Class VwSummary


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:38.977-08:00") public class VwSummary extends Object
A Virtual Warehouse.
  • Constructor Details

    • VwSummary

      public VwSummary()
  • Method Details

    • getCrn

      public String getCrn()
      Getter for crn. The CRN of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setCrn

      public void setCrn(String crn)
      Setter for crn. The CRN of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Getter for id. The ID of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
      Setter for id. The ID of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Getter for name. The name of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Setter for name. The name of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • getVwType

      public String getVwType()
      Getter for vwType. The type of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setVwType

      public void setVwType(String vwType)
      Setter for vwType. The type of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • getInstanceType

      public String getInstanceType()
      Getter for instanceType. The underlying instance type for this Virtual Warehouse.
    • setInstanceType

      public void setInstanceType(String instanceType)
      Setter for instanceType. The underlying instance type for this Virtual Warehouse.
    • getDbcId

      public String getDbcId()
      Getter for dbcId. ID of Database Catalog that the Virtual Warehouse is attached to.
    • setDbcId

      public void setDbcId(String dbcId)
      Setter for dbcId. ID of Database Catalog that the Virtual Warehouse is attached to.
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
      Getter for status. Status of the Virtual Warehouse. Possible values are: Creating, Created, Accepted, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Updating, PreUpdate, Upgrading, PreUpgrade, Restarting, Deleting, Waiting, Failed, Error.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(String status)
      Setter for status. Status of the Virtual Warehouse. Possible values are: Creating, Created, Accepted, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Updating, PreUpdate, Upgrading, PreUpgrade, Restarting, Deleting, Waiting, Failed, Error.
    • getStatusChangedAt

      public ZonedDateTime getStatusChangedAt()
      Getter for statusChangedAt. Timestamp of the last status change of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setStatusChangedAt

      public void setStatusChangedAt(ZonedDateTime statusChangedAt)
      Setter for statusChangedAt. Timestamp of the last status change of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • getCreator

      public ActorResponse getCreator()
      Getter for creator. The creator of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setCreator

      public void setCreator(ActorResponse creator)
      Setter for creator. The creator of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • getCreationDate

      public ZonedDateTime getCreationDate()
      Getter for creationDate. Creation date of Virtual Warehouse.
    • setCreationDate

      public void setCreationDate(ZonedDateTime creationDate)
      Setter for creationDate. Creation date of Virtual Warehouse.
    • getConfigId

      public String getConfigId()
      Getter for configId. ID of the configuration.
    • setConfigId

      public void setConfigId(String configId)
      Setter for configId. ID of the configuration.
    • getCdhVersion

      public String getCdhVersion()
      Getter for cdhVersion. CDH image version.
    • setCdhVersion

      public void setCdhVersion(String cdhVersion)
      Setter for cdhVersion. CDH image version.
    • getNumOfCores

      public Integer getNumOfCores()
      Getter for numOfCores. Number of cores of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setNumOfCores

      public void setNumOfCores(Integer numOfCores)
      Setter for numOfCores. Number of cores of the Virtual Warehouse.
    • getMemoryCapacity

      public Integer getMemoryCapacity()
      Getter for memoryCapacity. Memory size of the Virtual Warehouse in MB.
    • setMemoryCapacity

      public void setMemoryCapacity(Integer memoryCapacity)
      Setter for memoryCapacity. Memory size of the Virtual Warehouse in MB.
    • getNodeCount

      public Integer getNodeCount()
      Getter for nodeCount. Size of the Virtual Warehouse (node count per compute cluster).
    • setNodeCount

      public void setNodeCount(Integer nodeCount)
      Setter for nodeCount. Size of the Virtual Warehouse (node count per compute cluster).
    • getAvailabilityZone

      public String getAvailabilityZone()
      Getter for availabilityZone. Availability zone in which the Virtual Warehouse is running.
    • setAvailabilityZone

      public void setAvailabilityZone(String availabilityZone)
      Setter for availabilityZone. Availability zone in which the Virtual Warehouse is running.
    • getEndpoints

      public VwSummaryEndpoints getEndpoints()
      Getter for endpoints.
    • setEndpoints

      public void setEndpoints(VwSummaryEndpoints endpoints)
      Setter for endpoints.
    • getSupportedAuthMethods

      public VwSummarySupportedAuthMethods getSupportedAuthMethods()
      Getter for supportedAuthMethods.
    • setSupportedAuthMethods

      public void setSupportedAuthMethods(VwSummarySupportedAuthMethods supportedAuthMethods)
      Setter for supportedAuthMethods.
    • getJwtAuth

      public VwSummaryJwtAuth getJwtAuth()
      Getter for jwtAuth.
    • setJwtAuth

      public void setJwtAuth(VwSummaryJwtAuth jwtAuth)
      Setter for jwtAuth.
    • getImpalaQueryLog

      public Boolean getImpalaQueryLog()
      Getter for impalaQueryLog. Denotes whether the Virtual Warehouse has the Impala Query Log enabled or not.
    • setImpalaQueryLog

      public void setImpalaQueryLog(Boolean impalaQueryLog)
      Setter for impalaQueryLog. Denotes whether the Virtual Warehouse has the Impala Query Log enabled or not.
    • getTags

      public List<TagResponse> getTags()
      Getter for tags. Tags associated with the resources.
    • setTags

      public void setTags(List<TagResponse> tags)
      Setter for tags. Tags associated with the resources.
    • getCompactor

      public Boolean getCompactor()
      Getter for compactor. Denotes whether the Hive Virtual Warehouse is a compactor or not.
    • setCompactor

      public void setCompactor(Boolean compactor)
      Setter for compactor. Denotes whether the Hive Virtual Warehouse is a compactor or not.
    • getViz

      public Boolean getViz()
      Getter for viz. Denotes whether the Virtual Warehouse has Data Visualisation or not.
    • setViz

      public void setViz(Boolean viz)
      Setter for viz. Denotes whether the Virtual Warehouse has Data Visualisation or not.
    • getEnableUnifiedAnalytics

      public Boolean getEnableUnifiedAnalytics()
      Getter for enableUnifiedAnalytics. Denotes whether the Unified Analytics is enabled.
    • setEnableUnifiedAnalytics

      public void setEnableUnifiedAnalytics(Boolean enableUnifiedAnalytics)
      Setter for enableUnifiedAnalytics. Denotes whether the Unified Analytics is enabled.
    • getAutoscalingOptions

      public AutoscalingOptionsResponse getAutoscalingOptions()
      Getter for autoscalingOptions. The current settings stored for autoscaling.
    • setAutoscalingOptions

      public void setAutoscalingOptions(AutoscalingOptionsResponse autoscalingOptions)
      Setter for autoscalingOptions. The current settings stored for autoscaling.
    • getImpalaOptions

      public ImpalaOptionsResponse getImpalaOptions()
      Getter for impalaOptions. Current Impala settings.
    • setImpalaOptions

      public void setImpalaOptions(ImpalaOptionsResponse impalaOptions)
      Setter for impalaOptions. Current Impala settings.
    • getImpalaHaSettingsOptions

      public ImpalaHASettingsOptionsResponse getImpalaHaSettingsOptions()
      Getter for impalaHaSettingsOptions. Current Impala High Availability settings.
    • setImpalaHaSettingsOptions

      public void setImpalaHaSettingsOptions(ImpalaHASettingsOptionsResponse impalaHaSettingsOptions)
      Setter for impalaHaSettingsOptions. Current Impala High Availability settings.
    • getQueryIsolationOptions

      public QueryIsolationOptionsResponse getQueryIsolationOptions()
      Getter for queryIsolationOptions. The current settings stored for query-isolation.
    • setQueryIsolationOptions

      public void setQueryIsolationOptions(QueryIsolationOptionsResponse queryIsolationOptions)
      Setter for queryIsolationOptions. The current settings stored for query-isolation.
    • getReplicaStatus

      public ReplicaStatus getReplicaStatus()
      Getter for replicaStatus. Status information on the current state of replicas in the virtual warehouse.
    • setReplicaStatus

      public void setReplicaStatus(ReplicaStatus replicaStatus)
      Setter for replicaStatus. Status information on the current state of replicas in the virtual warehouse.
    • getResourcePool

      public String getResourcePool()
      Getter for resourcePool. The name of the Resource Pool the Virtual Warehouse is in.
    • setResourcePool

      public void setResourcePool(String resourcePool)
      Setter for resourcePool. The name of the Resource Pool the Virtual Warehouse is in.
    • getHiveAuthenticationMode

      @Deprecated public String getHiveAuthenticationMode()
      Getter for hiveAuthenticationMode. DEPRECATED - Authentication mode used by Hive Server: * `LDAP` * `KERBEROS`
    • setHiveAuthenticationMode

      @Deprecated public void setHiveAuthenticationMode(String hiveAuthenticationMode)
      Setter for hiveAuthenticationMode. DEPRECATED - Authentication mode used by Hive Server: * `LDAP` * `KERBEROS`
    • getEbsLLAPSpillGB

      public Integer getEbsLLAPSpillGB()
      Getter for ebsLLAPSpillGB. Provides EBS gp3 volume as temporary storage space for Hive LLAP cache, and improves query performance. Configurable only at Virtual Warehouse creation. Using EBS volumes incurs additional costs.
    • setEbsLLAPSpillGB

      public void setEbsLLAPSpillGB(Integer ebsLLAPSpillGB)
      Setter for ebsLLAPSpillGB. Provides EBS gp3 volume as temporary storage space for Hive LLAP cache, and improves query performance. Configurable only at Virtual Warehouse creation. Using EBS volumes incurs additional costs.
    • getHiveServerHaMode

      public String getHiveServerHaMode()
      Getter for hiveServerHaMode. Hive Server High Availability mode in Private Cloud: * `DISABLED` - Hive Server high availability is disabled. * `ACTIVE_PASSIVE` - Hive Server high availability is enabled with one active and one passive instances. Hive session failover is not supported in this setup.
    • setHiveServerHaMode

      public void setHiveServerHaMode(String hiveServerHaMode)
      Setter for hiveServerHaMode. Hive Server High Availability mode in Private Cloud: * `DISABLED` - Hive Server high availability is disabled. * `ACTIVE_PASSIVE` - Hive Server high availability is enabled with one active and one passive instances. Hive session failover is not supported in this setup.
    • getResources

      public Map<String,ApplicationResources> getResources()
      Getter for resources. The actual resources used by the Virtual Warehouse.
    • setResources

      public void setResources(Map<String,ApplicationResources> resources)
      Setter for resources. The actual resources used by the Virtual Warehouse.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object