
This is the model for a host in the system.


property type description
hostId hostId (string) A unique host identifier. Typically identical to the hostname, i.e. the host's FQDN.
ipAddress ipAddress (string) The host IP address. This field is not mutable after the initial creation.
hostname hostname (string) The hostname. This field is not mutable after the initial creation.
rackId rackId (string) The rack ID for this host.
lastHeartbeat lastHeartbeat (dateTime) Readonly. Requires "full" view. When the host agent sent the last heartbeat.
roleRefs array of roleRefs/roleRef (apiRoleRef) Readonly. Requires "full" view. The list of roles assigned to this host.
healthSummary healthSummary (apiHealthSummary) Readonly. Requires "full" view. The high-level health status of this host.
healthChecks array of healthChecks (apiHealthCheck) Readonly. Requires "full" view. The list of health checks performed on the host, with their results.
hostUrl hostUrl (string) Readonly. A URL into the Cloudera Manager web UI for this specific host.