Package cm_api :: Package endpoints :: Module cms
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Source Code for Module cm_api.endpoints.cms

  1  # Licensed to Cloudera, Inc. under one 
  2  # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file 
  3  # distributed with this work for additional information 
  4  # regarding copyright ownership.  Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file 
  5  # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 
  6  # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 
  7  # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at 
  8  # 
  9  # 
 10  # 
 11  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 12  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
 13  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
 14  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 15  # limitations under the License. 
 17  from cm_api.endpoints.types import * 
 18  from import ApiService 
20 -class ApiLicense(BaseApiObject):
21 """Model for a CM license.""" 22 _ATTRIBUTES = { 23 'owner' : ROAttr(), 24 'uuid' : ROAttr(), 25 'expiration' : ROAttr(), 26 } 27
28 - def __init__(self, resource_root):
29 BaseApiObject.init(self, resource_root)
31 -class ClouderaManager(BaseApiResource):
32 """ 33 The Cloudera Manager instance. 34 35 Provides access to CM configuration and services. 36 """ 37
38 - def __init__(self, resource_root):
39 BaseApiObject.init(self, resource_root)
41 - def _path(self):
42 return '/cm'
44 - def get_commands(self, view=None):
45 """ 46 Retrieve a list of running global commands. 47 48 @param view: View to materialize ('full' or 'summary') 49 @return: A list of running commands. 50 """ 51 return self._get("commands", ApiCommand, True, 52 params = view and dict(view=view) or None)
54 - def create_mgmt_service(self, service_setup_info):
55 """ 56 Setup the Cloudera Management Service. 57 58 @param service_setup_info: ApiServiceSetupInfo object. 59 @return: The management service instance. 60 """ 61 return self._put("service", ApiService, data=service_setup_info)
63 - def delete_mgmt_service(self):
64 """ 65 Delete the Cloudera Management Service. 66 67 @return: The deleted management service instance. 68 """ 69 return self._delete("service", ApiService, api_version=6)
71 - def get_service(self):
72 """ 73 Return the Cloudera Management Services instance. 74 75 @return: An ApiService instance. 76 """ 77 return self._get("service", ApiService)
79 - def get_license(self):
80 """ 81 Return information about the currently installed license. 82 83 @return: License information. 84 """ 85 return self._get("license", ApiLicense)
87 - def update_license(self, license_text):
88 """ 89 Install or update the Cloudera Manager license. 90 91 @param license_text: the license in text form 92 """ 93 content = ( 94 '--MULTI_BOUNDARY', 95 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="license"', 96 '', 97 license_text, 98 '--MULTI_BOUNDARY--', 99 '') 100 resp = self._get_resource_root().post('cm/license', 101 data="\r\n".join(content), 102 contenttype='multipart/form-data; boundary=MULTI_BOUNDARY') 103 return ApiLicense.from_json_dict(resp, self._get_resource_root())
105 - def get_config(self, view = None):
106 """ 107 Retrieve the Cloudera Manager configuration. 108 109 The 'summary' view contains strings as the dictionary values. The full 110 view contains ApiConfig instances as the values. 111 112 @param view: View to materialize ('full' or 'summary') 113 @return: Dictionary with configuration data. 114 """ 115 return self._get_config("config", view)
117 - def update_config(self, config):
118 """ 119 Update the CM configuration. 120 121 @param config: Dictionary with configuration to update. 122 @return: Dictionary with updated configuration. 123 """ 124 return self._update_config("config", config)
126 - def generate_credentials(self):
127 """ 128 Generate credentials for services configured with Kerberos. 129 130 @return: Information about the submitted command. 131 """ 132 return self._cmd('generateCredentials')
134 - def import_admin_credentials(self, username, password):
135 """ 136 Imports the KDC Account Manager credentials needed by Cloudera 137 Manager to create kerberos principals needed by CDH services. 138 139 @param username Username of the Account Manager. Full name including the Kerberos 140 realm must be specified. 141 @param password Password for the Account Manager. 142 143 @return: Information about the submitted command. 144 145 @since API v7 146 """ 147 return self._cmd('importAdminCredentials', params=dict(username=username, password=password))
150 """ 151 Retrieve a summary of licensed feature usage. 152 153 This command will return information about what Cloudera Enterprise 154 licensed features are in use in the clusters being managed by this Cloudera 155 Manager, as well as totals for usage across all clusters. 156 157 The specific features described can vary between different versions of 158 Cloudera Manager. 159 160 Available since API v6. 161 """ 162 return self._get('getLicensedFeatureUsage', 163 ret_type=ApiLicensedFeatureUsage, 164 ret_is_list=False, 165 api_version=6)
167 - def inspect_hosts(self):
168 """ 169 Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts. 170 171 @return: Information about the submitted command. 172 """ 173 return self._cmd('inspectHosts')
175 - def collect_diagnostic_data(self, start_datetime, end_datetime, includeInfoLog=False):
176 """ 177 This method is deprecated as of CM 4.5. 178 You should use collect_diagnostic_data_45. 179 Issue the command to collect diagnostic data. 180 181 @param start_datetime: The start of the collection period. Type datetime. 182 @param end_datetime: The end of the collection period. Type datetime. 183 @param includeInfoLog: Whether to include INFO level log messages. 184 """ 185 args = { 186 'startTime': start_datetime.isoformat(), 187 'endTime': end_datetime.isoformat(), 188 'includeInfoLog': includeInfoLog, 189 } 190 # This method is deprecated as of CM API version 3 which was introduced 191 # in CM 4.5. 192 return self._cmd('collectDiagnosticData', data=args, api_version=2)
194 - def collect_diagnostic_data_45(self, end_datetime, bundle_size_bytes, cluster_name=None, 195 roles=None, collect_metrics=False, start_datetime=None):
196 """ 197 Issue the command to collect diagnostic data. 198 If start_datetime is specified, diagnostic data is collected for the entire period between 199 start_datetime and end_datetime provided that bundle size is less than or equal to 200 bundle_size_bytes. Diagnostics data collection fails if the bundle size is greater than 201 bundle_size_bytes. 202 203 If start_datetime is not specified, diagnostic data is collected starting from end_datetime 204 and collecting backwards upto a maximum of bundle_size_bytes. 205 206 @param end_datetime: The end of the collection period. Type datetime. 207 @param bundle_size_bytes: The target size for the support bundle in bytes 208 @param cluster_name: The cluster to collect or None for all clusters 209 @param roles: Role ids of roles to restrict log and metric collection to. Valid since v10. 210 @param collect_metrics: Whether to collect metrics for viewing as charts. Valid since v13. 211 @param start_datetime: The start of the collection period. Type datetime. Valid since v13. 212 """ 213 args = { 214 'endTime': end_datetime.isoformat(), 215 'bundleSizeBytes': bundle_size_bytes, 216 'clusterName': cluster_name 217 } 218 if self._get_resource_root().version >= 10: 219 args['roles'] = roles 220 if self._get_resource_root().version >= 13: 221 args['enableMonitorMetricsCollection'] = collect_metrics 222 if start_datetime is not None: 223 args['startTime'] = start_datetime.isoformat() 224 return self._cmd('collectDiagnosticData', data=args)
226 - def hosts_decommission(self, host_names):
227 """ 228 Decommission the specified hosts by decommissioning the slave roles 229 and stopping the remaining ones. 230 231 @param host_names: List of names of hosts to be decommissioned. 232 @return: Information about the submitted command. 233 @since: API v2 234 """ 235 return self._cmd('hostsDecommission', data=host_names)
237 - def hosts_offline_or_decommission(self, host_names, timeout=None):
238 """ 239 Decommission the specified hosts by offlining or decommissioning the slave 240 roles and stopping the remaining ones. Offline has precedence if supported 241 by the service. 242 243 @param host_names: List of names of hosts to be decommissioned. 244 @param timeout: Offline timeout in seconds. Omit to get the default timeout (4 hours). 245 @return: Information about the submitted command. 246 @since: API v17 247 """ 248 return self._cmd('hostsOfflineOrDecommission', data=host_names, 249 params=timeout and dict(timeout=timeout) or dict(), 250 api_version=17)
252 - def hosts_recommission(self, host_names):
253 """ 254 Recommission the specified hosts by recommissioning the slave roles. 255 This command doesn't start the roles. Use hosts_start_roles for that. 256 257 @param host_names: List of names of hosts to be recommissioned. 258 @return: Information about the submitted command. 259 @since: API v2 260 """ 261 return self._cmd('hostsRecommission', data=host_names)
263 - def hosts_recommission_with_start(self, host_names):
264 """ 265 Recommission the specified hosts by recommissioning the slave roles. 266 This command will start the roles before recommissioning. 267 268 Warning: Evolving. This method may change in the future and does not 269 offer standard compatibility guarantees. 270 Do not use without guidance from Cloudera. 271 272 Currently, only HDFS DataNodes will be started by this command. 273 274 @param host_names: List of names of hosts to be recommissioned. 275 @return: Information about the submitted command. 276 @since: API v15 277 """ 278 return self._cmd('hostsRecommissionWithStart', data=host_names, api_version=15)
280 - def hosts_start_roles(self, host_names):
281 """ 282 Start all the roles on the specified hosts. 283 284 @param host_names: List of names of hosts on which to start all roles. 285 @return: Information about the submitted command. 286 @since: API v2 287 """ 288 return self._cmd('hostsStartRoles', data=host_names)
290 - def create_peer(self, name, url, username, password, peer_type="REPLICATION"):
291 """ 292 Create a new peer for replication. 293 294 @param name: The name of the peer. 295 @param url: The url of the peer. 296 @param username: The admin username to use to setup the remote side of the peer connection. 297 @param password: The password of the admin user. 298 @param peer_type: Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'. 299 @return: The newly created peer. 300 @since: API v3 301 """ 302 if self._get_resource_root().version < 11: 303 peer_type = None 304 peer = ApiCmPeer(self._get_resource_root(), 305 name=name, 306 url=url, 307 username=username, 308 password=password, 309 type=peer_type) 310 return self._post("peers", ApiCmPeer, data=peer, api_version=3)
312 - def _get_peer_type_param(self, peer_type):
313 """ 314 Checks if the resource_root's API version is >= 11 and construct type param. 315 """ 316 params = None 317 if self._get_resource_root().version >= 11: 318 params = { 319 'type': peer_type, 320 } 321 return params
323 - def delete_peer(self, name, peer_type="REPLICATION"):
324 """ 325 Delete a replication peer. 326 327 @param name: The name of the peer. 328 @param peer_type: Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'. 329 @return: The deleted peer. 330 @since: API v3 331 """ 332 params = self._get_peer_type_param(peer_type) 333 return self._delete("peers/" + name, ApiCmPeer, params=params, api_version=3)
335 - def update_peer(self, 336 current_name, 337 new_name, new_url, username, password, peer_type="REPLICATION"):
338 """ 339 Update a replication peer. 340 341 @param current_name: The name of the peer to updated. 342 @param new_name: The new name for the peer. 343 @param new_url: The new url for the peer. 344 @param username: The admin username to use to setup the remote side of the peer connection. 345 @param password: The password of the admin user. 346 @param peer_type: Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'. 347 @return: The updated peer. 348 @since: API v3 349 """ 350 if self._get_resource_root().version < 11: 351 peer_type = None 352 peer = ApiCmPeer(self._get_resource_root(), 353 name=new_name, 354 url=new_url, 355 username=username, 356 password=password, 357 type=peer_type) 358 return self._put("peers/" + current_name, ApiCmPeer, data=peer, api_version=3)
360 - def get_peers(self):
361 """ 362 Retrieve a list of replication peers. 363 364 @return: A list of replication peers. 365 @since: API v3 366 """ 367 return self._get("peers", ApiCmPeer, True, api_version=3)
369 - def get_peer(self, name, peer_type="REPLICATION"):
370 """ 371 Retrieve a replication peer by name. 372 373 @param name: The name of the peer. 374 @param peer_type: Added in v11. The type of the peer. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'. 375 @return: The peer. 376 @since: API v3 377 """ 378 params = self._get_peer_type_param(peer_type) 379 return self._get("peers/" + name, ApiCmPeer, params=params, api_version=3)
381 - def test_peer_connectivity(self, name, peer_type="REPLICATION"):
382 """ 383 Test connectivity for a replication peer. 384 385 @param name: The name of the peer to test. 386 @param peer_type: Added in v11. The type of the peer to test. Defaults to 'REPLICATION'. 387 @return: The command representing the test. 388 @since: API v3 389 """ 390 params = self._get_peer_type_param(peer_type) 391 return self._post("peers/%s/commands/test" % name, ApiCommand, params=params, 392 api_version=3)
394 - def get_all_hosts_config(self, view=None):
395 """ 396 Retrieve the default configuration for all hosts. 397 398 @param view: View to materialize. 399 @param view: View to materialize ('full' or 'summary') 400 @return: Dictionary with configuration data. 401 """ 402 return self._get_config("allHosts/config", view)
404 - def update_all_hosts_config(self, config):
405 """ 406 Update the default configuration for all hosts. 407 408 @param config: Dictionary with configuration to update. 409 @return: Dictionary with updated configuration. 410 """ 411 return self._update_config("allHosts/config", config)
413 - def auto_assign_roles(self):
414 """ 415 Automatically assign roles to hosts and create the roles for the Cloudera 416 Management Service. 417 418 Assignments are done based on number of hosts in the deployment and hardware 419 specifications. Existing roles will be taken into account and their 420 assignments will be not be modified. The deployment should not have any 421 clusters when calling this endpoint. If it does, an exception will be thrown 422 preventing any role assignments. 423 @since: API v6 424 """ 425 self._put("service/autoAssignRoles", None, api_version=6)
427 - def auto_configure(self):
428 """ 429 Automatically configures roles of the Cloudera Management Service. 430 431 Overwrites some existing configurations. Only default role config groups 432 must exist before calling this endpoint. Other role config groups must not 433 exist. If they do, an exception will be thrown preventing any 434 configuration. Ignores any clusters (and their services and roles) 435 colocated with the Cloudera Management Service. To avoid over-committing 436 the heap on hosts, place the Cloudera Management Service roles on machines 437 not used by any of the clusters. 438 @since: API v6 439 """ 440 self._put("service/autoConfigure", None, api_version=6)
442 - def host_install(self, user_name, host_names, ssh_port=None, password=None, 443 private_key=None, passphrase=None, parallel_install_count=None, 444 cm_repo_url=None, gpg_key_custom_url=None, 445 java_install_strategy=None, unlimited_jce=None):
446 """ 447 Install Cloudera Manager Agent on a set of hosts. 448 449 @param user_name: The username used to authenticate with the hosts. Root access 450 to your hosts is required to install Cloudera packages. The 451 installer will connect to your hosts via SSH and log in either 452 directly as root or as another user with password-less sudo 453 privileges to become root. 454 @param host_names: List of names of hosts to configure for use with 455 Cloudera Manager. A host may be specified by a 456 hostname(FQDN) or an IP address. 457 @param ssh_port: SSH port. If unset, defaults to 22. 458 @param password: The password used to authenticate with the hosts. Specify 459 either this or a private key. For password-less login, use 460 an empty string as password. 461 @param private_key: The private key to authenticate with the hosts. Specify 462 either this or a password. 463 @param passphrase: The passphrase associated with the private key used to 464 authenticate with the hosts (optional). 465 @param parallel_install_count: Number of simultaneous installations. 466 Defaults to 10. Running a large number of 467 installations at once can consume large amounts 468 of network bandwidth and other system resources. 469 @param cm_repo_url: The Cloudera Manager repository URL to use (optional). 470 Example for SLES, Redhat or other RPM based distributions: 471 472 Example for Ubuntu or other Debian based distributions: 473 "deb lucid-cm5 contrib" 474 @param gpg_key_custom_url: The Cloudera Manager public GPG key (optional). 475 Example for SLES, Redhat or other RPM based distributions: 476 477 Example for Ubuntu or other Debian based distributions: 478 479 @param java_install_strategy: Added in v8: Strategy to use for JDK installation. Valid values are 1. 480 AUTO (default): Cloudera Manager will install the JDK versions that are 481 required when the "AUTO" option is selected. Cloudera Manager may 482 overwrite any of the existing JDK installations. 2. NONE: Cloudera 483 Manager will not install any JDK when "NONE" option is selected. It 484 should be used if an existing JDK installation has to be used. 485 @param unlimited_jce: Added in v8: Flag for unlimited strength JCE policy files installation If 486 unset, defaults to false 487 @return: Information about the submitted command. 488 @since: API v6 489 """ 490 host_install_args = {} 491 if user_name: 492 host_install_args['userName'] = user_name 493 if host_names: 494 host_install_args['hostNames'] = host_names 495 if ssh_port: 496 host_install_args['sshPort'] = ssh_port 497 if password: 498 host_install_args['password'] = password 499 if private_key: 500 host_install_args['privateKey'] = private_key 501 if passphrase: 502 host_install_args['passphrase'] = passphrase 503 if parallel_install_count: 504 host_install_args['parallelInstallCount'] = parallel_install_count 505 if cm_repo_url: 506 host_install_args['cmRepoUrl'] = cm_repo_url 507 if gpg_key_custom_url: 508 host_install_args['gpgKeyCustomUrl'] = gpg_key_custom_url 509 if java_install_strategy is not None: 510 host_install_args['javaInstallStrategy'] = java_install_strategy 511 if unlimited_jce: 512 host_install_args['unlimitedJCE'] = unlimited_jce 513 return self._cmd('hostInstall', data=host_install_args)
515 - def begin_trial(self):
516 """ 517 Begin the trial license for this Cloudera Manager instance. 518 519 This allows the user to have enterprise-level features for a 60-day trial 520 period. 521 522 @since: API v6 523 """ 524 self._post("trial/begin", None, api_version=6)
526 - def end_trial(self):
527 """ 528 End the trial license for this Cloudera Manager instance. 529 530 @since: API v6 531 """ 532 self._post("trial/end", None, api_version=6)
534 - def import_cluster_template(self, api_cluster_template, add_repositories=False):
535 """ 536 Create a cluster according to the provided template 537 538 @param api_cluster_template: cluster template to import 539 @param add_repositories: if true the parcels repositories in the cluster template will be added. 540 @return: Command handing cluster import 541 @since: API v12 542 """ 543 return self._post("importClusterTemplate", ApiCommand, False, api_cluster_template, params=dict(addRepositories=add_repositories), api_version=12)
545 - def delete_credentials(self, mode=None):
546 """ 547 Delete credentials for services configured with Kerberos. 548 549 @param mode: None for v17. For v18, "all" if all credentials need to be 550 deleted, or "unused" if unused credentials are to be deleted. 551 @return: Information about the submitted command. 552 @since: API v17 553 """ 554 if mode is None: 555 return self._cmd('deleteCredentials', api_version=17) 556 else: 557 return self._cmd('deleteCredentials', mode, api_version=18)