Method and Description |
Use hiveCreateHiveWarehouse on the Hive service instead.
Deprecated since V4.
Use configStalenessStatus instead which exposes more staleness
Deprecated since V6.
Use configStalenessStatus instead which exposes more staleness
Deprecated since V6.
com.cloudera.api.model.ApiCdhUpgradeArgs.getDeployClientConfig() |
com.cloudera.api.v1.HostsResource.getMetrics(String, String, String, boolean, Set This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a host with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where hostId = $HOST_ID'. To get specific metrics for a host use a comma-separated list of the metric names as follows: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where hostId = $HOST_ID'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
com.cloudera.api.v1.ServicesResource.getMetrics(String, String, String, List This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a service with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where serviceName = $SERVICE_NAME'. To get specific metrics for a service use a comma-separated list of the metric names as follows: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where serviceName = $SERVICE_NAME'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
com.cloudera.api.v1.RolesResource.getMetrics(String, String, String, List This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a role with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where roleName = $ROLE_NAME'. To get specific metrics for a role use the query: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where roleName = $ROLE_NAME'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
com.cloudera.api.v1.NameservicesResource.getMetrics(String, String, String, List This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a nameservice with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where nameserviceName = $NAMESERVICE_NAME'. To get specific metrics for a nameservice use a comma-separated list of the metric names as follows: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where nameserviceName = $NAMESERVICE_NAME'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
com.cloudera.api.model.ApiCdhUpgradeArgs.getStartAllServices() |
com.cloudera.api.v1.ServicesResource.hdfsDisableAutoFailoverCommand(String, String)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsDisableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
com.cloudera.api.v1.ServicesResource.hdfsDisableHaCommand(String, ApiHdfsDisableHaArguments)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsDisableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
com.cloudera.api.v1.ServicesResource.hdfsEnableAutoFailoverCommand(String, ApiHdfsFailoverArguments)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsEnableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
com.cloudera.api.v1.ServicesResource.hdfsEnableHaCommand(String, ApiHdfsHaArguments)
This endpoint is not supported v6 onwards. Use hdfsEnableNnHa on the HDFS service instead.
ApiCommand.getCanRetry() instead |
com.cloudera.api.model.ApiHdfsHaArguments.isEnableQuorumStorage() |
com.cloudera.api.model.ApiCollectDiagnosticDataArguments.isIncludeInfoLog() |
com.cloudera.api.model.ApiCollectDiagnosticDataArguments.setIncludeInfoLog(boolean) |
This endpoint should not used in Cloudera Manager 5 or later.
Use the upgradeCdh endpoint on the cluster instead.
Enum Constant and Description |
com.cloudera.api.model.ApiClusterVersion.CDH3 |
com.cloudera.api.model.ApiClusterVersion.CDH3u4X |
Copyright © Cloudera, Inc. Released under Apache License, Version 2.0.