Uses of Class
Packages that use BaseResponse
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.audit.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.audit.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response from archiving audit events.class
Response from creating batches of audit events for archiving.class
Response object for the ConfigureArchiving method.class
Response object for the GetArchivingConfig method.class
Information about a current archive process.class
Response from getting the status of creating batches of audit events to be archived.class
Response from listing events contained in a single archive batch.class
Response object for the ListEvents method.class
The response from listing outstanding archive batches.class
The response from listing recent archive runs.class
Response from marking archive batches as successful. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.client
Classes in com.cloudera.cdp.client with type parameters of type BaseResponseModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
CdpRequestContext<T extends BaseResponse>
CDP client context.Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.clientModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class used to encapsulate information returned from all CDP service responses.class
Methods in com.cloudera.cdp.client with type parameters of type BaseResponseModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context, List<Class<? extends CdpClientMiddleware>> extensions) protected <T extends BaseResponse>
(String operationName, String method, String path, List<Pair> queries, Map<String, String> headers, Object body,<T> returnType, List<Class<? extends CdpClientMiddleware>> extensions) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.cloudprivatelinks.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.cloudprivatelinks.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for the AuthorizePrivateLinkServicesAccess method.class
Response object for the CreatePrivateLinkEndpoint method.class
Response object for the DeletePrivateLinkEndpoint method.class
Response object for listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses method.class
Response object for the ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegion method.class
Response object for the RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccess method. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.compute.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.compute.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Create cluster response.class
Delete cluster response.class
Describe cluster response.class
Response structure for describing a deployment.class
List clusters response.class
Response structure to list deployments in the cluster.class
Response structure for resuming the compute clusterclass
Response structure for suspending the compute clusterclass
Response structure for upgrading a deployment.class
Validate cluster response.class
Pre-flight validation check response structure. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.consumption.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.consumption.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for ListComputeUsageRecords method. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.datacatalog.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.datacatalog.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Profiler launch operation response. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.datahub.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.datahub.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Configuration for Load Based Scalingclass
An individual AutoScale Policyclass
Autoscale configurationclass
Schedule for AutoScalingclass
Response object for cancel running Datahub diagnostics collections.class
Response object for collecting Datahub diagnostics.class
Response object for collecting DataHub diagnostics.class
The AutoScale rules for the cluster.class
Response object for create AWS cluster request.class
Response object for create AWS cluster request on GovCloud.class
Response object for create Azure cluster request.class
Response object for create cluster definition request.class
Response object for create cluster template request.class
The response object for create custom configurations request.class
Response object for create GCP cluster request.class
Response object for create recipe request.class
Response object for diagnostic collection details.class
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.class
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.class
Response object for DeleteAutoScalesRulesRequestclass
Response object for delete cluster definition request.class
Response object for delete cluster request.class
Response object for delete cluster templates request.class
The response object for the delete custom configurations request.class
Response object for instance deletion.class
Response object for delete recipe request.class
The response object which describes the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.class
Response object for describe cluster definition response.class
Response object for describe cluster request.class
Response object for describe cluster template request.class
The response object for the describe custom configurations request.class
Response object for describe recipe request.class
Response object for describe scaling activity request.class
Response object for getting host status.class
Response object to get service status.class
Response object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles.class
Response object for obtaining log descriptors.class
Response object from the VM type fetch operation.class
An object representing a single AutoScale history event for a DataHub cluster.class
An individual schedule based policyclass
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) response.class
The response object which describes the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.class
Response object for list cluster definition response.class
Response object for fetching cluster events request.class
Response object for list clusters request.class
Response object for list cluster templates request.class
The response object for the list custom configurations request.class
Response object for listing recent Datahub diagnostics collections.class
Response object for list recipes request.class
Response object for list scaling activities request.class
Response object for upgrade Data Hub request.class
Response object for renew certificate request, deprecated.class
Response object for renew public certificate request.class
Response object for repair cluster request.class
The response for replacing recipes.class
Response object for retry cluster request.class
Response object to rotate autotls certificates on datahub's hosts, deprecated.class
Response object to rotate ssl certificate a datahub.class
Response object to rotate private certificates on the hosts of Datahub.class
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on Data Hub instances (Deprecated).class
Response object for scale cluster request.class
The response object to set catalog for a DataHub request.class
Response object for start cluster request.class
The response object for Data Hub cluster vertical scaling.class
Response object to Data Hub database upgrade.class
Response object to start instances of a host group on Data Hub.class
Response object for stop cluster request.class
Response object to a stop instances of a host group on a Data Hub.class
Response object for sync cluster request.class
Datahub sync CM component versions response.class
The AutoScale rules for the cluster.class
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Hub cluster.class
Response object for updating Data Hub to AWS IMDSv1.class
Response object for updating Data Hub to AWS IMDSv2.class
Response object for upgrade datahub request. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.datalake.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.datalake.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object to a request made for backup of datalake.class
Response object to get the status of datalake backup status request.class
Response to the cancel backup request.class
Response object for cancel running Datalake diagnostics collections.class
Response to restore invalidation request.class
Response object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.class
Response object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.class
Response object for create AWS datalake request.class
Response object for creating AWS Data Lake request on GovCloud.class
Response object for create Azure datalake request.class
Response object for create GCP Data Lake request.class
Response object for diagnostic collection collection details.class
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.class
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.class
Response object for delete datalake request.class
Response object for obtaining Database Server details.class
Response object for describe datalake request.class
Response object for getting host status.class
Response object to get service status.class
Response object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles.class
Response object for obtaining log descriptors.class
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) response.class
Response object with the list of backup operations performed on a datalake.class
Response object for listing recent Datalake diagnostics collections.class
Response object for list datalakes request.class
Response object for list datalake runtime versions.class
Response object for prepare Data Lake upgrade request.class
Datalake recover response.class
Response object for renew certificate request, deprecated.class
Response object for renew public certificate request.class
Response object for repair datalake request.class
The response for replacing recipes.class
Datalake resize response.class
Response object to a request to perform restore of datalake.class
Response object with information on last restore operation on a datalake.class
Response object for retry datalake request.class
Response object to rotate autotls certificates on datalake's hosts, deprecated.class
Response object to rotate ssl certificate a datalake.class
Response object to rotate private certificates on datalake's hosts.class
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on DataLake instances (Deprecated).class
Data Lake horizontal scaling responseclass
The response object to set catalog for a DataLake request.class
Response object to Data Lake database upgrade.class
Response object of starting a datalake, deprecated.class
The response object for Data Lake vertical scaling.class
Response object of stopping a datalake, deprecated.class
Datalake sync CM component versions response.class
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Lake cluster.class
Response object for updating Data Lake to AWS IMDSv1.class
Response object for updating Data Lake to AWS IMDSv2.class
Response object for upgrade datalake request.class
AWS cloud storage validation response.class
Azure cloud storage validation response. -
Uses of BaseResponse in
Subclasses of BaseResponse in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object containing access control information for a Virtual Cluster.class
Instance group details for the All purpose Tier.class
Response object for Cancel Backup command.class
Response object containing chart value overrides.class
Response object for Create Backup command.class
Response object for CreateVc method.class
Response object for Delete Backup command.class
Response object for DeleteVc method.class
Response object for Describe Backup command.class
Response object for DescribeService method.class
DescribeVc response object.class
DisableService response object.class
Response object for EnableService request.class
Response object for the Get Backup Logs command.class
GetKubeconfig response object.class
Response object for the Get Service Init Logs command.class
Response object for GetUpgradeStatus request.class
Response object for List Backups command.class
Response object for ListServices method.class
ListVcs response object.class
Response object for Restore Service command.class
SMTP config response objectclass
Response object for UpdateService request.class
Response object for updateVc method.class
Response object for UpgradeService request. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.df.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.df.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for the AddReadyflow methodclass
A response to cancelling the deletion of a Projectclass
Response object for the CreateVersionTag method.class
A response to create a Projectclass
Response object for the DeleteAddedReadyflow methodclass
Response object for the DeleteFlow methodclass
Response object for the DeleteVersionTag method.class
A response to delete a Projectclass
Response object for the DescribeAddedReadyflow methodclass
A response to describe event details for developmentclass
A response to describe a deploymentclass
Response object for the DescribeFlow methodclass
A response to describe a Projectclass
Response object for the DescribeReadyflow methodclass
Response object for DescribeServiceEventDetailclass
Response object for the DescribeService method.class
Response object for DisableServiceclass
Response object for EnableServiceclass
Response object for the GetFlowVersion method.class
Response object for GetKubeconfig.class
The response for granting accessclass
Response object for ImportFlowDefinitionclass
Response object for ImportFlowDefinitionVersionclass
A response from initiating a deploymentclass
Response object for the ListDeployableServicesForNewDeploymentsRequest method.class
A response to list active alerts for deploymentclass
A response to list event history for deploymentclass
A response to list deployment KPIsclass
A response from listing deploymentsclass
A response to list deployment system metricsclass
Response object for ListDiagnostics.class
A response to list filter optionsclass
Response object for the ListFlowDefinitions method.class
Response object for the ListFlowDefinitionVersions method.class
Response object for the ListFlowVersionTags method.class
The response for retrieving notificationsclass
A response to list filter optionsclass
A response to list Projectsclass
Response object for the ListReadyflows method.class
Response object for ListServiceActiveAlertsclass
Response object for ListServiceEventsclass
Response object for the ListServices method.class
A response to list service system metricsclass
The response for listing the users that have access to a clusterclass
Response object for RenewCertificatesclass
Response object for ResetServiceclass
The response for revoking accessclass
Response object for StartGetDiagnosticsCollection.class
A response to describe a Projectclass
Response object for UpdateServiceclass
Response object for UpgradeService -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.dfworkload.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.dfworkload.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for aborting an asset update requestclass
Response object for aborting a deployment request.class
Response object for cancel change flow version of a deployment.class
Response object for cancelling a NiFi version update for a deployment.class
Response object for change flow version of a deployment.class
Response object for creating an asset update requestclass
Response for creating a custom NAR configuration.class
Response for creating a custom Python configuration.class
Response object from creating a deployment.class
Response object returned during Inbound Connection Endpoint creationclass
Response for creating a reporting task.class
Response object for deleting a custom NAR configuration.class
Response object for deleting a custom python configuration.class
Response object returned during deletion of an Inbound Connection Endpointclass
Response for deleting a reporting task.class
Response object that describes an Inbound Connection Endpointclass
Response object for exporting a deployment.class
Response object for retrieving a custom NAR configuration by CRN.class
Response object for retrieving a custom Python configuration by CRN.class
Response object for retrieving the default custom NAR configuration.class
Response object for retrieving deployment configuration metadata request.class
Response object for retrieving deployment configuration request.class
Response object for retrieving deployment request details request.class
Response object for importing deployment configuration.class
Response object that contains the client's certificate.class
Response object that contains the client's private key.class
Response for listing the deployment configuration backup archives.class
Response object that contains a list of Inbound Connection Endpointsclass
Response object for listing the supported NiFi versions.class
Response for listing the reporting tasks of a deployment.class
Response object from reassigning resources.class
Response object for Inbound Connection Endpoint certificate renewal requestclass
Response object for restarting a deployment request.class
Response object for resuming a deployment.class
Response object for starting the NiFi flow.class
Response object for stopping the NiFi flow.class
Response object for suspending a deployment.class
Response object for terminating a deployment request.class
Response object for transitioning the state of the NiFi flow.class
Response object for updating a custom NAR configuration.class
Response object for updating a custom Python configuration.class
Response object from updating a deployment.class
Response object for updating the NiFi version of a deployment.class
Response for uploading an asset.class
Response object for validating custom NAR configuration.class
Response object for validating custom Python configuration. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.drscp.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.drscp.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for the create backup request.class
Response object for the delete backup request.class
Request object for the describe backup request.class
Response object for the describe restore request.class
Response object for the get backup logs request.class
Response object for the list entities request.class
Response object for the list backups request.class
Response object for the list restores request.class
Response object for the restore backup request. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.dw.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.dw.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A CDP actor (user or machine user).class
Response object for the addUser method.class
Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse.class
Response object of the cluster AWS settings.class
Response object of the cluster Azure settings.class
Response object for the backupCluster method.class
Support lifecycle details of the given Cluster version (see version field).class
A Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.class
Response object for the createAwsCluster method.class
Response object for the createCluster method.class
Response object for the create backup request.class
Response object for the createClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.class
Response object for the createCluster method.class
Response object for the createDataVisualization method.class
Response object for the createDbcDiagnosticDataJob method.class
Response object for the createDbc method.class
Response object for the createPrivateCluster method.class
The response object for the createResourceTemplate method.class
Response object for the createVwDiagnosticDataJob method.class
Response object for the createVw method.class
Response object for the delete backup request.class
Response object for the deleteClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.class
Response object for the deleteCluster method.class
Response object for the deleteDataVisualization method.class
Response object for the deleteDbcDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.class
Response object for the deleteDbc method.class
The response object for the deleteResourceTemplate method.class
Response object for the deleteUser method.class
Response object for the deleteVwDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.class
Response object for the deleteVw method.class
Response object for the describeAllowedInstanceTypes method.class
Response object for the describe backup request.class
Response object for the describeClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.class
Response object for the describeCluster method.class
Response object for the describeConfigDiff method.class
Response object for the describeConfig method.class
Response object for the describeDataVisualization method.class
Response object for the describeDbcConfig method.class
Response object for the describeDbcDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.class
Response object for the describeDbc method.class
Response object for the describeKubeconfig method.class
Response object for the describe restore request.class
Response object for the describeServerSetting method.class
Response object for the describeVwConfig method.class
Response object for the describeVwDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.class
Response object for the describeVw method.class
Represents a Eventclass
Response object for the getDataVisualizationUpgradeVersion method.class
Response object for the get logs request.class
Response object for the getUpgradeDbcVersions method.class
Response object for the getUpgradeVwVersions method.class
Response object for the healthCheck method.class
Describes configurations for an executor group set.class
Describes executor group sets for workload aware autoscaling.class
Impala High Availability settings for a Virtual Warehouse.class
Impala specific settings.class
Response object for the list backup entities request.class
Response object for the list backups request.class
Response object for the listClusterDiagnosticDataJobs method.class
Response object for the listClusters method.class
Response object for the listDataVisualizations method.class
Response object for the listDbcConfigs method.class
Response object for the listDbcDiagnosticDataJobsRequest method.class
Response object for the listDbcEvents method.class
Response object for the listDbcs method.class
Response object for the listEvents method.class
Response object of the listLatestVersions call.class
The response object for the listResourceTemplates method.class
Response object for the list restores request.class
Response object for the listUsers method.class
Response object for the listVwConfigs method.class
Response object for the listVwDiagnosticDataJobsRequest method.class
Response object for the listVwEvents method.class
Response object for the listVws method.class
Configurations for Query Isolation.class
Response object for the rebuildDbc method.class
Response object for the rebuildVw method.class
Response object for the renewCertificates method.class
Response object for the resetServerSettings method.class
Resource template.class
Response object for the restartDbc method.class
Response object for the restartVw method.class
Response object for the restore backup request.class
Response object for the restoreCluster method.class
The response object for the startVw method.class
The response object for the suspendDbc method.class
The response object for the suspendVw method.class
A key/value pair attached to some resources.class
Response object for the updateCluster method.class
Response object for the updateDataVisualization method.class
Response object for the updateDbcConfig method.class
Response object for the updateDbc method.class
The response object for the updateResourceTemplate method.class
Response object for the updateServerSetting method.class
Response object for the updateSshKey method.class
Response object for the updateVwConfig method.class
Response object for the updateVw method.class
Response object for the upgradeDataVisualization method.class
Response object of the upgradeDbc call.class
Response object for the upgradeVw method. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.environments.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.environments.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Anonymization rule response object rule that is applied on logs that are sent to Cloudera.class
Response object for attaching recipes to FreeIPA.class
Response object for getting AWS credential prerequisites.class
Response object for getting Azure credential prerequisites.class
Response object for cancel running FreeIPA diagnostics collections.class
Response object for a change environment credentials request.class
Response object for checking Database connectivity.class
Response object to check connectivity to private cloud environment.class
Response object for checking Kubernetes connectivity.class
Response object for collecting FreeIPA diagnostics.class
Response object for a create AWS credential request.class
Response object for a create AWS environment request.class
Response object for a create AWS credential request for GovCloud.class
Response object for a create AWS GovCloud environment request.class
Response object for a create Azure credential request.class
Response object for a create Azure environment request.class
Response object for a create GCP credential request.class
Response object for a create GCP environment request.class
Response object for a create private cloud environment request.class
Response object for a create proxy config request.class
Response object for the granular policy for the given service or experience.class
The configured custom docker registry for data services.class
Response object for a delete audit credential request.class
Response object for a delete credential request.class
Response object for a delete environment request.class
Response object for a delete proxy config request.class
Response object for a describe environment request.class
Response object for detaching recipes from FreeIPA.class
The response object for FreeIPA downscale.class
Response object for diagnostic collection details.class
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.class
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.class
Response object for getting GCP credential prerequisites.class
Response object for get default account level telemetry settings.class
Response object for get account level telemetry settings.class
The audit credential prerequisites.class
Response object to retrieve current value of setting that controls automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.class
The credential prerequisites for AWS.class
Response object containing configuration settings.class
Response object for retrieving the user sync state of an environment.class
Response object for obtaining log descriptors.class
The overall status of the FreeIPA cluster.class
The response object with available FreeIPA upgrade candidates.class
The audit credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.class
The credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.class
Response object for getting ID Broker mappings for an environment.class
Response object for getting ID Broker mappings sync status.class
Request object for get keytab request.class
Response object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the environment resource.class
Response object for Repair Operation.class
Response object with base64 encoded contents of the public certificate for an environment.class
Information about FreeIPA image.class
Response object for an initialize AWS default compute cluster request.class
Response object for an initialize Azure default compute cluster request.class
Response object for Sync Operation.class
Response object for a list audit credentials request.class
Response object for listing connected Data Service(s) for a given environment.class
Response object for a list credentials request.class
Response object for a list environments request.class
Response object for listing recent FreeIPA diagnostics collections.class
Response object for a list proxy configs request.class
Response object for an FreeIPA repair request.class
Response object for retry FreeIPA operation on an environment.class
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on FreeIPA instances (Deprecated).class
Response object for set account level telemetry settings.class
Response object for a set AWS audit credential request.class
Response object for a set AWS GovCloud audit credential request.class
Response object for a set Azure audit credential request.class
The response object to set catalog for a FreeIPA request.class
Response object for set endpoint access gateway request.class
Response object to set configuration.class
Response object for a set GCP audit credential request.class
Response object for setting ID Broker mappings for an environment.class
Response object for set password request.class
Response object to enable environment level telemetry features.class
Response object for a start environment request.class
The response object for FreeIPA vertical scaling.class
Response object for a stop environment request.class
All Users and Groups Sync Response Objectclass
Response object for synchronizing ID Broker mappings for an environment.class
Response object for Sync Operation.class
Response Object for single user sync operation.class
Response object for testing anonymization rules for account telemetry.class
Response object for an update AWS credential request.class
Response object for an update AWS encryption parameters request.class
Response object for a update Azure Availability Zones request.class
Response object for an update Azure credential request.class
Response object for a update Azure Database resources request.class
Response object for a update Azure encryption resources request.class
Response object to enable or disable automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.class
The environment with the updated custom docker registry for data services.class
Response object for an update environment Data Service resource request.class
Response object for updating corresponding FreeIPA of the given environment to AWS IMDSv1.class
Response object for updating corresponding FreeIPA of the given environment to AWS IMDSv2.class
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the FreeIPA cluster.class
Response object for updating the proxy config of the given environment.class
Response object for an update environment security access request.class
Response object for an update environment SSH key request.class
Response object for an update environment subnet request.class
Response object for upgrading Cluster Connectivity Manager request on an environment.class
The response object for FreeIPA upgrade.class
The response object for FreeIPA upscale.class
Response object for AWS environment cloud storage validation.class
Response object for Azure environment cloud storage validation. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.extension
Methods in com.cloudera.cdp.extension with type parameters of type BaseResponseModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) <T extends BaseResponse>
(CdpRequestContext<T> context) -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.iam.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.iam.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for add machine user to group request.class
Response object for add ssh public key.class
Response object for an add user to group request.class
Response object for an assign group resource role request.class
Response object for an assign group role request.class
Response object for an assign machine user resource role request.class
Response object for an assign machine user role request.class
Response object for an assign user resource role request.class
Response object for an assign user role request.class
Response object for create group request.class
Response object for a create machine user access key request.class
Response object for create machine user request.class
Response object for a creating SAML provider request.class
Response object to create the SCIM access token.class
Response object for a create user access key request.class
Response object for a create user request.class
Response object for a delete access key request.class
Response object for delete group request.class
Response object for delete machine user request.class
Response object for delete SAML provider request.class
Response object to delete the SCIM access token.class
Response object for delete SSH public key.class
Response object to delete a user.class
Response object for a describe SAML request.class
Response object for describe user SSH public key.class
Response object for a disable Cloudera SSO login request.class
Response object for an enable Cloudera SSO login request.class
Response object for GenerateWorkloadAuthToken method.class
Response object for a get access key request.class
Response object for get account messages.class
Response object for a get account response.class
Response object to get the default identity provider.class
Response object for a get user request.class
Response object for a list access keys request.class
Response object for a list group assigned resource roles request.class
Response object for a list group assigned roles request.class
Response object for a list group members request.class
Response object for a list groups for machine user request.class
Response object for a list groups for user request.class
Response object for a list groups request.class
Response object for a list machine user assigned roles request.class
Response object for a list machine user assigned roles request.class
Response object for a list machine users request.class
Response object for a list resource assignees request.class
Response object for a list resource roles request.class
Response object for a list roles request.class
Response object for a list SAML providers request.class
Response object to list the SCIM access tokens.class
Response object for list SSH public key.class
Response object for a list user assigned roles request.class
Response object for a list user assigned roles request.class
Response object for a list users request.class
Response object for migrating users from old Identity Provider Connector to a new one.class
Response object for a remove machine user from group request.class
Response object for a remove user from group request.class
Response object for set account messages.class
Response object to set the default identity provider.class
Response object for a set workload password policy request.class
Response object for a set workload password request.class
Response object for an unassign group role request.class
Response object for an unassign group role request.class
Response object for an unassign machine user role request.class
Response object for an unassign machine user role request.class
Response object for an unassign user role request.class
Response object for an unassign user role request.class
Response object for unlocking the machine user in the CDP control plane.class
Response object for unlocking the user in the CDP control plane.class
Response object for an unset workload password minimum lifetime request.class
Response object for a unset workload password policy request.class
Response object for an update access key request.class
Response object for update group request.class
Response object for an updating SAML provider request.class
Response object to update a user. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.imagecatalog.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.imagecatalog.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The response object returned in case the custom image catalog has been successfully created.class
The response object returned in case of successful custom image catalog deletion.class
The response object returned in case the FreeIPA image has been successfully removed from the catalog.class
The response object returned in case the Cloudera Runtime image has been successfully removed from the catalog.class
The response object holding the retrieved data of a custom catalog.class
The response object holding the data of the image retrieved from the given custom catalog.class
The response object for holding data about an image retrieved from the default image catalog.class
The response object for holding data about an image retrieved from the default image catalog.class
Model holding detailed information about a custom VM image.class
The response object for the list of registered image catalogs.class
The response object holding data about the added or updated FreeIPA image.class
The response object holding data about the added or updated Cloudera Runtime image.class
Model holding information about a custom VM image and the cloud region it belongs to. -
Uses of BaseResponse in
Subclasses of BaseResponse in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for AddInstanceGroupsMlServingApp method.class
Response object for AddInstanceGroups.class
The response object for Cloudera AI workbench backup.class
Response object for the CreateMlServingApp method.class
Response for creating model registry request.class
Response object for the CreateWorkspace method.class
The response object for DeleteBackup operation.class
Response object for the DeleteInstanceGroupMlServingApp method.class
Response object for the DeleteInstanceGroup method.class
Response object for the DeleteMlServingApp method.class
Delete model registry response.class
Response object for the DeleteWorkspace method.class
Response object for the DescribeMlServingApp method.class
Response object for the DescribeModelRegistry method.class
Response object for the DescribeWorkspace method.class
GetAuditEventsResponse containes all the audit events for a given workbench crn.class
Response object for the GetKubeconfig method.class
Response object for GetLatestWorkspaceVersion.class
GetLogsResponse contains all the logs for a given request id.class
Response object for the GetMlServingAppKubeconfig method.class
GetModelRegistryKubeconfigResponse response provides model registry kube config.class
Response object for the GrantMlServingAppAccess method.class
Response object for the GrantModelRegistryAccess method.class
Response object for the GrantWorkspaceAccess method.class
Response object for the ListInstanceTypeConfiguration method.class
Response object for the ListMlServingAppAccess method.class
Response object for the ListMlServingApps method.class
List of all available model registries.class
Response object for the ListModelRegistryAccess method.class
Response object for the ListRelevantInstances method.class
Response object for the ListWorkspaceAccess method.class
Response object for ListWorkspaceBackups method.class
Response object for the ListWorkspaces method.class
Response object for ModifyClusterInstanceGroup.class
Response object for ModifyClusterSecurity.class
Response object for ModifyMlServingApp method.class
Response object for ModifyWorkspaceLoadBalancer.class
Response for refreshing workbench's model registry configmap.class
Response object for RequestWorkflowCancellation.class
Response object for the RestoreWorkspace method.class
Response object for ResumeWorkspace.class
Response object for the RevokeMlServingAppAccess method.class
Response object for the RevokeModelRegistryAccess method.class
Response object for the RevokeWorkspaceAccess method.class
Response for rollback model registry request.class
Response object for SuspendWorkspace.class
Response object for the UpgradeMlServingApp method.class
Response for upgrading model registry.class
Response object for the UpgradeWorkspace method. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.opdb.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.opdb.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Information about diagnostic bundle generationclass
A response which gives status of the database creationclass
Create Snapshot Response.class
Response object of the DeleteSnapshot method.class
A response with client API connectivity to a database.class
Details of the database.class
Response with upgrade availability of CDP Runtime and Operating System for a database.class
A response which gives status of the database deletionclass
A list of databases in responseclass
The list of in-progress diagnostic bundle operationsclass
Show Restore Snapshots Response.class
Show Snapshots Response.class
A response which contains a list of available environmentsclass
Response object for the RestoreSnapshot method.class
A response from starting the database.class
A response from stopping the database.class
A response to database update requestclass
Response with the reason whether upgrade request is accepted or why it is not possible. -
Uses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.replicationmanager.model
Subclasses of BaseResponse in com.cloudera.cdp.replicationmanager.modelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Response object for activateHbasePolicy.class
Response object for resumePolicy.class
Response object for collect-diagnostic-bundle.class
Response object for continueHbaseSetup.class
Response object for creating ABFS credentials.class
Response object for creating AWS credentials.class
Response object for createHbasePolicy.class
Response object for createPolicy.class
Response object for cloud credentials.class
Response object for delete credential operation.class
Response object for deleteHbasePolicy.class
Response object for deletePolicy.class
Response object for download-diagnostic-bundle.class
Response object for getClusterConfig.class
Response object for get command status.class
Response for credential request.class
Response object for list credentials request.class
Response object for listing of cluster statuses.class
Response object for list clusters request.class
Response object for listPairedHbaseClusters.class
Response object for a list policies request.class
Policy execution details.class
Response object for suspendHbasePolicy.class
Response object for suspendPolicy.class
Response object for updateHbasePolicy.class
Response object for verifyHbaseClusterPair.