Class RpcDeploymentArchiveMetadata

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class RpcDeploymentArchiveMetadata
    extends Object
    Provides the metadata about deployment exported archive
    • Constructor Detail

      • RpcDeploymentArchiveMetadata

        public RpcDeploymentArchiveMetadata()
    • Method Detail

      • getWorkloadVersion

        public String getWorkloadVersion()
        Getter for workloadVersion. The version of workload when deployment configuration is exported.
      • setWorkloadVersion

        public void setWorkloadVersion​(String workloadVersion)
        Setter for workloadVersion. The version of workload when deployment configuration is exported.
      • getDeploymentName

        public String getDeploymentName()
        Getter for deploymentName. The name of the deployment
      • setDeploymentName

        public void setDeploymentName​(String deploymentName)
        Setter for deploymentName. The name of the deployment
      • getFlowName

        public String getFlowName()
        Getter for flowName. The name of the flow
      • setFlowName

        public void setFlowName​(String flowName)
        Setter for flowName. The name of the flow
      • getArchiveName

        public String getArchiveName()
        Getter for archiveName. The name of the exported deployment archive
      • setArchiveName

        public void setArchiveName​(String archiveName)
        Setter for archiveName. The name of the exported deployment archive
      • getModifiedTime

        public Long getModifiedTime()
        Getter for modifiedTime. The time when the deployment archive is created or modified
      • setModifiedTime

        public void setModifiedTime​(Long modifiedTime)
        Setter for modifiedTime. The time when the deployment archive is created or modified
      • getArchiveDescription

        public String getArchiveDescription()
        Getter for archiveDescription. The description provided during deployment configuration export
      • setArchiveDescription

        public void setArchiveDescription​(String archiveDescription)
        Setter for archiveDescription. The description provided during deployment configuration export
      • getUploadTime

        public Long getUploadTime()
        Getter for uploadTime. The time when the deployment archive is uploaded to cloud
      • setUploadTime

        public void setUploadTime​(Long uploadTime)
        Setter for uploadTime. The time when the deployment archive is uploaded to cloud
      • getProjectCrn

        public String getProjectCrn()
        Getter for projectCrn. The CRN of the project that exported deployment is assigned to.
      • setProjectCrn

        public void setProjectCrn​(String projectCrn)
        Setter for projectCrn. The CRN of the project that exported deployment is assigned to.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object