Interface ServicesResourceV18

All Superinterfaces:
ServicesResource, ServicesResourceV10, ServicesResourceV11, ServicesResourceV13, ServicesResourceV14, ServicesResourceV15, ServicesResourceV16, ServicesResourceV17, ServicesResourceV2, ServicesResourceV3, ServicesResourceV4, ServicesResourceV6, ServicesResourceV7, ServicesResourceV8

public interface ServicesResourceV18
extends ServicesResourceV17

Method Summary
 ApiCommand disableSentryHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiDisableSentryHaArgs args)
          Disable high availability (HA) for Sentry service.
 ApiCommand enableSentryHaCommand(String serviceName, ApiEnableSentryHaArgs args)
          Enable high availability (HA) for Sentry service.
 ApiImpalaUtilization getImpalaUtilization(String serviceName, String from, String to, String tenantType, List<String> daysOfWeek, int startHourOfDay, int endHourOfDay)
          Provides the resource utilization of the Impala service as well as the resource utilization per tenant.
 ReplicationsResourceV18 getReplicationsResource(String serviceName)
          Retrieves the replication resource.
 ApiYarnUtilization getYarnUtilization(String serviceName, String from, String to, String tenantType, List<String> daysOfWeek, int startHourOfDay, int endHourOfDay)
          Provides the resource utilization of the yarn service as well as the resource utilization per tenant.
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v17.ServicesResourceV17
hiveValidateMetastoreSchemaCommand, offlineCommand
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v15.ServicesResourceV15
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v14.ServicesResourceV14
getNameservicesResource, getWatchedDirResource, oozieDumpDatabaseCommand, oozieLoadDatabaseCommand
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v13.ServicesResourceV13
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v11.ServicesResourceV11
getRolesResource, readService
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v10.ServicesResourceV10
getRoleCommandsResource, hueDumpDbCommand, hueLoadDbCommand, hueSyncDbCommand, oozieCreateEmbeddedDatabaseCommand, sqoopCreateDatabaseTablesCommand
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v8.ServicesResourceV8
collectYarnApplicationDiagnostics, disableLlamaHaCommand, disableLlamaRmCommand, enableLlamaHaCommand, enableLlamaRmCommand, hdfsFinalizeRollingUpgrade, sentryUpgradeDatabaseTablesCommand, yarnFormatStateStore
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v7.ServicesResourceV7
firstRun, sentryCreateDatabaseCommand, sentryCreateDatabaseTablesCommand
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v6.ServicesResourceV6
createImpalaUserDirCommand, createYarnJobHistoryDirCommand, createYarnNodeManagerRemoteAppLogDirCommand, disableOozieHaCommand, disableRmHaCommand, enableOozieHaCommand, enableRmHaCommand, getImpalaQueriesResource, getSnapshotsResource, getYarnApplicationsResource, hbaseUpgradeCommand, hdfsDisableNnHaCommand, hdfsEnableNnHaCommand, hdfsUpgradeMetadataCommand, hiveUpgradeMetastoreCommand, impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseCommand, impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseTablesCommand, importMrConfigsIntoYarn, listServiceCommands, oozieUpgradeDbCommand, serviceCommandByName, sqoopUpgradeDbCommand, switchToMr2
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v4.ServicesResourceV4
createHiveUserDirCommand, createSolrHdfsHomeDirCommand, createSqoopUserDirCommand, disableJtHaCommand, enableJtHaCommand, getHdfsUsageReport, getMrUsageReport, hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseCommand, hiveUpdateMetastoreNamenodesCommand, initSolrCommand
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v3.ServicesResourceV3
createHiveWarehouseCommand, getRoleConfigGroupsResource, hdfsRollEditsCommand, hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseTablesCommand, installOozieShareLib, rollingRestart, updateService
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v2.ServicesResourceV2
createOozieDb, enterMaintenanceMode, exitMaintenanceMode, getClientConfig, hdfsCreateTmpDir, recommissionCommand
Methods inherited from interface com.cloudera.api.v1.ServicesResource
createBeeswaxWarehouseCommand, createHBaseRootCommand, createServices, decommissionCommand, deleteService, deployClientConfigCommand, getActivitiesResource, getMetrics, hdfsDisableAutoFailoverCommand, hdfsDisableHaCommand, hdfsEnableAutoFailoverCommand, hdfsEnableHaCommand, hdfsFailoverCommand, listActiveCommands, listRoleTypes, readService, readServiceConfig, readServices, restartCommand, startCommand, stopCommand, updateServiceConfig, zooKeeperCleanupCommand, zooKeeperInitCommand

Method Detail


ApiCommand enableSentryHaCommand(String serviceName,
                                      ApiEnableSentryHaArgs args)
Enable high availability (HA) for Sentry service.

This command only applies to CDH 5.13+ Sentry services.

The command will create a new Sentry server on the specified host and set the ZooKeeper configs needed for Sentry HA.

As part of enabling HA, all services that depend on HDFS will be restarted after enabling Sentry HA.

Note: Sentry doesn't support Rolling Restart.

serviceName - A String representing the Sentry service name.
args - An instance of ApiEnableSentryHaArgs representing the arguments to the command.
the created command instance


ApiCommand disableSentryHaCommand(String serviceName,
                                       ApiDisableSentryHaArgs args)
Disable high availability (HA) for Sentry service.

This command only applies to CDH 5.13+ Sentry services.

The command will keep exactly one Sentry server, on the specified host, and update the ZooKeeper configs needed for Sentry.

All services that depend on HDFS will be restarted after enabling Sentry HA.

Note: Sentry doesn't support Rolling Restart.

serviceName - A String representing the Sentry service name.
args - An instance of ApiDisableSentryHaArgs representing the arguments to the command.
the created command instance


ApiYarnUtilization getYarnUtilization(String serviceName,
                                           String from,
                                           String to,
                                           String tenantType,
                                           List<String> daysOfWeek,
                                           int startHourOfDay,
                                           int endHourOfDay)
Provides the resource utilization of the yarn service as well as the resource utilization per tenant. Only available with Cloudera Manager Enterprise Edition.

serviceName - service name
from - Start of the time range to report utilization in ISO 8601 format.
to - End of the the time range to report utilization in ISO 8601 format (defaults to now).
tenantType - The type of the tenant (POOL or USER).
daysOfWeek - The days of the week for which the user wants to report utilization. Days is a list of number between 1 to 7, where 1 corresponds to Mon. and 7 corresponds to Sun. All 7 days are included if this is not specified.
startHourOfDay - The start hour of a day for which the user wants to report utilization. The hour is a number between [0-23]. Default value is 0 if this is not specified.
endHourOfDay - The end hour of a day for which the user wants to report utilization. The hour is a number between [0-23]. Default value is 23 if this is not specified.
utilization report of yarn service.


ApiImpalaUtilization getImpalaUtilization(String serviceName,
                                               String from,
                                               String to,
                                               String tenantType,
                                               List<String> daysOfWeek,
                                               int startHourOfDay,
                                               int endHourOfDay)
Provides the resource utilization of the Impala service as well as the resource utilization per tenant. Only available with Cloudera Manager Enterprise Edition.

serviceName - service name
from - Start of the time range to report utilization in ISO 8601 format.
to - End of the the time range to report utilization in ISO 8601 format (defaults to now).
tenantType - The type of the tenant (POOL or USER).
daysOfWeek - The days of the week for which the user wants to report utilization. Days is a list of number between 1 to 7, where 1 corresponds to Mon. and 7 corresponds to Sun. All 7 days are included if this is not specified.
startHourOfDay - The start hour of a day for which the user wants to report utilization. The hour is a number between [0-23]. Default value is 0 if this is not specified.
endHourOfDay - The end hour of a day for which the user wants to report utilization. The hour is a number between [0-23]. Default value is 23 if this is not specified.
utilization report of Impala service.


ReplicationsResourceV18 getReplicationsResource(String serviceName)
Retrieves the replication resource. Only available with Cloudera Manager Enterprise Edition.

Specified by:
getReplicationsResource in interface ServicesResourceV11
Specified by:
getReplicationsResource in interface ServicesResourceV13
Specified by:
getReplicationsResource in interface ServicesResourceV3
Specified by:
getReplicationsResource in interface ServicesResourceV4
serviceName - The service name.
The replications resource handler.

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