Class Deployment

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class Deployment
    extends Object
    A deployment
    • Constructor Detail

      • Deployment

        public Deployment()
    • Method Detail

      • getCrn

        public String getCrn()
        Getter for crn. The deployment CRN
      • setCrn

        public void setCrn​(String crn)
        Setter for crn. The deployment CRN
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Getter for name. The deployment name
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Setter for name. The deployment name
      • getStatus

        public DeploymentStatus getStatus()
        Getter for status. The deployment status
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(DeploymentStatus status)
        Setter for status. The deployment status
      • getService

        public ServiceMeta getService()
        Getter for service. The DataFlow service information of the deployment
      • setService

        public void setService​(ServiceMeta service)
        Setter for service. The DataFlow service information of the deployment
      • getUpdated

        public Long getUpdated()
        Getter for updated. Timestamp of the last time the deployment was modified
      • setUpdated

        public void setUpdated​(Long updated)
        Setter for updated. Timestamp of the last time the deployment was modified
      • getClusterSize

        public String getClusterSize()
        Getter for clusterSize. The initial size of the deployment
      • setClusterSize

        public void setClusterSize​(String clusterSize)
        Setter for clusterSize. The initial size of the deployment
      • getFlowVersionCrn

        public String getFlowVersionCrn()
        Getter for flowVersionCrn. The deployment's current flow version CRN
      • setFlowVersionCrn

        public void setFlowVersionCrn​(String flowVersionCrn)
        Setter for flowVersionCrn. The deployment's current flow version CRN
      • getFlowCrn

        public String getFlowCrn()
        Getter for flowCrn. The deployment's current flow CRN
      • setFlowCrn

        public void setFlowCrn​(String flowCrn)
        Setter for flowCrn. The deployment's current flow CRN
      • getNifiUrl

        public String getNifiUrl()
        Getter for nifiUrl. The url to open the deployed flow in NiFi
      • setNifiUrl

        public void setNifiUrl​(String nifiUrl)
        Setter for nifiUrl. The url to open the deployed flow in NiFi
      • getAutoscaleMaxNodes

        public Integer getAutoscaleMaxNodes()
        Getter for autoscaleMaxNodes. The maximum number of nodes that the deployment can scale up to, or null if autoscaling is not enabled for this deployment
      • setAutoscaleMaxNodes

        public void setAutoscaleMaxNodes​(Integer autoscaleMaxNodes)
        Setter for autoscaleMaxNodes. The maximum number of nodes that the deployment can scale up to, or null if autoscaling is not enabled for this deployment
      • getFlowName

        public String getFlowName()
        Getter for flowName. The name of the flow
      • setFlowName

        public void setFlowName​(String flowName)
        Setter for flowName. The name of the flow
      • getFlowVersion

        public Integer getFlowVersion()
        Getter for flowVersion. The version of the flow
      • setFlowVersion

        public void setFlowVersion​(Integer flowVersion)
        Setter for flowVersion. The version of the flow
      • getCurrentNodeCount

        public Integer getCurrentNodeCount()
        Getter for currentNodeCount. The current node count
      • setCurrentNodeCount

        public void setCurrentNodeCount​(Integer currentNodeCount)
        Setter for currentNodeCount. The current node count
      • getDeployedByCrn

        public String getDeployedByCrn()
        Getter for deployedByCrn. The actor CRN of the person who deployed the flow
      • setDeployedByCrn

        public void setDeployedByCrn​(String deployedByCrn)
        Setter for deployedByCrn. The actor CRN of the person who deployed the flow
      • getDeployedByName

        public String getDeployedByName()
        Getter for deployedByName. The name of the person who deployed the flow
      • setDeployedByName

        public void setDeployedByName​(String deployedByName)
        Setter for deployedByName. The name of the person who deployed the flow
      • getAutoscalingEnabled

        public Boolean getAutoscalingEnabled()
        Getter for autoscalingEnabled. Whether or not to autoscale the deployment.
      • setAutoscalingEnabled

        public void setAutoscalingEnabled​(Boolean autoscalingEnabled)
        Setter for autoscalingEnabled. Whether or not to autoscale the deployment.
      • getAutoscaleMinNodes

        public Integer getAutoscaleMinNodes()
        Getter for autoscaleMinNodes. The minimum number of nodes that the deployment will allocate. May only be specified when autoscalingEnabled is true.
      • setAutoscaleMinNodes

        public void setAutoscaleMinNodes​(Integer autoscaleMinNodes)
        Setter for autoscaleMinNodes. The minimum number of nodes that the deployment will allocate. May only be specified when autoscalingEnabled is true.
      • getActiveInfoAlertCount

        public Long getActiveInfoAlertCount()
        Getter for activeInfoAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an info
      • setActiveInfoAlertCount

        public void setActiveInfoAlertCount​(Long activeInfoAlertCount)
        Setter for activeInfoAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an info
      • getActiveWarningAlertCount

        public Long getActiveWarningAlertCount()
        Getter for activeWarningAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as a warning
      • setActiveWarningAlertCount

        public void setActiveWarningAlertCount​(Long activeWarningAlertCount)
        Setter for activeWarningAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as a warning
      • getActiveErrorAlertCount

        public Long getActiveErrorAlertCount()
        Getter for activeErrorAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an error
      • setActiveErrorAlertCount

        public void setActiveErrorAlertCount​(Long activeErrorAlertCount)
        Setter for activeErrorAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an error
      • getStaticNodeCount

        public Integer getStaticNodeCount()
        Getter for staticNodeCount. The static number of nodes that the deployment will allocate. May only be specified when autoscalingEnabled is false.
      • setStaticNodeCount

        public void setStaticNodeCount​(Integer staticNodeCount)
        Setter for staticNodeCount. The static number of nodes that the deployment will allocate. May only be specified when autoscalingEnabled is false.
      • getDfxLocalUrl

        public String getDfxLocalUrl()
        Getter for dfxLocalUrl. Base URL to the dfx-local instance running this deployment
      • setDfxLocalUrl

        public void setDfxLocalUrl​(String dfxLocalUrl)
        Setter for dfxLocalUrl. Base URL to the dfx-local instance running this deployment
      • getLastUpdatedByName

        public String getLastUpdatedByName()
        Getter for lastUpdatedByName. The name of the person who last updated the deployment
      • setLastUpdatedByName

        public void setLastUpdatedByName​(String lastUpdatedByName)
        Setter for lastUpdatedByName. The name of the person who last updated the deployment
      • getConfigurationVersion

        public Long getConfigurationVersion()
        Getter for configurationVersion. The version of the configuration for this deployment
      • setConfigurationVersion

        public void setConfigurationVersion​(Long configurationVersion)
        Setter for configurationVersion. The version of the configuration for this deployment
      • getCfmNifiVersion

        public String getCfmNifiVersion()
        Getter for cfmNifiVersion. The version of NiFi being used by this deployment.
      • setCfmNifiVersion

        public void setCfmNifiVersion​(String cfmNifiVersion)
        Setter for cfmNifiVersion. The version of NiFi being used by this deployment.
      • getFlowMetricsScalingEnabled

        public Boolean getFlowMetricsScalingEnabled()
        Getter for flowMetricsScalingEnabled. Whether or not to use Flow metrics to scale the deployment. May only be specified when autscalingEnabled is true.
      • setFlowMetricsScalingEnabled

        public void setFlowMetricsScalingEnabled​(Boolean flowMetricsScalingEnabled)
        Setter for flowMetricsScalingEnabled. Whether or not to use Flow metrics to scale the deployment. May only be specified when autscalingEnabled is true.
      • getProject

        public ProjectMeta getProject()
        Getter for project. The project information of the deployment
      • setProject

        public void setProject​(ProjectMeta project)
        Setter for project. The project information of the deployment
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object