Uses of Package
Packages that use com.cloudera.cdp.df.model
Classes in com.cloudera.cdp.df.model used by com.cloudera.cdp.df.apiClassDescriptionRequest object for the AddReadyflow methodResponse object for the AddReadyflow methodA request to cancel the deletion of a Project that is deletingA response to cancelling the deletion of a ProjectRequest object for the CreateFlowVersionTag method.Response object for the CreateVersionTag method.A request to create a ProjectA response to create a ProjectRequest object for the DeleteAddedReadyFlow methodResponse object for the DeleteAddedReadyflow methodRequest object for the DeleteFlow methodResponse object for the DeleteFlow methodRequest object for the DeleteFlowVersionTag method.Response object for the DeleteVersionTag method.A request to delete a ProjectA response to delete a ProjectRequest object for the DescribeAddedReadyflow methodResponse object for the DescribeAddedReadyflow methodA request to describe event details for developmentA response to describe event details for developmentA request to describe a deploymentA response to describe a deploymentRequest object for the DescribeFlow methodResponse object for the DescribeFlow methodA request to describe a ProjectA response to describe a ProjectRequest object for the DescribeReadyflow methodResponse object for the DescribeReadyflow methodRequest object for DescribeServiceEventDetailResponse object for DescribeServiceEventDetailRequest object for the DescribeService method.Response object for the DescribeService method.Request object for DisableServiceResponse object for DisableServiceRequest object for EnableServiceResponse object for EnableServiceRequest object for the GetFlowVersion method.Response object for the GetFlowVersion method.Request object for GetKubeconfig.Response object for GetKubeconfig.The request for granting accessThe response for granting accessRequest object for ImportFlowDefinitionResponse object for ImportFlowDefinitionRequest object for ImportFlowDefinitionVersionResponse object for ImportFlowDefinitionVersionA request to initiate a deploymentA response from initiating a deploymentRequest object for the ListDeployableServicesForNewDeploymentsRequest method.Response object for the ListDeployableServicesForNewDeploymentsRequest method.A request to list active alerts for deploymentA response to list active alerts for deploymentA request to list event history for deploymentA response to list event history for deploymentA request to list deployment KPIsA response to list deployment KPIsA request to list deploymentsA response from listing deploymentsA request to list deployment system metricsA response to list deployment system metricsA request to list past and present diagnostics for a given DataFlow Service.Response object for ListDiagnostics.A request to list filter optionsA response to list filter optionsRequest object for the ListFlowDefinitions method.Response object for the ListFlowDefinitions method.Request object for the ListFlowDefinitionVersions method.Response object for the ListFlowDefinitionVersions method.Request object for the ListFlowVersionTags method.Response object for the ListFlowVersionTags method.The request for retrieving notificationsThe response for retrieving notificationsA request to list filter optionsA response to list filter optionsA request to list ProjectsA response to list ProjectsRequest object for the ListReadyflows method.Response object for the ListReadyflows method.Request object for ListServiceActiveAlertsResponse object for ListServiceActiveAlertsRequest object for ListServiceEventsResponse object for ListServiceEventsRequest object for the ListServices method.Response object for the ListServices method.A request to list service system metricsA response to list service system metricsThe request for listing the users that have access to a clusterThe response for listing the users that have access to a clusterRequest object for RenewCertificatesResponse object for RenewCertificatesRequest object for ResetServiceResponse object for ResetServiceThe request for revoking accessThe response for revoking accessRequest to start DataFlow diagnostics bundle creation.Response object for StartGetDiagnosticsCollection.A request to describe a ProjectA response to describe a ProjectRequest object for UpdateServiceResponse object for UpdateServiceRequest object for UpgradeServiceResponse object for UpgradeService
Classes in com.cloudera.cdp.df.model used by com.cloudera.cdp.df.modelClassDescriptionA detailed representation of a ready flow as added by the current accountAlert conditionAlert frequency unitA representation of a artifact detail versionA deploymentThe status of a deploymentA deployment summaryThe encryption parameters used by the DataFlow service for K8s secret encryption and EBS volume encryption.An eventEvent detailsAn event summaryA filter optionA representation of a versioned data flow.A representation of an artifact version tag.A representation of an artifact version tag.A summarized version of a flow, mostly useful in listing flowsA representation of a flow detail versionA representation of an artifact version tag.Object representation of a diagnostics request list item.A metric chartThresholds associated with a metricChart data of metricsFrequency tolerance for a metric chartMetric summaryMetric unitA metric valueA notification for an eventA ProjectA filter optionMetadata about a project.A detailed representation of a ready flow.A summarized version of a ready flow, mostly useful in listing flowsThe DataFlow view of a CDP service.Metadata about a serviceThe status of a DataFlow enabled service.The summary of the DF Service enabled in a CDP Environment