Uses of Class

Packages that use ApiCommand
com.cloudera.api.model Java models of the underlying API JSON objects, with JAX-B annotations. 
com.cloudera.api.v1 API version 1, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v10 API version 10, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.4.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v11 API version 11, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.5.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v12 API version 12, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.7.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v13 API version 13, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.8.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v14 API version 14, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.9.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v15 API version 15, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.10.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v16 API version 16, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.11.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v17 API version 17, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.12.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v18 API version 18, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.13.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v19 API version 19, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.14.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v2 API version 2, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.1. 
com.cloudera.api.v3 API version 3, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.5. 
com.cloudera.api.v4 API version 4, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.6. 
com.cloudera.api.v6 API version 6, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.0.0-beta-1. 
com.cloudera.api.v7 API version 7, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.1.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v8 API version 8, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.2.0. 
com.cloudera.api.v9 API version 9, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.3.0. 

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.model

Subclasses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.model
 class ApiReplicationCommand
          Information about a replication command.
 class ApiSnapshotCommand
          Information about snapshot commands.

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ApiCommand.getParent()
          Reference to the parent command, if any.

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model that return types with arguments of type ApiCommand
 List<ApiCommand> ApiCommandList.getCommands()

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model with parameters of type ApiCommand
 void ApiCommand.setParent(ApiCommand parent)

Method parameters in com.cloudera.api.model with type arguments of type ApiCommand
 void ApiCommandList.setCommands(List<ApiCommand> commands)

Constructors in com.cloudera.api.model with parameters of type ApiCommand
ApiCommand(Long id, String name, Date startTime, Date endTime, boolean active, Boolean success, String resultMessage, String resultDataUrl, ApiClusterRef clusterRef, ApiServiceRef serviceRef, ApiRoleRef roleRef, ApiHostRef hostRef, ApiCommandList children, ApiCommand parent, Boolean canRetry)

Constructor parameters in com.cloudera.api.model with type arguments of type ApiCommand
ApiCommandList(List<ApiCommand> commands)

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v1

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v1 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand CommandsResource.abortCommand(long commandId)
          Abort a running command.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResource.collectDiagnosticDataCommand(ApiCollectDiagnosticDataArguments args)
          Collect diagnostic data from hosts managed by Cloudera Manager.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.createBeeswaxWarehouseCommand(String serviceName)
          Deprecated. Use hiveCreateHiveWarehouse on the Hive service instead. Deprecated since V4.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.createHBaseRootCommand(String serviceName)
          Creates the root directory of an HBase service.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.decommissionCommand(String serviceName, ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
          Decommission roles of a service.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.deployClientConfigCommand(String serviceName, ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
          Deploy a service's client configuration.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResource.generateCredentialsCommand()
          Generate missing Kerberos credentials.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.hdfsDisableAutoFailoverCommand(String serviceName, String nameservice)
          Deprecated. This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsDisableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.hdfsDisableHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiHdfsDisableHaArguments args)
          Deprecated. This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsDisableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.hdfsEnableAutoFailoverCommand(String serviceName, ApiHdfsFailoverArguments args)
          Deprecated. This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsEnableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.hdfsEnableHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiHdfsHaArguments args)
          Deprecated. This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsEnableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.hdfsFailoverCommand(String serviceName, boolean force, ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
          Initiate a failover in an HDFS HA NameNode pair.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResource.inspectHostsCommand()
          Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts.
 ApiCommand CommandsResource.readCommand(long commandId)
          Retrieve detailed information on an asynchronous command.
 ApiCommand MgmtServiceResource.restartCommand()
          Restart the Cloudera Management Services.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.restartCommand(String serviceName)
          Restart the service.
 ApiCommand ClustersResource.restartCommand(String clusterName)
          Restart all services in the cluster.
 ApiCommand MgmtServiceResource.startCommand()
          Start the Cloudera Management Services.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.startCommand(String serviceName)
          Start the service.
 ApiCommand ClustersResource.startCommand(String clusterName)
          Start all services in the cluster.
 ApiCommand MgmtServiceResource.stopCommand()
          Stop the Cloudera Management Services.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.stopCommand(String serviceName)
          Stop the service.
 ApiCommand ClustersResource.stopCommand(String clusterName)
          Stop all services in the cluster.
 ApiCommand ClustersResource.upgradeServicesCommand(String clusterName)
          Deprecated. This endpoint should not used in Cloudera Manager 5 or later. Use the upgradeCdh endpoint on the cluster instead.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.zooKeeperCleanupCommand(String serviceName)
          Clean up all running server instances of a ZooKeeper service.
 ApiCommand ServicesResource.zooKeeperInitCommand(String serviceName)
          Initializes all the server instances of a ZooKeeper service.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v10

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v10 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV10.hueDumpDbCommand(String serviceName)
          Runs Hue's dumpdata command.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV10.hueLoadDbCommand(String serviceName)
          Runs Hue's loaddata command.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV10.hueSyncDbCommand(String serviceName)
          Runs Hue's syncdb command.
 ApiCommand HostsResourceV10.migrateRoles(String hostId, ApiMigrateRolesArguments args)
          Migrate roles to a different host.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV10.oozieCreateEmbeddedDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Oozie Server Database.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV10.rollingUpgrade(String clusterName, ApiRollingUpgradeServicesArgs args)
          Command to do a rolling upgrade of specific services in the given cluster This command does not handle any services that don't support rolling upgrades.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV10.sqoopCreateDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Sqoop2 Server Database tables.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v11

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v11 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ReplicationsResourceV11.collectDiagnosticData(long scheduleId, ApiReplicationDiagnosticsCollectionArgs replicationCollectionArgs, DataView view)
          Collect diagnostic data for a schedule, optionally for a subset of commands on that schedule, matched by schedule ID.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV11.configureForKerberos(String clusterName, ApiConfigureForKerberosArguments args)
          Command to configure the cluster to use Kerberos for authentication.
 ApiCommand CommandsResourceV11.retry(long commandId)
          Try to rerun a command.
 ApiCommand CmPeersResourceV11.testPeer(String peerName, ApiCmPeerType peerType)
          Test the connectivity of a peer.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v12

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v12 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV12.importClusterTemplate(ApiClusterTemplate apiClusterTemplate, boolean addRepositories)
          Create cluster as per the given cluster template

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v13

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v13 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV13.createYarnCmContainerUsageInputDirCommand(String serviceName)
          Creates the HDFS directory where YARN container usage metrics are stored by NodeManagers for CM to read and aggregate into app usage metrics.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v14

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v14 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV14.oozieDumpDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
          Dump the Oozie Server Database.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV14.oozieLoadDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
          Load the Oozie Server Database from dump.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v15

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v15 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV15.hostsRecommissionWithStartCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
          Recommission the given hosts.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV15.recommissionWithStartCommand(String serviceName, ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
          Start and recommission roles of a service.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v16

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v16 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ExternalAccountsResourceV16.externalAccountCommandByName(String name, String commandName)
          Executes a command on the external account specified by name.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV16.refreshParcelRepos()
           Submit a command to refresh parcels information.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v17

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v17 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV17.deleteCredentialsCommand()
          Delete existing Kerberos credentials.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV17.hiveValidateMetastoreSchemaCommand(String serviceName)
          Validate the Hive Metastore Schema.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV17.hostsOfflineOrDecommissionCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList, Long offlineTimeout)
          Decommission the given hosts.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV17.offlineCommand(String serviceName, ApiRoleNameList roleNames, Long timeout)
          Offline roles of a service.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v18

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v18 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV18.deleteClusterCredentialsCommand(String clusterName)
          Delete existing Kerberos credentials for the cluster.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV18.deleteCredentialsCommand(String mode)
          Delete existing Kerberos credentials.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV18.disableSentryHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiDisableSentryHaArgs args)
          Disable high availability (HA) for Sentry service.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV18.enableSentryHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableSentryHaArgs args)
          Enable high availability (HA) for Sentry service.
 ApiCommand MgmtServiceResourceV18.enterMaintenanceMode()
          Put Cloudera Management Service into maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand MgmtRolesResourceV18.enterMaintenanceMode(String roleName)
          Put the Cloudera Management Service role into maintenance mode.This is a synchronous command.
 ApiCommand MgmtServiceResourceV18.exitMaintenanceMode()
          Take Cloudera Management Service out of maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand MgmtRolesResourceV18.exitMaintenanceMode(String roleName)
          Take the Cloudera Management Service role out of maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand ReplicationsResourceV18.runCopyListing(String cmdArgs)
          Run the hdfs copy listing command

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v19

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v19 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV19.hostsRecommissionAndExitMaintenanceModeCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList, ApiHostRecommissionType recommissionType)
          Recommission and exit maintenance on the given hosts.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v2

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v2 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV2.createOozieDb(String serviceName)
          Creates the Oozie Database Schema in the configured database.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV2.deployClientConfig(String clusterName)
          Deploy the cluster-wide client configuration.
 ApiCommand RolesResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String roleName)
          Put the role into maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String clusterName)
          Put the cluster into maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String serviceName)
          Put the service into maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand HostsResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String hostId)
          Put the host into maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand RolesResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String roleName)
          Take the role out of maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String clusterName)
          Take the cluster out of maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String serviceName)
          Take the service out of maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand HostsResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String hostId)
          Take the host out of maintenance mode.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV2.hdfsCreateTmpDir(String serviceName)
          Creates a tmp directory on the HDFS filesystem.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV2.hostsDecommissionCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
          Decommission the given hosts.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV2.hostsRecommissionCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
          Recommission the given hosts.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV2.hostsStartRolesCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
          Start all the roles on the given hosts.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV2.recommissionCommand(String serviceName, ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
          Recommission roles of a service.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v3

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v3 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.activateCommand()
          A synchronous command that activates the parcel on the cluster.
 ApiCommand HostTemplatesResource.applyHostTemplate(String hostTemplateName, ApiHostRefList hosts, boolean startRoles)
          Applies a host template to a collection of hosts.
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.cancelDistributionCommand()
          A synchronous command that cancels the parcel distribution.
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.cancelDownloadCommand()
          A synchronous command that cancels the parcel download.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV3.createHiveWarehouseCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Hive warehouse directory, on Hive services.
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.deactivateCommand()
          A synchronous command that deactivates the parcel on the cluster.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV3.hdfsRollEditsCommand(String serviceName, ApiRollEditsArgs rollEditsArgs)
          Roll the edits of an HDFS NameNode or Nameservice.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV3.hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Hive Metastore Database tables.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV3.installOozieShareLib(String serviceName)
          Creates directory for Oozie user in HDFS and installs the ShareLib in it.
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.removeDownloadCommand()
          A synchronous command that removes the downloaded parcel.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV3.rollingRestart(String serviceName, ApiRollingRestartArgs args)
          Command to run rolling restart of roles in a service.
 ApiCommand ReplicationsResource.runSchedule(long scheduleId, boolean dryRun)
          Run the schedule immediately.
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.startDistributionCommand()
          A synchronous command that starts the distribution of the parcel to the cluster.
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.startDownloadCommand()
          A synchronous command that starts the parcel download.
 ApiCommand ParcelResource.startRemovalOfDistributionCommand()
          A synchronous command that removes the distribution from the hosts in the cluster.
 ApiCommand CmPeersResource.testPeer(String peerName)
          Test the connectivity of a peer.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v4

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v4 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.createHiveUserDirCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Hive user directory
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.createSolrHdfsHomeDirCommand(String serviceName)
          Creates the home directory of a Solr service in HDFS.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.createSqoopUserDirCommand(String serviceName)
          Creates the user directory of a Sqoop service in HDFS.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.disableJtHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiDisableJtHaArguments args)
          Disable high availability (HA) for JobTracker.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.enableJtHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableJtHaArguments args)
          Enable high availability (HA) for a JobTracker.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Hive Metastore Database.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.hiveUpdateMetastoreNamenodesCommand(String serviceName)
          Update Hive Metastore to point to a NameNode's Nameservice name instead of hostname.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV4.initSolrCommand(String serviceName)
          Initializes the Solr service in Zookeeper.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV4.rollingRestart(String clusterName, ApiRollingRestartClusterArgs args)
          Command to do a "best-effort" rolling restart of the given cluster, i.e.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v6

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v6 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.createImpalaUserDirCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Impala user directory
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.createYarnJobHistoryDirCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Yarn job history directory
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.createYarnNodeManagerRemoteAppLogDirCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Yarn NodeManager remote application log directory
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.disableOozieHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiDisableOozieHaArguments args)
          Disable high availability (HA) for Oozie.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.disableRmHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiDisableRmHaArguments args)
          Disable high availability (HA) for ResourceManager.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.enableOozieHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableOozieHaArguments args)
          Enable high availability (HA) for Oozie service.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.enableRmHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableRmHaArguments args)
          Enable high availability (HA) for a YARN ResourceManager.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.hbaseUpgradeCommand(String serviceName)
          Upgrade HBase data in HDFS and ZooKeeper as part of upgrade from CDH4 to CDH5.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.hdfsDisableNnHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiDisableNnHaArguments args)
          Disable High Availability (HA) with Automatic Failover for an HDFS NameNode.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.hdfsEnableNnHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableNnHaArguments args)
          Enable High Availability (HA) with Automatic Failover for an HDFS NameNode.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.hdfsUpgradeMetadataCommand(String serviceName)
          Upgrade HDFS Metadata as part of a major version upgrade.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.hiveUpgradeMetastoreCommand(String serviceName)
          Upgrade Hive Metastore as part of a major version upgrade.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV6.hostInstallCommand(ApiHostInstallArguments hostInstall)
          Perform installation on a set of hosts.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
          Not needed in CM 5.0.0 Release, since Impala Catalog Database is not yet available in CDH as of this release. Create the Impala Catalog Database.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
          Not needed in CM 5.0.0 Release, since Impala Catalog Database is not yet available in CDH as of this release. Create the Impala Catalog Database tables.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.importMrConfigsIntoYarn(String serviceName)
          Import MapReduce configuration into Yarn, overwriting Yarn configuration.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.oozieUpgradeDbCommand(String serviceName)
          Upgrade Oozie Database schema as part of a major version upgrade.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV6.poolsRefresh(String clusterName)
          Updates all refreshable configuration files for services with Dynamic Resource Pools.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV6.refresh(String clusterName)
          Updates all refreshable configuration files in the cluster.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV6.restartCommand(String clusterName, ApiRestartClusterArgs args)
          Restart all services in the cluster.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.serviceCommandByName(String serviceName, String commandName)
          Executes a command on the service specified by name.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.sqoopUpgradeDbCommand(String serviceName)
          Upgrade Sqoop Database schema as part of a major version upgrade.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV6.switchToMr2(String serviceName)
          Change the cluster to use MR2 instead of MR1.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV6.upgradeCdhCommand(String clusterName, ApiCdhUpgradeArgs args)
          Perform CDH upgrade to the next major version.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v7

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v7 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV7.deployClusterClientConfig(String clusterName, ApiHostRefList hosts)
          Deploy the Cluster's Kerberos client configuration.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV7.firstRun(String serviceName)
          Prepare and start a service.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV7.firstRun(String clusterName)
          Prepare and start services in a cluster.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV7.importAdminCredentials(String username, String password)
          Imports the KDC Account Manager credentials needed by Cloudera Manager to create kerberos principals needed by CDH services.
 ApiCommand ClouderaManagerResourceV7.importKerberosPrincipal(String principal, String password, Long kvno)
          Imports the Kerberos credentials for the specified principal which can then be used to add to a role's keytab by running Generate Credentials command.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV7.sentryCreateDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Sentry Server Database.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV7.sentryCreateDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
          Create the Sentry Server Database tables.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v8

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v8 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.collectYarnApplicationDiagnostics(String serviceName, ApiYarnApplicationDiagnosticsCollectionArgs args)
          Collect the Diagnostics data for Yarn applications
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.disableLlamaHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiDisableLlamaHaArguments args)
          Disable high availability (HA) for an Impala Llama ApplicationMaster.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.disableLlamaRmCommand(String serviceName)
          Disable Llama-based resource management for Impala.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.enableLlamaHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableLlamaHaArguments args)
          Enable high availability (HA) for an Impala Llama ApplicationMaster.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.enableLlamaRmCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableLlamaRmArguments args)
          Enable Llama-based resource management for Impala.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.hdfsFinalizeRollingUpgrade(String serviceName)
          Finalizes the rolling upgrade for HDFS by updating the NameNode metadata permanently to the next version.
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV8.inspectHostsCommand(String clusterName)
          Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts in the specified cluster.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.sentryUpgradeDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
          Upgrade the Sentry Server Database tables.
 ApiCommand ServicesResourceV8.yarnFormatStateStore(String serviceName)
          Formats the state store in ZooKeeper used for Resource Manager High Availability.

Uses of ApiCommand in com.cloudera.api.v9

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v9 that return ApiCommand
 ApiCommand ClustersResourceV9.upgradeCdhCommand(String clusterName, ApiCdhUpgradeArgs args)
          Perform CDH upgrade to the specified version.

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