
Model for a configuration parameter. When an entry's value property is not available, it means the entry is not configured. This means that the default value for the entry, if any, will be used. Setting a value to null also can be used to unset any previously set value for the parameter, reverting to the default value (if any).


property type description
name name (string) Readonly. The canonical name that identifies this configuration parameter.
value value (string) The user-defined value. When absent, the default value (if any) will be used.
required required (boolean) Readonly. Requires "full" view. Whether this configuration is required for the object. If any required configuration is not set, operations on the object may not work.
default default (string) Readonly. Requires "full" view. The default value.
displayName displayName (string) Readonly. Requires "full" view. A user-friendly name of the parameters, as would have been shown in the web UI.
description description (string) Readonly. Requires "full" view. A textual description of the parameter.
relatedName relatedName (string) Readonly. Requires "full" view. If applicable, contains the related configuration variable used by the source project.
validationState validationState (validationState) Readonly. Requires "full" view. State of the configuration parameter after validation.
validationMessage validationMessage (string) Readonly. Requires "full" view. A message explaining the parameter's validation state.