Enables starting collection of the diagnostics.
Information about diagnostic bundle generation
A request to create the database
A response which gives status of the database creation
Create Snapshot Response.
Request object for the DeleteSnapshot method.
Response object of the DeleteSnapshot method.
A request for client API connectivity to a database.
A response with client API connectivity to a database.
request to get details of the database in a particular environment
Request to describe the upgrade availability of CDP Runtime and Operating System for a database.
Response with upgrade availability of CDP Runtime and Operating System for a database.
A request to drop the database
A response which gives status of the database deletion
A request to list databases
A list of databases in response
Lists the in-progress diagnostic bundle operations.
The list of in-progress diagnostic bundle operations
Show Restore Snapshots Request.
Show Restore Snapshots Response.
A request to get a list of available environments
A response which contains a list of available environments
Restore Snapshot Request.
Response object for the RestoreSnapshot method.
A response from starting the database.
A response from stopping the database.
A request to update the database
A response to database update request
Asynchronous request to upgrade the CDP Runtime for a database.
Response with the reason whether upgrade request is accepted or why it is not possible.