Important: This version of the Cloudera Navigator API is out of date. For the most recent version, click the question mark (?) icon on the Cloudera Navigator menu bar and select API Documentation.
HTTP requests should set the "Content-Type" header to "application/json" for most calls, unless specified otherwise.
The Cloudera Navigator API uses HTTP basic access authentication. It accepts the same user credentials as the web interface.
With every authenticated request, the server returns a session cookie, which can be subsequently used for authentication.
Error Code
The API returns HTTP code in the 400s and 500s upon errors:
- 400 — Invalid request parameters; Malformed requests
- 401 — Authentication failure
- 403 — Authorization failure
- 404 — Object not found
- 500 — Internal API error
- 503 — Response temporarily unavailable; caller should retry later
API Usage Tutorial
API Version
The API can be queried for the latest version it supports. By making a GET request to the '/version' URL, a string will be returned with the highest supported version (for example, "v2").
The version should be prepended to the path of the REST resources listed below. The documentation of the different resources lists the version which added the particular functionality.
REST Resources
This API supports a Representational State Transfer (REST) model for accessing a set of resources through a fixed set of operations. The following resources are accessible through the RESTful model:
- /v1/entities
- /v1/entities/{id}
- /v1/interactive/entities
- /v1/lineage
- /v1/relations
- /v1/relations/{identity}
- /v1/schemas/{resource}/fields
- /v2/entities
- /v2/entities/{id}
- /v2/interactive/entities
- /v2/lineage
- /v2/relations
- /v2/relations/{identity}
- /v2/schemas/{resource}/fields
- /version
There is also a WADL document describing the REST API.
Data Model
All endpoints act on a common set of data. The Cloudera Navigator API uses JSON.