Package com.cloudera.cdp.authentication.credentials
package com.cloudera.cdp.authentication.credentials
ClassDescriptionBasic implementation of the CdpCredentials interface that allows callers to pass in the CDP access key ID and private key in the constructor.Provides access to the CDP credentials used for accessing CDP services: the CDP access key ID and private key, or access token.Interface for providing CDP credentials.CdpCredentialsProvider that chains together multiple credentials providers.CdpCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by looking at the CDP_ACCESS_KEY_ID, CDP_PRIVATE_KEY and CDP_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variables.CdpCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by login to CDP interactively.Credentials provider based on CDP configuration profiles.CdpCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by looking at the CDP_ACCESS_KEY_ID, CDP_PRIVATE_KEY and CDP_ACCESS_TOKEN system properties.CDP credential provider chain that looks for credentials in the following order: environment variables, system properties then credential profiles file.Simple implementation of CdpCredentialsProvider that just wraps static CdpCredentials.