Uses of Class

Packages that use ApiCmPeerType
com.cloudera.api.model Java models of the underlying API JSON objects, with JAX-B annotations. 
com.cloudera.api.v11 API version 11, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.5.0. 

Uses of ApiCmPeerType in com.cloudera.api.model

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model that return ApiCmPeerType
 ApiCmPeerType ApiCmPeer.getType()
          The type of the remote CM instance.
static ApiCmPeerType ApiCmPeerType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ApiCmPeerType[] ApiCmPeerType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in com.cloudera.api.model with parameters of type ApiCmPeerType
 void ApiCmPeer.setType(ApiCmPeerType type)

Uses of ApiCmPeerType in com.cloudera.api.v11

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v11 with parameters of type ApiCmPeerType
 ApiCmPeer CmPeersResourceV11.deletePeer(String peerName, ApiCmPeerType peerType)
          Delete Cloudera Manager peer.
 ApiCmPeer CmPeersResourceV11.readPeer(String peerName, ApiCmPeerType peerType)
          Fetch information about an existing Cloudera Manager peer.
 ApiCommand CmPeersResourceV11.testPeer(String peerName, ApiCmPeerType peerType)
          Test the connectivity of a peer.

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