
Represents a user activity, such as a MapReduce job, a Hive query, an Oozie workflow, etc.


property type description
name name (string) Activity name.
type type (apiActivityType) Activity type. Whether it's an MR job, a Pig job, a Hive query, etc.
parent parent (string) The name of the parent activity.
startTime startTime (dateTime) The start time of this activity.
finishTime finishTime (dateTime) The finish time of this activity.
id id (string) Activity id, which is unique within a MapReduce service.
status status (apiActivityStatus) Activity status.
user user (string) The user who submitted this activity.
group group (string) The user-group of this activity.
inputDir inputDir (string) The input data directory of the activity. An HDFS url.
outputDir outputDir (string) The output result directory of the activity. An HDFS url.
mapper mapper (string) The mapper class.
combiner combiner (string) The combiner class.
reducer reducer (string) The reducer class.
queueName queueName (string) The scheduler queue this activity is in.
schedulerPriority schedulerPriority (string) The scheduler priority of this activity.