Class MetricChartFrequencyTolerance


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:42.200-08:00") public class MetricChartFrequencyTolerance extends Object
Frequency tolerance for a metric chart
  • Constructor Details

    • MetricChartFrequencyTolerance

      public MetricChartFrequencyTolerance()
  • Method Details

    • getUnit

      public String getUnit()
      Getter for unit. The unit of time controlling how long a metric value can persist outside its boundaries before an alert is generated
    • setUnit

      public void setUnit(String unit)
      Setter for unit. The unit of time controlling how long a metric value can persist outside its boundaries before an alert is generated
    • getValue

      public Double getValue()
      Getter for value. The amount of time, associated with the given unit, a metric value can persist outside its boundaries before an alert is generated
    • setValue

      public void setValue(Double value)
      Setter for value. The amount of time, associated with the given unit, a metric value can persist outside its boundaries before an alert is generated
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object