
Mount Point: /api/v6/clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsEnableNnHa


Enable High Availability (HA) with Automatic Failover for an HDFS NameNode.

The command will create a Standby NameNode for the given nameservice and create FailoverControllers for both Active and Standby NameNodes. The SecondaryNameNode associated with the Active NameNode will be deleted.

The command will also create JournalNodes needed for HDFS HA if they do not already exist.

As part of enabling HA, any services that depend on the HDFS service being modified will be stopped. They will be restarted after HA has been enabled. Finally, client configs for HDFS and its depedents will be re-deployed.


name description type default
serviceName The HDFS service name. path
clusterName (no documentation provided) path

Request Body

element: enableNnHaArgs

Arguments for the command.

Response Body

element: command

Information about the submitted command.