Class HdfsArguments

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class HdfsArguments
    extends Object
    Extra properties for HDFS.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HdfsArguments

        public HdfsArguments()
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Getter for _path. HDFS path. Mandatory for HDFS policies, otherwise optional.
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String _path)
        Setter for _path. HDFS path. Mandatory for HDFS policies, otherwise optional.
      • getReplicationStrategy

        public String getReplicationStrategy()
        Getter for replicationStrategy. Replication strategy.
      • setReplicationStrategy

        public void setReplicationStrategy​(String replicationStrategy)
        Setter for replicationStrategy. Replication strategy.
      • getMapReduceService

        public String getMapReduceService()
        Getter for mapReduceService. Name of the mapreduce service.
      • setMapReduceService

        public void setMapReduceService​(String mapReduceService)
        Setter for mapReduceService. Name of the mapreduce service.
      • getLogPath

        public String getLogPath()
        Getter for logPath. Job log path.
      • setLogPath

        public void setLogPath​(String logPath)
        Setter for logPath. Job log path.
      • getErrorHandling

        public ErrorHandling getErrorHandling()
        Getter for errorHandling. Error handling strategy.
      • setErrorHandling

        public void setErrorHandling​(ErrorHandling errorHandling)
        Setter for errorHandling. Error handling strategy.
      • getPreserve

        public Preserve getPreserve()
        Getter for preserve. Properties to preserve.
      • setPreserve

        public void setPreserve​(Preserve preserve)
        Setter for preserve. Properties to preserve.
      • getDeletePolicy

        public String getDeletePolicy()
        Getter for deletePolicy. Deletion behavior.
      • setDeletePolicy

        public void setDeletePolicy​(String deletePolicy)
        Setter for deletePolicy. Deletion behavior.
      • getAlert

        public Alert getAlert()
        Getter for alert. Alerting behavior.
      • setAlert

        public void setAlert​(Alert alert)
        Setter for alert. Alerting behavior.
      • getExclusionFilters

        public List<String> getExclusionFilters()
        Getter for exclusionFilters. Exclusion filters in glob format.
      • setExclusionFilters

        public void setExclusionFilters​(List<String> exclusionFilters)
        Setter for exclusionFilters. Exclusion filters in glob format.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object