- subtitle
Get available images for FreeIPA upgrade.
- version
Get available images for FreeIPA upgrade. If catalog is defined use the catalog as image source.
--environment <value>
[--catalog <value>]
[--allow-major-os-upgrade | --no-allow-major-os-upgrade]
[--cli-input-json <value>]
The name or the CRN of the environment.
The URL of the source image catalog. If not specify this option we’ll use image catalog of the current image.
| --no-allow-major-os-upgrade
Allows the upgrade to a subsequent major OS version in the series.
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
images -> (array)
The list of the upgrade candidates.
item -> (object)
Information about FreeIPA image.
catalog -> (string)
Image catalog URL.
id -> (string)
Virtual machine image ID from ImageCatalog, machines of the cluster will be started from this image.
os -> (string)
OS type of the image, this property is only considered when no specific image ID is provided.
imageName -> (string)
Image name
date -> (string)
Creation date of the image from catalog.
catalogName -> (string)
Image catalog name.
currentImage -> (object)
Information about FreeIPA image.
catalog -> (string)
Image catalog URL.
id -> (string)
Virtual machine image ID from ImageCatalog, machines of the cluster will be started from this image.
os -> (string)
OS type of the image, this property is only considered when no specific image ID is provided.
imageName -> (string)
Image name
date -> (string)
Creation date of the image from catalog.
catalogName -> (string)
Image catalog name.
Form Factors¶
public, private