Uses of Class

Packages that use ApiRoleRef
com.cloudera.api.model Java models of the underlying API JSON objects, with JAX-B annotations. 

Uses of ApiRoleRef in com.cloudera.api.model

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model that return ApiRoleRef
 ApiRoleRef ApiNameservice.getActive()
          Reference to the active NameNode.
 ApiRoleRef ApiNameservice.getActiveFailoverController()
          Reference to the active NameNode's failover controller, if configured.
 ApiRoleRef ApiParcelUsageRole.getRoleRef()
          A reference to the corresponding Role object.
 ApiRoleRef ApiCommand.getRoleRef()
          Reference to the role (for role commands only).
 ApiRoleRef ApiNameservice.getSecondary()
          Reference to the SecondaryNameNode.
 ApiRoleRef ApiNameservice.getStandBy()
          Reference to the stand-by NameNode.
 ApiRoleRef ApiNameservice.getStandByFailoverController()
          Reference to the stand-by NameNode's failover controller, if configured.

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model that return types with arguments of type ApiRoleRef
 List<ApiRoleRef> ApiHost.getRoleRefs()

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model with parameters of type ApiRoleRef
 void ApiNameservice.setActive(ApiRoleRef active)
 void ApiNameservice.setActiveFailoverController(ApiRoleRef activeFailoverController)
 void ApiParcelUsageRole.setRoleRef(ApiRoleRef roleRef)
 void ApiCommand.setRoleRef(ApiRoleRef roleRef)
 void ApiNameservice.setSecondary(ApiRoleRef secondary)
 void ApiNameservice.setStandBy(ApiRoleRef standBy)
 void ApiNameservice.setStandByFailoverController(ApiRoleRef standByFailoverController)

Method parameters in com.cloudera.api.model with type arguments of type ApiRoleRef
 void ApiHost.setRoleRefs(List<ApiRoleRef> roleRefs)

Constructors in com.cloudera.api.model with parameters of type ApiRoleRef
ApiCommand(Long id, String name, Date startTime, Date endTime, boolean active, Boolean success, String resultMessage, String resultDataUrl, ApiClusterRef clusterRef, ApiServiceRef serviceRef, ApiRoleRef roleRef, ApiHostRef hostRef, ApiCommandList children, ApiCommand parent, Boolean canRetry)
ApiNameservice(String name, ApiRoleRef active, ApiRoleRef activeFC, ApiRoleRef standBy, ApiRoleRef standByFC, ApiRoleRef secondary, List<String> mountPoints)

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