Class CustomConfigurationProperty

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CustomConfigurationProperty
    extends Object
    Information about Custom Configuration Property.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CustomConfigurationProperty

        public CustomConfigurationProperty()
    • Method Detail

      • getConfigName

        public String getConfigName()
        Getter for configName. The name of the custom configuration property.
      • setConfigName

        public void setConfigName​(String configName)
        Setter for configName. The name of the custom configuration property.
      • getConfigValue

        public String getConfigValue()
        Getter for configValue. The value of the custom configuration property.
      • setConfigValue

        public void setConfigValue​(String configValue)
        Setter for configValue. The value of the custom configuration property.
      • getServiceType

        public String getServiceType()
        Getter for serviceType. The service under which the custom configuration property belongs.
      • setServiceType

        public void setServiceType​(String serviceType)
        Setter for serviceType. The service under which the custom configuration property belongs.
      • getRoleType

        public String getRoleType()
        Getter for roleType. The role within the service type.
      • setRoleType

        public void setRoleType​(String roleType)
        Setter for roleType. The role within the service type.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object