Class CreateGCPClusterRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CreateGCPClusterRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for create GCP cluster request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateGCPClusterRequest

        public CreateGCPClusterRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getClusterName

        public String getClusterName()
        Getter for clusterName. The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive.
      • setClusterName

        public void setClusterName​(String clusterName)
        Setter for clusterName. The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive.
      • getClusterDefinitionName

        public String getClusterDefinitionName()
        Getter for clusterDefinitionName. The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation.
      • setClusterDefinitionName

        public void setClusterDefinitionName​(String clusterDefinitionName)
        Setter for clusterDefinitionName. The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation.
      • getEnvironmentName

        public String getEnvironmentName()
        Getter for environmentName. Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be a GCP environment.
      • setEnvironmentName

        public void setEnvironmentName​(String environmentName)
        Setter for environmentName. Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be a GCP environment.
      • getClusterTemplateName

        public String getClusterTemplateName()
        Getter for clusterTemplateName. Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation.
      • setClusterTemplateName

        public void setClusterTemplateName​(String clusterTemplateName)
        Setter for clusterTemplateName. Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation.
      • getCustomConfigurationsName

        public String getCustomConfigurationsName()
        Getter for customConfigurationsName. The name of the custom configurations to use for cluster creation.
      • setCustomConfigurationsName

        public void setCustomConfigurationsName​(String customConfigurationsName)
        Setter for customConfigurationsName. The name of the custom configurations to use for cluster creation.
      • setInstanceGroups

        public void setInstanceGroups​(List<GCPInstanceGroupRequest> instanceGroups)
        Setter for instanceGroups. Instance group details.
      • getSubnetName

        public String getSubnetName()
        Getter for subnetName. The subnet name.
      • setSubnetName

        public void setSubnetName​(String subnetName)
        Setter for subnetName. The subnet name.
      • getImage

        public ImageRequest getImage()
        Getter for image. The image to be used for cluster creation.
      • setImage

        public void setImage​(ImageRequest image)
        Setter for image. The image to be used for cluster creation.
      • getTags

        public List<GCPDatahubResourceTagRequest> getTags()
        Getter for tags. Tags that can be attached to GCP Data Hub resources. Please refer to Google documentation for the rules
      • setTags

        public void setTags​(List<GCPDatahubResourceTagRequest> tags)
        Setter for tags. Tags that can be attached to GCP Data Hub resources. Please refer to Google documentation for the rules
      • getRequestTemplate

        public String getRequestTemplate()
        Getter for requestTemplate. JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from cluster template and would be removed in the future.
      • setRequestTemplate

        public void setRequestTemplate​(String requestTemplate)
        Setter for requestTemplate. JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from cluster template and would be removed in the future.
      • getDatahubDatabase

        public String getDatahubDatabase()
        Getter for datahubDatabase. Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA
      • setDatahubDatabase

        public void setDatahubDatabase​(String datahubDatabase)
        Setter for datahubDatabase. Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA
      • getClusterExtension

        public ClusterExtension getClusterExtension()
        Getter for clusterExtension. Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster.
      • setClusterExtension

        public void setClusterExtension​(ClusterExtension clusterExtension)
        Setter for clusterExtension. Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster.
      • getJavaVersion

        public Integer getJavaVersion()
        Getter for javaVersion. Configure the major version of Java on the cluster.
      • setJavaVersion

        public void setJavaVersion​(Integer javaVersion)
        Setter for javaVersion. Configure the major version of Java on the cluster.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object