Package com.cloudera.api

This document describes the Cloudera Manager REST API.

See: Description

Package com.cloudera.api Description

This document describes the Cloudera Manager REST API. All requests and responses are presented in Javascript Object Notation (JSON).

The API resources listed below follow standard Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) semantics where the HTTP request path defines the entity to be acted on and the HTTP method expresses the type of action to perform.

HTTP MethodOperation
POSTCreate entries
GETRead entries
PUTUpdate or edit entries
DELETEDelete entries

All collections in the API use plural names, 'users', instead of the singular, 'user'. To address a specific user in the system, expand the URL path to include the user identifier. For example, '/users/foo' identifies user 'foo' and '/users/bar' identifies user 'bar'.

Collection POST (create) GET (read) PUT (update) DELETE (delete)
/users Create a new user List all users in the system Bulk update all users Delete all users
/users/foo error Read information about user 'foo' If user 'foo' exists, update their information; otherwise, error. Delete user 'foo'

Keep in mind that not all collections supports all operations. For example, events in the system are read-only; you cannot create new events with the API.

You can list the entries in a collection using one of two views: 'summary' or 'full'. The default 'summary' view provides the core information about each entry. The 'full' view is more heavyweight and provides a fully expanded view of each entry. The view is controlled by a query parameter called 'view' e.g. 'GET /users?view=full'.

Copyright © Cloudera, Inc. Released under Apache License, Version 2.0.