clusterFqdn. FQDN of the CDE service.
      • setClusterFqdn

        public void setClusterFqdn​(String clusterFqdn)
        Setter for clusterFqdn. FQDN of the CDE service.
      • getCloudPlatform

        public String getCloudPlatform()
        Getter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform where the CDE service is enabled.
      • setCloudPlatform

        public void setCloudPlatform​(String cloudPlatform)
        Setter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform where the CDE service is enabled.
      • getDataLakeFileSystems

        public String getDataLakeFileSystems()
        Getter for dataLakeFileSystems. The Data lake file system.
      • setDataLakeFileSystems

        public void setDataLakeFileSystems​(String dataLakeFileSystems)
        Setter for dataLakeFileSystems. The Data lake file system.
      • getLogLocation

        public String getLogLocation()
        Getter for logLocation. Location for the log files of jobs.
      • setLogLocation

        public void setLogLocation​(String logLocation)
        Setter for logLocation. Location for the log files of jobs.
      • getBackupLocation

        public String getBackupLocation()
        Getter for backupLocation. Base location for the service backup archives.
      • setBackupLocation

        public void setBackupLocation​(String backupLocation)
        Setter for backupLocation. Base location for the service backup archives.
      • getDataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint

        public String getDataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint()
        Getter for dataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint. Endpoint of Data Lake Atlas.
      • setDataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint

        public void setDataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint​(String dataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint)
        Setter for dataLakeAtlasUIEndpoint. Endpoint of Data Lake Atlas.
      • getChartValueOverrides

        public List<ChartValueOverridesResponse> getChartValueOverrides()
        Getter for chartValueOverrides. Chart overrides for the Virtual Cluster.
      • setChartValueOverrides

        public void setChartValueOverrides​(List<ChartValueOverridesResponse> chartValueOverrides)
        Setter for chartValueOverrides. Chart overrides for the Virtual Cluster.
      • getWhitelistIps

        public String getWhitelistIps()
        Getter for whitelistIps. List of CIDRs that would be allowed to access kubernetes master API server.
      • setWhitelistIps

        public void setWhitelistIps​(String whitelistIps)
        Setter for whitelistIps. List of CIDRs that would be allowed to access kubernetes master API server.
      • getLoadbalancerAllowlist

        public String getLoadbalancerAllowlist()
        Getter for loadbalancerAllowlist. Comma-separated CIDRs that would be allowed to access the load balancer.
      • setLoadbalancerAllowlist

        public void setLoadbalancerAllowlist​(String loadbalancerAllowlist)
        Setter for loadbalancerAllowlist. Comma-separated CIDRs that would be allowed to access the load balancer.
      • getSubnets

        public String getSubnets()
        Getter for subnets. List of Subnet IDs of the CDP subnets used by the kubernetes worker node.
      • setSubnets

        public void setSubnets​(String subnets)
        Setter for subnets. List of Subnet IDs of the CDP subnets used by the kubernetes worker node.
      • getPrivateClusterEnabled

        public Boolean getPrivateClusterEnabled()
        Getter for privateClusterEnabled. If true, the CDE service was created with fully private Azure services (AKS, MySQL, etc.).
      • setPrivateClusterEnabled

        public void setPrivateClusterEnabled​(Boolean privateClusterEnabled)
        Setter for privateClusterEnabled. If true, the CDE service was created with fully private Azure services (AKS, MySQL, etc.).
      • getPublicEndpointEnabled

        public Boolean getPublicEndpointEnabled()
        Getter for publicEndpointEnabled. If true, the CDE endpoint was created in a publicly accessible subnet.
      • setPublicEndpointEnabled

        public void setPublicEndpointEnabled​(Boolean publicEndpointEnabled)
        Setter for publicEndpointEnabled. If true, the CDE endpoint was created in a publicly accessible subnet.
      • getNetworkOutboundType

        public String getNetworkOutboundType()
        Getter for networkOutboundType. Network outbound type. Currently 'udr' is the only supported.
      • setNetworkOutboundType

        public void setNetworkOutboundType​(String networkOutboundType)
        Setter for networkOutboundType. Network outbound type. Currently 'udr' is the only supported.
      • getPreviousVersionDeployed

        public Boolean getPreviousVersionDeployed()
        Getter for previousVersionDeployed. The \"true\" value indicates that the previous version of the CDE service was requested to be deployed.
      • setPreviousVersionDeployed

        public void setPreviousVersionDeployed​(Boolean previousVersionDeployed)
        Setter for previousVersionDeployed. The \"true\" value indicates that the previous version of the CDE service was requested to be deployed.
      • getWorkloadAnalyticsEnabled

        public Boolean getWorkloadAnalyticsEnabled()
        Getter for workloadAnalyticsEnabled. If true, diagnostic information about job and query execution is sent to Cloudera Workload Manager.
      • setWorkloadAnalyticsEnabled

        public void setWorkloadAnalyticsEnabled​(Boolean workloadAnalyticsEnabled)
        Setter for workloadAnalyticsEnabled. If true, diagnostic information about job and query execution is sent to Cloudera Workload Manager.
      • getSsdUsed

        public Boolean getSsdUsed()
        Getter for ssdUsed. If true, SSD would have been be used for workload filesystem.
      • setSsdUsed

        public void setSsdUsed​(Boolean ssdUsed)
        Setter for ssdUsed. If true, SSD would have been be used for workload filesystem.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object