Request object for attaching recipes to FreeIPA.
Response object for attaching recipes to FreeIPA.
Request object for cancel running FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Response object for cancel running FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Request object for a change environment credentials request.
Response object for a change environment credentials request.
Request object for checking Database connectivity.
Response object for checking Database connectivity.
Request object to check connectivity to private cloud environment.
Response object to check connectivity to private cloud environment.
Request object for checking Kubernetes connectivity.
Response object for checking Kubernetes connectivity.
Request object for collecting FreeIPA diagnostics.
Response object for collecting FreeIPA diagnostics.
Request object for a create AWS credential request.
Response object for a create AWS credential request.
Request object for a create AWS environment request.
Response object for a create AWS environment request.
Request object for a create AWS credential request for GovCloud.
Response object for a create AWS credential request for GovCloud.
Request object for a create AWS GovCloud environment request.
Response object for a create AWS GovCloud environment request.
Request object for a create Azure credential request.
Response object for a create Azure credential request.
Request object for a create Azure environment request.
Response object for a create Azure environment request.
Request object for a create GCP credential request.
Response object for a create GCP credential request.
Request object for a create GCP environment request.
Response object for a create GCP environment request.
Request object for a create private cloud environment request.
Response object for a create private cloud environment request.
Request object for a create proxy config request.
Response object for a create proxy config request.
Request object for a delete audit credential request.
Response object for a delete audit credential request.
Request object for a delete credential request.
Response object for a delete credential request.
Request object for a delete environment request.
Response object for a delete environment request.
Request object for a delete proxy config request.
Response object for a delete proxy config request.
Request object for a describe environment request.
Response object for a describe environment request.
Request object for detaching recipes from FreeIPA.
Response object for detaching recipes from FreeIPA.
The request object for FreeIPA downscale.
The response object for FreeIPA downscale.
Request object for get default account level telemetry settings.
Response object for get default account level telemetry settings.
Request object for get account level telemetry settings.
Response object for get account level telemetry settings.
Request object for getting the audit credential prerequisites for the given cloud platform.
The audit credential prerequisites.
Request object to retrieve current value of setting that controls automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
Response object to retrieve current value of setting that controls automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
Request object for getting the credential prerequisites for the given cloud platform.
The credential prerequisites for AWS.
Request object to query environment configuration settings.
Response object containing configuration settings.
Request object for retrieving the user sync state of an environment.
Response object for retrieving the user sync state of an environment.
Request object for obtaining log descriptors.
Response object for obtaining log descriptors.
Request object for getting the status of the FreeIPA servers.
The overall status of the FreeIPA cluster.
The request object for retrieving FreeIPA upgrade candidates.
The response object with available FreeIPA upgrade candidates.
Request object for getting the audit credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
The audit credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
Request object for getting the credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
The credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
Request object for getting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Response object for getting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Request object for getting ID Broker mappings sync status.
Response object for getting ID Broker mappings sync status.
Request object for get keytab request.
Request object for get keytab request.
Request object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the environment resource.
Response object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the environment resource.
Request object for Repair Status.
Response object for Repair Operation.
Request object for obtaining public certificate of an environment.
Response object with base64 encoded contents of the public certificate for an environment.
Request object for a initialize AWS default compute cluster.
Response object for an initialize AWS default compute cluster request.
Request object for a initialize Azure default compute cluster.
Response object for an initialize Azure default compute cluster request.
Request object for Sync Status.
Response object for Sync Operation.
Request object for a list audit credentials request.
Response object for a list audit credentials request.
Request object for listing connected Data Service(s) for a given environment.
Response object for listing connected Data Service(s) for a given environment.
Request object for a list credentials request.
Response object for a list credentials request.
Request object for a list environments request.
Response object for a list environments request.
Request object for listing recent FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Response object for listing recent FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Request object for a list proxy configs request.
Response object for a list proxy configs request.
Request object for repairing the FreeIPA servers.
Response object for an FreeIPA repair request.
Request object for retry FreeIPA request.
Response object for retry FreeIPA operation on an environment.
Request object for rotating SaltStack user password on FreeIPA instances (Deprecated).
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on FreeIPA instances (Deprecated).
Request object to enable environment level telemetry features.
Response object for set account level telemetry settings.
Request object for a set AWS audit credential request.
Response object for a set AWS audit credential request.
Request object for a set AWS GovCloud audit credential request.
Response object for a set AWS GovCloud audit credential request.
Request object for a set Azure audit credential request.
Response object for a set Azure audit credential request.
The request object to set catalog for a FreeIPA.
The response object to set catalog for a FreeIPA request.
Request object to set endpoint access gateway settings.
Response object for set endpoint access gateway request.
Request object to set environment configuration settings.
Response object to set configuration.
Request object for a set GCP audit credential request.
Response object for a set GCP audit credential request.
Request object for setting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Response object for setting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Request object for set password request.
Response object for set password request.
Request object to enable environment level telemetry features.
Response object to enable environment level telemetry features.
Request object for a start environment request.
Response object for a start environment request.
The request object for FreeIPA vertical scaling.
The response object for FreeIPA vertical scaling.
Request object for a stop environment request.
Response object for a stop environment request.
Request object for a All Users and Groups Sync.
All Users and Groups Sync Response Object
Request object for synchronizing ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Response object for synchronizing ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Request object for Sync Status.
Response object for Sync Operation.
Request Object for single user sync operation.
Response Object for single user sync operation.
Request object for testing text input against provided account telemetry anonymization rules.
Response object for testing anonymization rules for account telemetry.
Request object for an update AWS credential request.
Response object for an update AWS credential request.
Request object for updating AWS encryption parameters.
Response object for an update AWS encryption parameters request.
Request object to update Availability Zones for Azure environment.
Response object for a update Azure Availability Zones request.
Request object for an update Azure credential request.
Response object for an update Azure credential request.
Request object for updating Azure Database resources.
Response object for a update Azure Database resources request.
Request object for updating Azure encryption resources.
Response object for a update Azure encryption resources request.
Request object to enable or disable automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
Response object to enable or disable automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
The desired custom docker registry for data services to be used.
The environment with the updated custom docker registry for data services.
Update Data Services parameters request of the environment.
Response object for an update environment Data Service resource request.
The related environment where we update the corresponding FreeIPA to use AWS IMDSv1.
Response object for updating corresponding FreeIPA of the given environment to AWS IMDSv1.
The related environment where we update the corresponding FreeIPA to use AWS IMDSv2.
Response object for updating corresponding FreeIPA of the given environment to AWS IMDSv2.
Request object for running orchestrator engine state update on the FreeIPA cluster.
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the FreeIPA cluster.
Request object for updating the proxy config of the given environment.
Response object for updating the proxy config of the given environment.
The request object for updating security access of the given environment.
Response object for an update environment security access request.
The request object for updating the environment SSH key.
Response object for an update environment SSH key request.
The request for updating subnets of the given environment.
Response object for an update environment subnet request.
Request object for upgrading Cluster Connectivity Manager on an environment.
Response object for upgrading Cluster Connectivity Manager request on an environment.
The request object for FreeIPA upgrade.
The response object for FreeIPA upgrade.
The request object for FreeIPA upscale.
The response object for FreeIPA upscale.
Request object for AWS environment cloud storage validation.
Response object for AWS environment cloud storage validation.
Request object for Azure environment cloud storage validation.
Response object for Azure environment cloud storage validation.