Data Model
All endpoints act on a common set of data. The Cloudera Manager API uses JSON.
Data Elements
- activity
- activityList
- bulkCommandList
- cluster
- clusterList
- clusterRef
- cmPeer
- cmPeerList
- cmVersionInfo
- collectDiagnosticDataArgs
- command
- commandList
- config
- configList
- deployment
- echoMessage
- event
- eventQueryResult
- hdfsDisableHaArgs
- hdfsFailoverArgs
- hdfsHaArgs
- hdfsReplicationArguments
- hdfsReplicationCounter
- hdfsReplicationResult
- healthCheck
- hiveReplicationArguments
- hiveReplicationError
- hiveReplicationResult
- hiveTable
- host
- hostList
- hostNames
- hostRefList
- hostTemplate
- hostTemplateList
- license
- metric
- metricData
- metricList
- nameservice
- nameserviceList
- parcel
- replicationCommand
- replicationSchedule
- replicationScheduleList
- role
- roleConfigGroup
- roleConfigGroupList
- roleConfigGroupRef
- roleList
- roleNames
- roleRef
- roleTypeConfig
- roleTypeList
- rollEditsArgs
- rollingRestartArgs
- service
- serviceConfig
- serviceList
- serviceList
- serviceRef
- user
- userList