Package com.cloudera.cdp.cloudprivatelinks.model
package com.cloudera.cdp.cloudprivatelinks.model
ClassesClassDescriptionRequest object for the AuthorizePrivateLinkServicesAccess method.Response object for the AuthorizePrivateLinkServicesAccess method.Authorization response containing PrivateLink service name, service component and its authorization status.Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to create the PrivateLink endpoint.Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to delete the PrivateLink endpoint.Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to create the PrivateLink endpoint.Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to delete the PrivateLink endpoint.Azure client secret credential, either this or credential CRN should be passed.Request object for the CreatePrivateLinkEndpoint method.Response object for the CreatePrivateLinkEndpoint method.Customer cross account role details.Request object for the DeletePrivateLinkEndpoint method.Response object for the DeletePrivateLinkEndpoint method.An object returned on an error.Request object for listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses method.Response object for listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses method.Request object for the ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegion method.Response object for the ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegion method.Response object containing PL service name and CDP service component.Details of the PrivateLink endpoints.Request object for the RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccess method.Response object for the RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccess method.Revoke response containing PrivateLink service name, service component and its revocation status.