Package | Description |
com.cloudera.api |
This document describes the Cloudera Manager REST API.
com.cloudera.api.v1 |
API version 1, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.0.
com.cloudera.api.v11 |
API version 11, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.5.0.
com.cloudera.api.v12 |
API version 12, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.7.0.
com.cloudera.api.v13 |
API version 13, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.8.0.
com.cloudera.api.v14 |
API version 14, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.9.0.
com.cloudera.api.v16 |
API version 16, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.11.0.
com.cloudera.api.v2 |
API version 2, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.1.
com.cloudera.api.v3 |
API version 3, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.5.
com.cloudera.api.v4 |
API version 4, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.6.
com.cloudera.api.v6 |
API version 6, introduced in Cloudera Manager 5.0.0-beta-1.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DataView |
DataView.fromString(String s) |
static DataView |
DataView.valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static DataView[] |
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiConfigList |
ClouderaManagerResource.getConfig(DataView dataView)
Retrieve the Cloudera Manager settings.
ApiMetricList |
HostsResource.getMetrics(String hostId,
String from,
String to,
boolean queryNw,
Set<String> ifs,
boolean queryStorage,
Set<String> storageIds,
Set<String> metrics,
DataView dataView)
This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a host with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where hostId = $HOST_ID'. To get specific metrics for a host use a comma-separated list of the metric names as follows: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where hostId = $HOST_ID'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
ApiMetricList |
ServicesResource.getMetrics(String serviceName,
String from,
String to,
List<String> metrics,
DataView dataView)
This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a service with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where serviceName = $SERVICE_NAME'. To get specific metrics for a service use a comma-separated list of the metric names as follows: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where serviceName = $SERVICE_NAME'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
ApiMetricList |
RolesResource.getMetrics(String roleName,
String from,
String to,
List<String> metrics,
DataView dataView)
This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a role with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where roleName = $ROLE_NAME'. To get specific metrics for a role use the query: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where roleName = $ROLE_NAME'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
ApiMetricList |
NameservicesResource.getMetrics(String nameservice,
String from,
String to,
List<String> metrics,
DataView dataView)
This endpoint is not supported as of v6. Use the timeseries API
instead. To get all metrics for a nameservice with the timeseries API use
the query:
'select * where nameserviceName = $NAMESERVICE_NAME'. To get specific metrics for a nameservice use a comma-separated list of the metric names as follows: 'select $METRIC_NAME1, $METRIC_NAME2 where nameserviceName = $NAMESERVICE_NAME'. For more information see the tsquery language documentation. |
ApiMetricList |
ActivitiesResource.getMetrics(String clusterName,
String serviceName,
String activityId,
String from,
String to,
List<String> metrics,
DataView dataView)
Fetch metric readings for a particular activity.
ApiCommandList |
MgmtServiceResource.listActiveCommands(DataView dataView)
List active Cloudera Management Services commands.
ApiCommandList |
ClouderaManagerResource.listActiveCommands(DataView dataView)
List active global commands.
ApiCommandList |
ServicesResource.listActiveCommands(String serviceName,
DataView dataView)
List active service commands.
ApiCommandList |
RolesResource.listActiveCommands(String roleName,
DataView dataView)
List active role commands.
ApiCommandList |
MgmtRolesResource.listActiveCommands(String roleName,
DataView dataView)
List active role commands.
ApiCommandList |
ClustersResource.listActiveCommands(String clusterName,
DataView dataView)
List active cluster commands.
ApiNameserviceList |
NameservicesResource.listNameservices(DataView dataView)
List the nameservices of an HDFS service.
ApiActivityList |
ActivitiesResource.readActivities(String clusterName,
String serviceName,
Integer maxResults,
Integer resultOffset,
String query,
DataView dataView)
Read all activities in the system
ApiActivity |
ActivitiesResource.readActivity(String clusterName,
String serviceName,
String activityId,
DataView dataView)
Returns a specific activity in the system
ApiActivityList |
ActivitiesResource.readChildActivities(String clusterName,
String serviceName,
String activityId,
Integer maxResults,
Integer resultOffset,
DataView dataView)
Returns the child activities
ApiClusterList |
ClustersResource.readClusters(DataView dataView)
Lists all known clusters.
ApiConfigList |
HostsResource.readHostConfig(String hostId,
DataView dataView)
Retrieves the configuration of a specific host.
ApiHostList |
HostsResource.readHosts(DataView dataView)
Returns the hostIds for all hosts in the system.
ApiConfigList |
RolesResource.readRoleConfig(String roleName,
DataView dataView)
Retrieves the configuration of a specific role.
ApiConfigList |
MgmtRolesResource.readRoleConfig(String roleName,
DataView dataView)
Retrieve the configuration of a specific Cloudera Management Services role.
ApiServiceConfig |
MgmtServiceResource.readServiceConfig(DataView dataView)
Retrieve the configuration of the Cloudera Management Services.
ApiServiceConfig |
ServicesResource.readServiceConfig(String serviceName,
DataView dataView)
Retrieves the configuration of a specific service.
ApiServiceList |
ServicesResource.readServices(DataView dataView)
Lists all services registered in the cluster.
ApiActivityList |
ActivitiesResource.readSimilarActivities(String clusterName,
String serviceName,
String activityId,
DataView dataView)
Returns a list of similar activities
ApiUserList |
UsersResource.readUsers(DataView dataView)
Returns a list of the user names configured in the system.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiCommand |
ReplicationsResourceV11.collectDiagnosticData(long scheduleId,
ApiReplicationDiagnosticsCollectionArgs replicationCollectionArgs,
DataView view)
Collect diagnostic data for a schedule, optionally for a subset of commands
on that schedule, matched by schedule ID.
ApiHost |
HostsResourceV11.readHost(String hostId,
DataView dataView)
Returns a specific Host in the system.
ApiNameservice |
NameservicesResourceV11.readNameservice(String nameservice,
DataView dataView)
Retrieve information about a nameservice.
ApiRole |
RolesResourceV11.readRole(String roleName,
DataView dataView)
Retrieves detailed information about a role.
ApiRoleList |
RolesResourceV11.readRoles(String filter,
DataView dataView)
Lists all roles of a given service.
ApiService |
ServicesResourceV11.readService(String serviceName,
DataView dataView)
Retrieves details information about a service.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiServiceList |
ClustersResourceV12.listDfsServices(String clusterName,
DataView view)
List the services that can provide distributed file system (DFS) capabilities in this cluster.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiReplicationState |
ReplicationsResourceV13.getReplicationState(DataView view)
returns the replication state.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiExternalAccount |
ExternalAccountsResourceV14.readAccount(String name,
DataView view)
Get a single external account by account name.
ApiExternalAccount |
ExternalAccountsResourceV14.readAccountByDisplayName(String displayName,
DataView view)
Get a single external account by display name.
ApiExternalAccountList |
ExternalAccountsResourceV14.readAccounts(String typeName,
DataView view)
Get a list of external accounts for a specific account type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiConfigList |
ExternalAccountsResourceV16.readConfig(String name,
DataView view)
Get configs of external account for the given account name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiDeployment |
ClouderaManagerResourceV2.getDeployment(DataView dataView)
Retrieve full description of the entire Cloudera Manager deployment
including all hosts, clusters, services, roles, users, settings, etc.
ApiService |
MgmtServiceResourceV2.readService(DataView dataView)
Retrieve information about the Cloudera Management Services.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiConfigList |
AllHostsResource.readConfig(DataView dataView)
Retrieve the default configuration for all hosts.
ApiConfigList |
RoleConfigGroupsResource.readConfig(String roleConfigGroupName,
DataView dataView)
Returns the current revision of the config
for the specified role config group.
ApiConfigList |
MgmtRoleConfigGroupsResource.readConfig(String roleConfigGroupName,
DataView dataView)
Returns the current revision of the config
for the specified role config group in the Cloudera Management Services.
ApiParcelList |
ParcelsResource.readParcels(DataView dataView)
Lists all parcels that the cluster has access to.
ApiReplicationSchedule |
ReplicationsResource.readSchedule(long scheduleId,
DataView dataView)
Returns information for a specific replication schedule.
ApiReplicationScheduleList |
ReplicationsResource.readSchedules(DataView dataView)
Returns information for all replication schedules.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiReplicationCommandList |
ReplicationsResourceV4.readHistory(long scheduleId,
int limit,
int offset,
DataView dataView)
Returns a list of commands triggered by a schedule.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiSnapshotCommandList |
SnapshotsResource.readHistory(String policyName,
int limit,
int offset,
DataView dataView)
Returns a list of commands triggered by a snapshot policy.
ApiSnapshotPolicyList |
SnapshotsResource.readPolicies(DataView view)
Returns information for all snapshot policies.
ApiSnapshotPolicy |
SnapshotsResource.readPolicy(String policyName,
DataView view)
Returns information for a specific snapshot policy.
Copyright © Cloudera, Inc. Released under Apache License, Version 2.0.