Uses of Class

Packages that use ApiTimeAggregation
com.cloudera.api This document describes the Cloudera Manager REST API. 
com.cloudera.api.v4 API version 4, introduced in Cloudera Manager 4.6. 

Uses of ApiTimeAggregation in com.cloudera.api

Methods in com.cloudera.api that return ApiTimeAggregation
static ApiTimeAggregation ApiTimeAggregation.fromString(String s)
static ApiTimeAggregation ApiTimeAggregation.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ApiTimeAggregation[] ApiTimeAggregation.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Uses of ApiTimeAggregation in com.cloudera.api.v4

Methods in com.cloudera.api.v4 with parameters of type ApiTimeAggregation
 ApiHdfsUsageReport ServicesResourceV4.getHdfsUsageReport(String hdfsServiceName, String nameService, String from, String to, ApiTimeAggregation aggregation)
          Fetch the HDFS usage report.
 ApiMrUsageReport ServicesResourceV4.getMrUsageReport(String mrServiceName, String from, String to, ApiTimeAggregation aggregation)
          Fetch the MR usage report.

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