This is the model for a host in the system.
property | type | description |
hostId | hostId (string) | A unique host identifier. This is not the same as the hostname (FQDN). It is a distinct value that remains the same even if the hostname changes. |
ipAddress | ipAddress (string) | The host IP address. This field is not mutable after the initial creation. |
hostname | hostname (string) | The hostname. This field is not mutable after the initial creation. |
rackId | rackId (string) | The rack ID for this host. |
lastHeartbeat | lastHeartbeat (dateTime) | Readonly. Requires "full" view. When the host agent sent the last heartbeat. |
roleRefs | array of roleRefs/roleRefs (apiRoleRef) | Readonly. Requires "full" view. The list of roles assigned to this host. |
healthSummary | healthSummary (apiHealthSummary) | Readonly. Requires "full" view. The high-level health status of this host. |
healthChecks | array of healthChecks/healthChecks (apiHealthCheck) | Readonly. Requires "full" view. The list of health checks performed on the host, with their results. |
hostUrl | hostUrl (string) | Readonly. A URL into the Cloudera Manager web UI for this specific host. |
maintenanceMode | maintenanceMode (boolean) | Readonly. Whether the host is in maintenance mode. Available since API v2. |
commissionState | commissionState (apiCommissionState) | Readonly. The commission state of this role. Available since API v2. |
maintenanceOwners | array of maintenanceOwners/maintenanceOwners (apiEntityType) | Readonly. The list of objects that trigger this host to be in maintenance mode. Available since API v2. |
config | config (apiConfigList) | |
numCores | numCores (long) | Readonly. The number of logical CPU cores on this host. Only populated after the host has heartbeated to the server. Available since API v4. |
numPhysicalCores | numPhysicalCores (long) | Readonly. The number of physical CPU cores on this host. Only populated after the host has heartbeated to the server. Available since API v9. |
totalPhysMemBytes | totalPhysMemBytes (long) | Readonly. The amount of physical RAM on this host, in bytes. Only populated after the host has heartbeated to the server. Available since API v4. |
entityStatus | entityStatus (apiEntityStatus) | Readonly. The entity status for this host. Available since API v11. |
clusterRef | clusterRef (apiClusterRef) | Readonly. A reference to the enclosing cluster. This might be null if the host is not yet assigned to a cluster. Available since API v11. |