Package cm_api :: Package endpoints :: Module cms :: Class ClouderaManager
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Class ClouderaManager

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         object --+        
types.BaseApiObject --+    
  types.BaseApiResource --+

The Cloudera Manager instance.

Provides access to CM configuration and services.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, resource_root)
Initializes internal state and sets all known writable properties of the object to None.
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Returns the path to the resource.
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get_commands(self, view=None)
Retrieve a list of running global commands.
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create_mgmt_service(self, service_setup_info)
Setup the Cloudera Management Service.
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Delete the Cloudera Management Service.
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Return the Cloudera Management Services instance.
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Return information about the currently installed license.
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update_license(self, license_text)
Install or update the Cloudera Manager license.
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get_config(self, view=None)
Retrieve the Cloudera Manager configuration.
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update_config(self, config)
Update the CM configuration.
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Generate credentials for services configured with Kerberos.
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import_admin_credentials(self, username, password)
Imports the KDC Account Manager credentials needed by Cloudera Manager to create kerberos principals needed by CDH services.
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Retrieve a summary of licensed feature usage.
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Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts.
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collect_diagnostic_data(self, start_datetime, end_datetime, includeInfoLog=False)
This method is deprecated as of CM 4.5.
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collect_diagnostic_data_45(self, end_datetime, bundle_size_bytes, cluster_name=None, roles=None, collect_metrics=False, start_datetime=None)
Issue the command to collect diagnostic data.
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hosts_decommission(self, host_names)
Decommission the specified hosts by decommissioning the slave roles and stopping the remaining ones.
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hosts_recommission(self, host_names)
Recommission the specified hosts by recommissioning the slave roles.
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hosts_start_roles(self, host_names)
Start all the roles on the specified hosts.
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create_peer(self, name, url, username, password, peer_type='REPLICATION')
Create a new peer for replication.
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_get_peer_type_param(self, peer_type)
Checks if the resource_root's API version is >= 11 and construct type param.
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delete_peer(self, name, peer_type='REPLICATION')
Delete a replication peer.
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update_peer(self, current_name, new_name, new_url, username, password, peer_type='REPLICATION')
Update a replication peer.
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Retrieve a list of replication peers.
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get_peer(self, name, peer_type='REPLICATION')
Retrieve a replication peer by name.
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test_peer_connectivity(self, name, peer_type='REPLICATION')
Test connectivity for a replication peer.
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get_all_hosts_config(self, view=None)
Retrieve the default configuration for all hosts.
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update_all_hosts_config(self, config)
Update the default configuration for all hosts.
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Automatically assign roles to hosts and create the roles for the Cloudera Management Service.
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Automatically configures roles of the Cloudera Management Service.
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host_install(self, user_name, host_names, ssh_port=None, password=None, private_key=None, passphrase=None, parallel_install_count=None, cm_repo_url=None, gpg_key_custom_url=None, java_install_strategy=None, unlimited_jce=None)
Install Cloudera Manager Agent on a set of hosts.
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Begin the trial license for this Cloudera Manager instance.
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End the trial license for this Cloudera Manager instance.
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import_cluster_template(self, api_cluster_template, add_repositories=False)
Create a cluster according to the provided template
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Inherited from types.BaseApiObject: __setattr__, __str__, to_json_dict

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from types.BaseApiObject: from_json_dict

Inherited from types.BaseApiObject (private): _get_attributes

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from types.BaseApiObject: init

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from types.BaseApiObject (private): _ATTRIBUTES, _WHITELIST

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, resource_root)

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Initializes internal state and sets all known writable properties of the object to None. Then initializes the properties given in the provided attributes dictionary.

  • resource_root - API resource object.
  • attrs - optional dictionary of attributes to set. This should only contain r/w attributes.
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Returns the path to the resource.

e.g., for a service 'foo' in cluster 'bar', this should return '/clusters/bar/services/foo'.

Overrides: types.BaseApiResource._path
(inherited documentation)

get_commands(self, view=None)

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Retrieve a list of running global commands.

  • view - View to materialize ('full' or 'summary')
A list of running commands.

create_mgmt_service(self, service_setup_info)

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Setup the Cloudera Management Service.

  • service_setup_info - ApiServiceSetupInfo object.
The management service instance.


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Delete the Cloudera Management Service.

The deleted management service instance.


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Return the Cloudera Management Services instance.

An ApiService instance.


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Return information about the currently installed license.

License information.

update_license(self, license_text)

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Install or update the Cloudera Manager license.

  • license_text - the license in text form

get_config(self, view=None)

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Retrieve the Cloudera Manager configuration.

The 'summary' view contains strings as the dictionary values. The full view contains ApiConfig instances as the values.

  • view - View to materialize ('full' or 'summary')
Dictionary with configuration data.

update_config(self, config)

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Update the CM configuration.

  • config - Dictionary with configuration to update.
Dictionary with updated configuration.


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Generate credentials for services configured with Kerberos.

Information about the submitted command.

import_admin_credentials(self, username, password)

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Imports the KDC Account Manager credentials needed by Cloudera
Manager to create kerberos principals needed by CDH services.

@param username Username of the Account Manager. Full name including the Kerberos
       realm must be specified.
@param password Password for the Account Manager.

@return: Information about the submitted command.

@since API v7


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Retrieve a summary of licensed feature usage.

This command will return information about what Cloudera Enterprise licensed features are in use in the clusters being managed by this Cloudera Manager, as well as totals for usage across all clusters.

The specific features described can vary between different versions of Cloudera Manager.

Available since API v6.


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Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts.

Information about the submitted command.

collect_diagnostic_data(self, start_datetime, end_datetime, includeInfoLog=False)

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This method is deprecated as of CM 4.5. You should use collect_diagnostic_data_45. Issue the command to collect diagnostic data.

  • start_datetime - The start of the collection period. Type datetime.
  • end_datetime - The end of the collection period. Type datetime.
  • includeInfoLog - Whether to include INFO level log messages.

collect_diagnostic_data_45(self, end_datetime, bundle_size_bytes, cluster_name=None, roles=None, collect_metrics=False, start_datetime=None)

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Issue the command to collect diagnostic data. If start_datetime is specified, diagnostic data is collected for the entire period between start_datetime and end_datetime provided that bundle size is less than or equal to bundle_size_bytes. Diagnostics data collection fails if the bundle size is greater than bundle_size_bytes.

If start_datetime is not specified, diagnostic data is collected starting from end_datetime and collecting backwards upto a maximum of bundle_size_bytes.

  • end_datetime - The end of the collection period. Type datetime.
  • bundle_size_bytes - The target size for the support bundle in bytes
  • cluster_name - The cluster to collect or None for all clusters
  • roles - Role ids of roles to restrict log and metric collection to. Valid since v10.
  • collect_metrics - Whether to collect metrics for viewing as charts. Valid since v13.
  • start_datetime - The start of the collection period. Type datetime. Valid since v13.

hosts_decommission(self, host_names)

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Decommission the specified hosts by decommissioning the slave roles and stopping the remaining ones.

  • host_names - List of names of hosts to be decommissioned.
Information about the submitted command.

Since: API v2

hosts_recommission(self, host_names)

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Recommission the specified hosts by recommissioning the slave roles. This command doesn't start the roles. Use hosts_start_roles for that.

  • host_names - List of names of hosts to be recommissioned.
Information about the submitted command.

Since: API v2

hosts_start_roles(self, host_names)

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Start all the roles on the specified hosts.

  • host_names - List of names of hosts on which to start all roles.
Information about the submitted command.

Since: API v2

create_peer(self, name, url, username, password, peer_type='REPLICATION')

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Create a new peer for replication.

  • name - The name of the peer.
  • url - The url of the peer.
  • username - The admin username to use to setup the remote side of the peer connection.
  • password - The password of the admin user.
  • peer_type - Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'.
The newly created peer.

Since: API v3

delete_peer(self, name, peer_type='REPLICATION')

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Delete a replication peer.

  • name - The name of the peer.
  • peer_type - Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'.
The deleted peer.

Since: API v3

update_peer(self, current_name, new_name, new_url, username, password, peer_type='REPLICATION')

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Update a replication peer.

  • current_name - The name of the peer to updated.
  • new_name - The new name for the peer.
  • new_url - The new url for the peer.
  • username - The admin username to use to setup the remote side of the peer connection.
  • password - The password of the admin user.
  • peer_type - Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'.
The updated peer.

Since: API v3


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Retrieve a list of replication peers.

A list of replication peers.

Since: API v3

get_peer(self, name, peer_type='REPLICATION')

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Retrieve a replication peer by name.

  • name - The name of the peer.
  • peer_type - Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'.
The peer.

Since: API v3

test_peer_connectivity(self, name, peer_type='REPLICATION')

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Test connectivity for a replication peer.

  • name - The name of the peer to test.
  • peer_type - Added in v11. The type of the peer to test. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'.
The command representing the test.

Since: API v3

get_all_hosts_config(self, view=None)

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Retrieve the default configuration for all hosts.

  • view - View to materialize.
  • view - View to materialize ('full' or 'summary')
Dictionary with configuration data.

update_all_hosts_config(self, config)

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Update the default configuration for all hosts.

  • config - Dictionary with configuration to update.
Dictionary with updated configuration.


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Automatically assign roles to hosts and create the roles for the Cloudera Management Service.

Assignments are done based on number of hosts in the deployment and hardware specifications. Existing roles will be taken into account and their assignments will be not be modified. The deployment should not have any clusters when calling this endpoint. If it does, an exception will be thrown preventing any role assignments.

Since: API v6


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Automatically configures roles of the Cloudera Management Service.

Overwrites some existing configurations. Only default role config groups must exist before calling this endpoint. Other role config groups must not exist. If they do, an exception will be thrown preventing any configuration. Ignores any clusters (and their services and roles) colocated with the Cloudera Management Service. To avoid over-committing the heap on hosts, place the Cloudera Management Service roles on machines not used by any of the clusters.

Since: API v6

host_install(self, user_name, host_names, ssh_port=None, password=None, private_key=None, passphrase=None, parallel_install_count=None, cm_repo_url=None, gpg_key_custom_url=None, java_install_strategy=None, unlimited_jce=None)

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Install Cloudera Manager Agent on a set of hosts.

  • user_name - The username used to authenticate with the hosts. Root access to your hosts is required to install Cloudera packages. The installer will connect to your hosts via SSH and log in either directly as root or as another user with password-less sudo privileges to become root.
  • host_names - List of names of hosts to configure for use with Cloudera Manager. A host may be specified by a hostname(FQDN) or an IP address.
  • ssh_port - SSH port. If unset, defaults to 22.
  • password - The password used to authenticate with the hosts. Specify either this or a private key. For password-less login, use an empty string as password.
  • private_key - The private key to authenticate with the hosts. Specify either this or a password.
  • passphrase - The passphrase associated with the private key used to authenticate with the hosts (optional).
  • parallel_install_count - Number of simultaneous installations. Defaults to 10. Running a large number of installations at once can consume large amounts of network bandwidth and other system resources.
  • cm_repo_url - The Cloudera Manager repository URL to use (optional). Example for SLES, Redhat or other RPM based distributions: Example for Ubuntu or other Debian based distributions: "deb lucid-cm5 contrib"
  • gpg_key_custom_url - The Cloudera Manager public GPG key (optional). Example for SLES, Redhat or other RPM based distributions: Example for Ubuntu or other Debian based distributions:
  • java_install_strategy - Added in v8: Strategy to use for JDK installation. Valid values are 1. AUTO (default): Cloudera Manager will install the JDK versions that are required when the "AUTO" option is selected. Cloudera Manager may overwrite any of the existing JDK installations. 2. NONE: Cloudera Manager will not install any JDK when "NONE" option is selected. It should be used if an existing JDK installation has to be used.
  • unlimited_jce - Added in v8: Flag for unlimited strength JCE policy files installation If unset, defaults to false
Information about the submitted command.

Since: API v6


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Begin the trial license for this Cloudera Manager instance.

This allows the user to have enterprise-level features for a 60-day trial period.

Since: API v6


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End the trial license for this Cloudera Manager instance.

Since: API v6

import_cluster_template(self, api_cluster_template, add_repositories=False)

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Create a cluster according to the provided template

  • api_cluster_template - cluster template to import
  • add_repositories - if true the parcels repositories in the cluster template will be added.
Command handing cluster import

Since: API v12