Package | Description |
com.cloudera.api.model |
Java models of the underlying API JSON objects, with JAX-B annotations.
com.cloudera.api.v1 |
API version 1, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.0.
com.cloudera.api.v10 |
API version 10, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.4.0.
com.cloudera.api.v11 |
API version 11, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.5.0.
com.cloudera.api.v12 |
API version 12, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.7.0.
com.cloudera.api.v13 |
API version 13, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.8.0.
com.cloudera.api.v14 |
API version 14, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.9.0.
com.cloudera.api.v15 |
API version 15, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.10.0.
com.cloudera.api.v16 |
API version 16, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.11.0.
com.cloudera.api.v17 |
API version 17, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.12.0.
com.cloudera.api.v2 |
API version 2, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.1.
com.cloudera.api.v3 |
API version 3, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.5.
com.cloudera.api.v4 |
API version 4, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.6.
com.cloudera.api.v6 |
API version 6, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.0.0-beta-1.
com.cloudera.api.v7 |
API version 7, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.1.0.
com.cloudera.api.v8 |
API version 8, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.2.0.
com.cloudera.api.v9 |
API version 9, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.3.0.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Information about a replication command.
class |
Information about snapshot commands.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
Reference to the parent command, if any.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ApiCommand> |
ApiCommandList.getCommands() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ApiCommand.setParent(ApiCommand parent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ApiCommandList.setCommands(List<ApiCommand> commands) |
Constructor and Description |
ApiCommand(Long id,
String name,
Date startTime,
Date endTime,
boolean active,
Boolean success,
String resultMessage,
String resultDataUrl,
ApiClusterRef clusterRef,
ApiServiceRef serviceRef,
ApiRoleRef roleRef,
ApiHostRef hostRef,
ApiCommandList children,
ApiCommand parent,
Boolean canRetry) |
Constructor and Description |
ApiCommandList(List<ApiCommand> commands) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
CommandsResource.abortCommand(long commandId)
Abort a running command.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResource.collectDiagnosticDataCommand(ApiCollectDiagnosticDataArguments args)
Collect diagnostic data from hosts managed by Cloudera Manager.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.createBeeswaxWarehouseCommand(String serviceName)
Use hiveCreateHiveWarehouse on the Hive service instead.
Deprecated since V4.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.createHBaseRootCommand(String serviceName)
Creates the root directory of an HBase service.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.decommissionCommand(String serviceName,
ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
Decommission roles of a service.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.deployClientConfigCommand(String serviceName,
ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
Deploy a service's client configuration.
ApiCommand |
Generate missing Kerberos credentials.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.hdfsDisableAutoFailoverCommand(String serviceName,
String nameservice)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsDisableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.hdfsDisableHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiHdfsDisableHaArguments args)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsDisableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.hdfsEnableAutoFailoverCommand(String serviceName,
ApiHdfsFailoverArguments args)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsEnableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.hdfsEnableHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiHdfsHaArguments args)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsEnableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.hdfsFailoverCommand(String serviceName,
boolean force,
ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
Initiate a failover in an HDFS HA NameNode pair.
ApiCommand |
Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts.
ApiCommand |
CommandsResource.readCommand(long commandId)
Retrieve detailed information on an asynchronous command.
ApiCommand |
Restart the Cloudera Management Services.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.restartCommand(String serviceName)
Restart the service.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResource.restartCommand(String clusterName)
Restart all services in the cluster.
ApiCommand |
Start the Cloudera Management Services.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.startCommand(String serviceName)
Start the service.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResource.startCommand(String clusterName)
Start all services in the cluster.
ApiCommand |
Stop the Cloudera Management Services.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.stopCommand(String serviceName)
Stop the service.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResource.stopCommand(String clusterName)
Stop all services in the cluster.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResource.upgradeServicesCommand(String clusterName)
This endpoint should not used in Cloudera Manager 5 or later.
Use the upgradeCdh endpoint on the cluster instead.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.zooKeeperCleanupCommand(String serviceName)
Clean up all running server instances of a ZooKeeper service.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResource.zooKeeperInitCommand(String serviceName)
Initializes all the server instances of a ZooKeeper service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV10.hueDumpDbCommand(String serviceName)
Runs Hue's dumpdata command.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV10.hueLoadDbCommand(String serviceName)
Runs Hue's loaddata command.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV10.hueSyncDbCommand(String serviceName)
Runs Hue's syncdb command.
ApiCommand |
HostsResourceV10.migrateRoles(String hostId,
ApiMigrateRolesArguments args)
Migrate roles to a different host.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV10.oozieCreateEmbeddedDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Oozie Server Database.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV10.rollingUpgrade(String clusterName,
ApiRollingUpgradeServicesArgs args)
Command to do a rolling upgrade of specific services in the given cluster
This command does not handle any services that don't support rolling
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV10.sqoopCreateDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Sqoop2 Server Database tables.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ReplicationsResourceV11.collectDiagnosticData(long scheduleId,
ApiReplicationDiagnosticsCollectionArgs replicationCollectionArgs,
DataView view)
Collect diagnostic data for a schedule, optionally for a subset of commands
on that schedule, matched by schedule ID.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV11.configureForKerberos(String clusterName,
ApiConfigureForKerberosArguments args)
Command to configure the cluster to use Kerberos for authentication.
ApiCommand |
CommandsResourceV11.retry(long commandId)
Try to rerun a command.
ApiCommand |
CmPeersResourceV11.testPeer(String peerName,
ApiCmPeerType peerType)
Test the connectivity of a peer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV12.importClusterTemplate(ApiClusterTemplate apiClusterTemplate,
boolean addRepositories)
Create cluster as per the given cluster template
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV13.createYarnCmContainerUsageInputDirCommand(String serviceName)
Creates the HDFS directory where YARN container usage metrics are
stored by NodeManagers for CM to read and aggregate into app usage metrics.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV14.oozieDumpDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
Dump the Oozie Server Database.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV14.oozieLoadDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
Load the Oozie Server Database from dump.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV15.hostsRecommissionWithStartCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
Recommission the given hosts.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV15.recommissionWithStartCommand(String serviceName,
ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
Start and recommission roles of a service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ExternalAccountsResourceV16.externalAccountCommandByName(String name,
String commandName)
Executes a command on the external account specified
by name.
ApiCommand |
Submit a command to refresh parcels information.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
Delete existing Kerberos credentials.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV17.hiveValidateMetastoreSchemaCommand(String serviceName)
Validate the Hive Metastore Schema.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV17.hostsOfflineOrDecommissionCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList,
Long offlineTimeout)
Decommission the given hosts.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV17.offlineCommand(String serviceName,
ApiRoleNameList roleNames,
Long timeout)
Offline roles of a service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV2.createOozieDb(String serviceName)
Creates the Oozie Database Schema in the configured database.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV2.deployClientConfig(String clusterName)
Deploy the cluster-wide client configuration.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String serviceName)
Put the service into maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
RolesResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String roleName)
Put the role into maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
HostsResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String hostId)
Put the host into maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV2.enterMaintenanceMode(String clusterName)
Put the cluster into maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String serviceName)
Take the service out of maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
RolesResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String roleName)
Take the role out of maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
HostsResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String hostId)
Take the host out of maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV2.exitMaintenanceMode(String clusterName)
Take the cluster out of maintenance mode.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV2.hdfsCreateTmpDir(String serviceName)
Creates a tmp directory on the HDFS filesystem.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV2.hostsDecommissionCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
Decommission the given hosts.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV2.hostsRecommissionCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
Recommission the given hosts.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV2.hostsStartRolesCommand(ApiHostNameList hostNameList)
Start all the roles on the given hosts.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV2.recommissionCommand(String serviceName,
ApiRoleNameList roleNames)
Recommission roles of a service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that activates the parcel on the cluster.
ApiCommand |
HostTemplatesResource.applyHostTemplate(String hostTemplateName,
ApiHostRefList hosts,
boolean startRoles)
Applies a host template to a collection of hosts.
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that cancels the parcel distribution.
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that cancels the parcel download.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV3.createHiveWarehouseCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Hive warehouse directory, on Hive services.
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that deactivates the parcel on the cluster.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV3.hdfsRollEditsCommand(String serviceName,
ApiRollEditsArgs rollEditsArgs)
Roll the edits of an HDFS NameNode or Nameservice.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV3.hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Hive Metastore Database tables.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV3.installOozieShareLib(String serviceName)
Creates directory for Oozie user in HDFS and installs the ShareLib in it.
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that removes the downloaded parcel.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV3.rollingRestart(String serviceName,
ApiRollingRestartArgs args)
Command to run rolling restart of roles in a service.
ApiCommand |
ReplicationsResource.runSchedule(long scheduleId,
boolean dryRun)
Run the schedule immediately.
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that starts the distribution of the parcel
to the cluster.
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that starts the parcel download.
ApiCommand |
A synchronous command that removes the distribution from the hosts in
the cluster.
ApiCommand |
CmPeersResource.testPeer(String peerName)
Test the connectivity of a peer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.createHiveUserDirCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Hive user directory
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.createSolrHdfsHomeDirCommand(String serviceName)
Creates the home directory of a Solr service in HDFS.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.createSqoopUserDirCommand(String serviceName)
Creates the user directory of a Sqoop service in HDFS.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.disableJtHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiDisableJtHaArguments args)
Disable high availability (HA) for JobTracker.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.enableJtHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiEnableJtHaArguments args)
Enable high availability (HA) for a JobTracker.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Hive Metastore Database.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.hiveUpdateMetastoreNamenodesCommand(String serviceName)
Update Hive Metastore to point to a NameNode's Nameservice name instead of
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV4.initSolrCommand(String serviceName)
Initializes the Solr service in Zookeeper.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV4.rollingRestart(String clusterName,
ApiRollingRestartClusterArgs args)
Command to do a "best-effort" rolling restart of the given cluster,
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.createImpalaUserDirCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Impala user directory
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.createYarnJobHistoryDirCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Yarn job history directory
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.createYarnNodeManagerRemoteAppLogDirCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Yarn NodeManager remote application log directory
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.disableOozieHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiDisableOozieHaArguments args)
Disable high availability (HA) for Oozie.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.disableRmHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiDisableRmHaArguments args)
Disable high availability (HA) for ResourceManager.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.enableOozieHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiEnableOozieHaArguments args)
Enable high availability (HA) for Oozie service.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.enableRmHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiEnableRmHaArguments args)
Enable high availability (HA) for a YARN ResourceManager.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.hbaseUpgradeCommand(String serviceName)
Upgrade HBase data in HDFS and ZooKeeper as part of upgrade from CDH4 to CDH5.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.hdfsDisableNnHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiDisableNnHaArguments args)
Disable High Availability (HA) with Automatic Failover for an HDFS NameNode.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.hdfsEnableNnHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiEnableNnHaArguments args)
Enable High Availability (HA) with Automatic Failover for an HDFS NameNode.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.hdfsUpgradeMetadataCommand(String serviceName)
Upgrade HDFS Metadata as part of a major version upgrade.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.hiveUpgradeMetastoreCommand(String serviceName)
Upgrade Hive Metastore as part of a major version upgrade.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV6.hostInstallCommand(ApiHostInstallArguments hostInstall)
Perform installation on a set of hosts.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
Not needed in CM 5.0.0 Release, since Impala Catalog Database
is not yet available in CDH as of this release.
Create the Impala Catalog Database.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
Not needed in CM 5.0.0 Release, since Impala Catalog Database
is not yet available in CDH as of this release.
Create the Impala Catalog Database tables.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.importMrConfigsIntoYarn(String serviceName)
Import MapReduce configuration into Yarn, overwriting Yarn configuration.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.oozieUpgradeDbCommand(String serviceName)
Upgrade Oozie Database schema as part of a major version upgrade.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV6.poolsRefresh(String clusterName)
Updates all refreshable configuration files for services with
Dynamic Resource Pools.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV6.refresh(String clusterName)
Updates all refreshable configuration files in the cluster.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV6.restartCommand(String clusterName,
ApiRestartClusterArgs args)
Restart all services in the cluster.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.serviceCommandByName(String serviceName,
String commandName)
Executes a command on the service specified
by name.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.sqoopUpgradeDbCommand(String serviceName)
Upgrade Sqoop Database schema as part of a major version upgrade.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV6.switchToMr2(String serviceName)
Change the cluster to use MR2 instead of MR1.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV6.upgradeCdhCommand(String clusterName,
ApiCdhUpgradeArgs args)
Perform CDH upgrade to the next major version.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV7.deployClusterClientConfig(String clusterName,
ApiHostRefList hosts)
Deploy the Cluster's Kerberos client configuration.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV7.firstRun(String serviceName)
Prepare and start a service.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV7.firstRun(String clusterName)
Prepare and start services in a cluster.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV7.importAdminCredentials(String username,
String password)
Imports the KDC Account Manager credentials needed by Cloudera
Manager to create kerberos principals needed by CDH services.
ApiCommand |
ClouderaManagerResourceV7.importKerberosPrincipal(String principal,
String password,
Long kvno)
Imports the Kerberos credentials for the specified principal
which can then be used to add to a role's keytab by running
Generate Credentials command.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV7.sentryCreateDatabaseCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Sentry Server Database.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV7.sentryCreateDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
Create the Sentry Server Database tables.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.collectYarnApplicationDiagnostics(String serviceName,
ApiYarnApplicationDiagnosticsCollectionArgs args)
Collect the Diagnostics data for Yarn applications
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.disableLlamaHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiDisableLlamaHaArguments args)
Disable high availability (HA) for an Impala Llama ApplicationMaster.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.disableLlamaRmCommand(String serviceName)
Disable Llama-based resource management for Impala.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.enableLlamaHaCommand(String serviceName,
ApiEnableLlamaHaArguments args)
Enable high availability (HA) for an Impala Llama ApplicationMaster.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.enableLlamaRmCommand(String serviceName,
ApiEnableLlamaRmArguments args)
Enable Llama-based resource management for Impala.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.hdfsFinalizeRollingUpgrade(String serviceName)
Finalizes the rolling upgrade for HDFS by updating the NameNode
metadata permanently to the next version.
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV8.inspectHostsCommand(String clusterName)
Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts in the specified cluster.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.sentryUpgradeDatabaseTablesCommand(String serviceName)
Upgrade the Sentry Server Database tables.
ApiCommand |
ServicesResourceV8.yarnFormatStateStore(String serviceName)
Formats the state store in ZooKeeper used for Resource Manager
High Availability.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ClustersResourceV9.upgradeCdhCommand(String clusterName,
ApiCdhUpgradeArgs args)
Perform CDH upgrade to the specified version.
Copyright © Cloudera, Inc. Released under Apache License, Version 2.0.