Class ListEventsRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ListEventsRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for the ListEvents method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ListEventsRequest

        public ListEventsRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getFromTimestamp

        public ZonedDateTime getFromTimestamp()
        Getter for fromTimestamp. The beginning timestamp for the search range (inclusive).
      • setFromTimestamp

        public void setFromTimestamp​(ZonedDateTime fromTimestamp)
        Setter for fromTimestamp. The beginning timestamp for the search range (inclusive).
      • getToTimestamp

        public ZonedDateTime getToTimestamp()
        Getter for toTimestamp. The ending timestamp for the search range (exclusive).
      • setToTimestamp

        public void setToTimestamp​(ZonedDateTime toTimestamp)
        Setter for toTimestamp. The ending timestamp for the search range (exclusive).
      • getPageSize

        public Integer getPageSize()
        Getter for pageSize. The page size.
      • setPageSize

        public void setPageSize​(Integer pageSize)
        Setter for pageSize. The page size.
      • getPageToken

        public String getPageToken()
        Getter for pageToken. The page token.
      • setPageToken

        public void setPageToken​(String pageToken)
        Setter for pageToken. The page token.
      • getRequestId

        public String getRequestId()
        Getter for requestId. The optional request ID. If specified, only events associated with this request ID are returned.
      • setRequestId

        public void setRequestId​(String requestId)
        Setter for requestId. The optional request ID. If specified, only events associated with this request ID are returned.
      • getEventSource

        public String getEventSource()
        Getter for eventSource. The optional source service. If specified, only events associated with this event source are returned. The source must be the name of a service as enumerated in the CRN definition.
      • setEventSource

        public void setEventSource​(String eventSource)
        Setter for eventSource. The optional source service. If specified, only events associated with this event source are returned. The source must be the name of a service as enumerated in the CRN definition.
      • getEventName

        public String getEventName()
        Getter for eventName. The optional event name. If specified, only events with this name are returned.
      • setEventName

        public void setEventName​(String eventName)
        Setter for eventName. The optional event name. If specified, only events with this name are returned.
      • getActorCrn

        public String getActorCrn()
        Getter for actorCrn. The optional actor CRN. If specified, only events with this CRN recorded for the actor identity are returned.
      • setActorCrn

        public void setActorCrn​(String actorCrn)
        Setter for actorCrn. The optional actor CRN. If specified, only events with this CRN recorded for the actor identity are returned.
      • getResultCode

        public String getResultCode()
        Getter for resultCode. The optional result code. If specified, only events with this result code are returned. Events without a result code are not returned.
      • setResultCode

        public void setResultCode​(String resultCode)
        Setter for resultCode. The optional result code. If specified, only events with this result code are returned. Events without a result code are not returned.
      • getResultMessage

        public String getResultMessage()
        Getter for resultMessage. The optional result message. If specified, only events with this result message are returned. Events without a result message are not returned.
      • setResultMessage

        public void setResultMessage​(String resultMessage)
        Setter for resultMessage. The optional result message. If specified, only events with this result message are returned. Events without a result message are not returned.
      • getApiRequestEventCriteria

        public ApiRequestEventCriteria getApiRequestEventCriteria()
        Getter for apiRequestEventCriteria. Optional additional filtering criteria for listing API request audit events.
      • setApiRequestEventCriteria

        public void setApiRequestEventCriteria​(ApiRequestEventCriteria apiRequestEventCriteria)
        Setter for apiRequestEventCriteria. Optional additional filtering criteria for listing API request audit events.
      • getCdpServiceEventCriteria

        public CdpServiceEventCriteria getCdpServiceEventCriteria()
        Getter for cdpServiceEventCriteria. Optional additional filtering criteria for listing CDP service audit events.
      • setCdpServiceEventCriteria

        public void setCdpServiceEventCriteria​(CdpServiceEventCriteria cdpServiceEventCriteria)
        Setter for cdpServiceEventCriteria. Optional additional filtering criteria for listing CDP service audit events.
      • getInteractiveLoginEventCriteria

        public InteractiveLoginEventCriteria getInteractiveLoginEventCriteria()
        Getter for interactiveLoginEventCriteria. Optional additional filtering criteria for listing interactive login audit events.
      • setInteractiveLoginEventCriteria

        public void setInteractiveLoginEventCriteria​(InteractiveLoginEventCriteria interactiveLoginEventCriteria)
        Setter for interactiveLoginEventCriteria. Optional additional filtering criteria for listing interactive login audit events.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object