
Utilization report information of a tenant of Impala application.


property type description
tenantName tenantName (string) Name of the tenant.
totalQueries totalQueries (double) Total number of queries submitted to Impala.
successfulQueries successfulQueries (double) Number of queries that finished successfully.
oomQueries oomQueries (double) Number of queries that failed due to insufficient memory.
timeOutQueries timeOutQueries (double) Number of queries that timed out while waiting for resources in a pool.
rejectedQueries rejectedQueries (double) Number of queries that were rejected by Impala because the pool was full.
avgWaitTimeInQueue avgWaitTimeInQueue (double) Average time, in milliseconds, spent by a query in an Impala pool while waiting for resources.
peakAllocationTimestampMS peakAllocationTimestampMS (long) The time when Impala reserved the maximum amount of memory for queries.
maxAllocatedMemory maxAllocatedMemory (double) The maximum memory (in bytes) that was reserved by Impala for executing queries.
maxAllocatedMemoryPercentage maxAllocatedMemoryPercentage (double) The maximum percentage of memory that was reserved by Impala for executing queries.
utilizedAtMaxAllocated utilizedAtMaxAllocated (double) The amount of memory (in bytes) used by Impala for running queries at the time when maximum memory was reserved.
utilizedAtMaxAllocatedPercentage utilizedAtMaxAllocatedPercentage (double) The percentage of memory used by Impala for running queries at the time when maximum memory was reserved.
peakUsageTimestampMS peakUsageTimestampMS (long) The time when Impala used the maximum amount of memory for queries.
maxUtilizedMemory maxUtilizedMemory (double) The maximum memory (in bytes) that was used by Impala for executing queries.
maxUtilizedMemoryPercentage maxUtilizedMemoryPercentage (double) The maximum percentage of memory that was used by Impala for executing queries.
allocatedAtMaxUtilized allocatedAtMaxUtilized (double) The amount of memory (in bytes) reserved by Impala at the time when it was using the maximum memory for executing queries.
allocatedAtMaxUtilizedPercentage allocatedAtMaxUtilizedPercentage (double) The percentage of memory reserved by Impala at the time when it was using the maximum memory for executing queries.
distributionUtilizedByImpalaDaemon distributionUtilizedByImpalaDaemon (apiImpalaUtilizationHistogram) Distribution of memory used per Impala daemon for executing queries at the time Impala used the maximum memory.
distributionAllocatedByImpalaDaemon distributionAllocatedByImpalaDaemon (apiImpalaUtilizationHistogram) Distribution of memory reserved per Impala daemon for executing queries at the time Impala used the maximum memory.
avgSpilledMemory avgSpilledMemory (double) Average spill per query.
maxSpilledMemory maxSpilledMemory (double) Maximum spill per query.