Class Network


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:40.736-08:00") public class Network extends Object
The network.
  • Constructor Details

    • Network

      public Network()
  • Method Details

    • getNetworkName

      public String getNetworkName()
      Getter for networkName. Name or id of the network
    • setNetworkName

      public void setNetworkName(String networkName)
      Setter for networkName. Name or id of the network
    • getSubnetIds

      public List<String> getSubnetIds()
      Getter for subnetIds. Subnet names or ids of the network.
    • setSubnetIds

      public void setSubnetIds(List<String> subnetIds)
      Setter for subnetIds. Subnet names or ids of the network.
    • getEndpointAccessGatewayScheme

      public String getEndpointAccessGatewayScheme()
      Getter for endpointAccessGatewayScheme. The scheme for the endpoint gateway. PUBLIC indicates an external endpoint that can be accessed over the Internet.
    • setEndpointAccessGatewayScheme

      public void setEndpointAccessGatewayScheme(String endpointAccessGatewayScheme)
      Setter for endpointAccessGatewayScheme. The scheme for the endpoint gateway. PUBLIC indicates an external endpoint that can be accessed over the Internet.
    • getEndpointAccessGatewaySubnetIds

      public List<String> getEndpointAccessGatewaySubnetIds()
      Getter for endpointAccessGatewaySubnetIds. The subnets to use for endpoint access gateway.
    • setEndpointAccessGatewaySubnetIds

      public void setEndpointAccessGatewaySubnetIds(List<String> endpointAccessGatewaySubnetIds)
      Setter for endpointAccessGatewaySubnetIds. The subnets to use for endpoint access gateway.
    • getAws

      public NetworkAwsParams getAws()
      Getter for aws. AWS network parameters.
    • setAws

      public void setAws(NetworkAwsParams aws)
      Setter for aws. AWS network parameters.
    • getAzure

      public NetworkAzureParams getAzure()
      Getter for azure. Azure network parameters.
    • setAzure

      public void setAzure(NetworkAzureParams azure)
      Setter for azure. Azure network parameters.
    • getGcp

      public NetworkGcpParams getGcp()
      Getter for gcp. GCP network parameters.
    • setGcp

      public void setGcp(NetworkGcpParams gcp)
      Setter for gcp. GCP network parameters.
    • getNetworkCidr

      public String getNetworkCidr()
      Getter for networkCidr. The range of private IPv4 addresses that resources will use under this network.
    • setNetworkCidr

      public void setNetworkCidr(String networkCidr)
      Setter for networkCidr. The range of private IPv4 addresses that resources will use under this network.
    • getSubnetMetadata

      public Map<String,CloudSubnet> getSubnetMetadata()
      Getter for subnetMetadata. Additional subnet metadata of the network.
    • setSubnetMetadata

      public void setSubnetMetadata(Map<String,CloudSubnet> subnetMetadata)
      Setter for subnetMetadata. Additional subnet metadata of the network.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object