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Classes in used by object for AddInstanceGroupsMlServingApp method.Response object for AddInstanceGroupsMlServingApp method.Request object for AddInstanceGroups.Response object for AddInstanceGroups.The request object for Cloudera AI workbench backup.The response object for Cloudera AI workbench backup.Request object for the CreateMlServingApp method.Response object for the CreateMlServingApp method.Request object for creating model registry.Response for creating model registry request.Request object for the CreateWorkspace method.Response object for the CreateWorkspace method.The request object for DeleteBackup operation.The response object for DeleteBackup operation.Request object for the DeleteInstanceGroupMlServingApp method.Response object for the DeleteInstanceGroupMlServingApp method.Request object for the DeleteInstanceGroup method.Response object for the DeleteInstanceGroup method.Request object for the DeleteMlServingApp method.Response object for the DeleteMlServingApp method.Request for deleting model registry.Delete model registry response.Request object for the DeleteWorkspace method.Response object for the DeleteWorkspace method.Request object for the DescribeMlServingApp method.Response object for the DescribeMlServingApp method.Request object for the DescribeModelRegistry method.Response object for the DescribeModelRegistry method.Request object for the DescribeWorkspace method.Response object for the DescribeWorkspace method.GetAuditEventsRequest to get all audit events for a given workbench crn.GetAuditEventsResponse containes all the audit events for a given workbench crn.Request object for the GetKubeconfig method.Response object for the GetKubeconfig method.Request object for GetLatestWorkspaceVersion.Response object for GetLatestWorkspaceVersion.GetLogsRequest for getting logs for a request ID.GetLogsResponse contains all the logs for a given request id.Request object for the GetMlServingAppKubeconfig method.Response object for the GetMlServingAppKubeconfig method.Request object for GetModelRegistryKubeconfig.GetModelRegistryKubeconfigResponse response provides model registry kube config.Request object for the GrantMlServingAppAccess method.Response object for the GrantMlServingAppAccess method.Request object for the GrantModelRegistryAccess method.Response object for the GrantModelRegistryAccess method.Request object for the GrantWorkspaceAccess method.Response object for the GrantWorkspaceAccess method.Request object for the ListInstanceTypeConfiguration method.Response object for the ListInstanceTypeConfiguration method.Request object for the ListMlServingAppAccess method.Response object for the ListMlServingAppAccess method.Request object for the ListMlServingApps method.Response object for the ListMlServingApps method.Request object for deleting model registry.List of all available model registries.Request object for the ListModelRegistryAccess method.Response object for the ListModelRegistryAccess method.Request object for the ListRelevantInstances method.Response object for the ListRelevantInstances method.Request object for the ListWorkspace method.Response object for the ListWorkspaceAccess method.Request object for ListWorkspaceBackups method.Response object for ListWorkspaceBackups method.Request object for the ListWorkspaces method.Response object for the ListWorkspaces method.Request object for ModifyClusterInstanceGroup.Response object for ModifyClusterInstanceGroup.Request object for ModifyClusterSecurity.Response object for ModifyClusterSecurity.Request object for the ModifyMlServingApp method.Response object for ModifyMlServingApp method.Request object for ModifyWorkspaceLoadBalancer.Response object for ModifyWorkspaceLoadBalancer.Request for refreshing workbench's model registry configmap.Response for refreshing workbench's model registry configmap.Request object for RequestWorkflowCancellation.Response object for RequestWorkflowCancellation.Request object for RestoreWorkspace method.Response object for the RestoreWorkspace method.Request object for ResumeWorkspace.Response object for ResumeWorkspace.Request object for the RevokeMlServingAppAccess method.Response object for the RevokeMlServingAppAccess method.Request object for the RevokeModelRegistry method.Response object for the RevokeModelRegistryAccess method.Request object for the RevokeWorkspace method.Response object for the RevokeWorkspaceAccess method.Request for rollback model registry upgrade.Response for rollback model registry request.Request object for SuspendWorkspace.Response object for SuspendWorkspace.Request object for the UpgradeMlServingApp method.Response object for the UpgradeMlServingApp method.Request for upgrading model registry.Response for upgrading model registry.Request object for the UpgradeWorkspace method.Response object for the UpgradeWorkspace method.
Classes in used by event descibes an performed or performing in a given workbench.AuditEvents contains all the audit events for a given workbench crn.Audit log represents an individual log.AuditLogs contains all the logs for a given request id.Configuration for instance auto scaling.Backup Detail response object for listing backups.Backup metadata response object for the workbench summary.Request object for the CreateWorkspace method.Configurations for bringing an existing database for model metricsHealthinfo object contains the health information of a resource.Represents each instance in an instance group.Instance DetailsContains the necessary info for an instance group.The Kubernetes cluster informationQuery options object for ListWorkspaceBackups method.The Cloudera AI Inference Service instance.Request object for provisioning Cloudera AI Inference Service instance groups.Model registry objectRequest object for provisioning model registry.Contains the information about overlay network.Request object for workbench provision.Contains a single tag entry that will be configured on cloud resources associated with a workbench.Instance DetailsConfiguration for instance root device volume.Contains a single tag entry associated with a workbench.Contains the information about topology.Response object for the workbench summary.The workflow metadata.A ML workbench, which includes the cluster and storage.Instance group information to show in workbench details.A Cloudera AI workbench which includes the deployed configuration details.