Class UpdateProxyConfigRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class UpdateProxyConfigRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for updating the proxy config of the given environment.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateProxyConfigRequest

        public UpdateProxyConfigRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnvironment

        public String getEnvironment()
        Getter for environment. The name or CRN of the environment.
      • setEnvironment

        public void setEnvironment​(String environment)
        Setter for environment. The name or CRN of the environment.
      • getProxyConfigName

        public String getProxyConfigName()
        Getter for proxyConfigName. The name of the new proxy config for the environment. Either this or the remove proxy flag has to be given.
      • setProxyConfigName

        public void setProxyConfigName​(String proxyConfigName)
        Setter for proxyConfigName. The name of the new proxy config for the environment. Either this or the remove proxy flag has to be given.
      • getRemoveProxy

        public Boolean getRemoveProxy()
        Getter for removeProxy. Flag to indicate that the current proxy config should be removed for the environment. Either this or a proxy config name has to be given.
      • setRemoveProxy

        public void setRemoveProxy​(Boolean removeProxy)
        Setter for removeProxy. Flag to indicate that the current proxy config should be removed for the environment. Either this or a proxy config name has to be given.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object