

Update the configuration of a Virtual Warehouse.




Update the configuration of a Virtual Warehouse.


--cluster-id <value>
--vw-id <value>
[--t-shirt-size <value>]
[--node-count <value>]
[--config <value>]
[--autoscaling <value>]
[--impala-ha-settings <value>]
[--query-isolation-options <value>]
[--platform-jwt-auth | --no-platform-jwt-auth]
[--impala-query-log | --no-impala-query-log]
[--resource-pool <value>]
[--hive-server-ha-mode <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--cluster-id (string)

ID of the Virtual Warehouse’s cluster.

--vw-id (string)

ID of the Virtual Warehouse.

--t-shirt-size (string)

Name of T-shirt size to use, which will determine the number of nodes.

Possible values:

  • xsmall

  • small

  • medium

  • large

--node-count (integer)

Nodes per compute cluster. If specified, forces ‘template’ to be ‘custom’

--config (object)

Configurations for a service (DBC or VW)

commonConfigs -> (object)

Configurations for an application inside a service.

configBlocks -> (array)

List of ConfigBlocks for the application.

item -> (object)

A piece of configuration stored in the same place (e.g. same file or environment variables).

id -> (string)

ID of the ConfigBlock. Unique within an ApplicationConfig.

content -> (object)

Contents of a ConfigBlock.

keyValues -> (map)

Key-value type configurations.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

Key-value type configurations.

text -> (string)

Text type configuration.

json -> (string)

JSON type configuration.

applicationConfigs -> (map)

Application specific configurations.

key -> (string)

value -> (object)

Configurations for an application inside a service.

configBlocks -> (array)

List of ConfigBlocks for the application.

item -> (object)

A piece of configuration stored in the same place (e.g. same file or environment variables).

id -> (string)

ID of the ConfigBlock. Unique within an ApplicationConfig.

content -> (object)

Contents of a ConfigBlock.

keyValues -> (map)

Key-value type configurations.

key -> (string)

value -> (string)

Key-value type configurations.

text -> (string)

Text type configuration.

json -> (string)

JSON type configuration.

ldapGroups -> (array)

LDAP Groupnames to be enabled for auth.

item -> (string)

enableSSO -> (boolean)

Should SSO be enabled for this VW.

JSON Syntax:

  "commonConfigs": {
    "configBlocks": [
        "id": "string",
        "content": {
          "keyValues": {"string": "string"
          "text": "string",
          "json": "string"
  "applicationConfigs": {"string": {
        "configBlocks": [
            "id": "string",
            "content": {
              "keyValues": {"string": "string"
              "text": "string",
              "json": "string"
  "ldapGroups": ["string", ...],
  "enableSSO": true|false

--autoscaling (object)

Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse. Provide those values only that you want to update.

minClusters -> (integer)

Minimum number of available compute groups. Zero means, the minClusters will not be updated.

maxClusters -> (integer)

Maximum number of available compute groups. Zero means, the maxClusters will not be updated..

disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)

Turn off auto suspend for Virtual Warehouse.

autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)

Auto suspend threshold for Virtual Warehouse.

hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds -> (integer)

Set wait time before a scale event happens. Either “hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds” or “hiveDesiredFreeCapacity” can be provided. If “hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds” provided, then the “hiveDesiredFreeCapacity” will be explicityly set to 0.

hiveDesiredFreeCapacity -> (integer)

Set Desired free capacity. Either “hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds” or “hiveDesiredFreeCapacity” can be provided.

impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds -> (integer)

Scale up the scaling up threshold in seconds.

impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds -> (integer)

Scale down threshold in seconds.

impalaExecutorGroupSets -> (object)

Re-configure executor group sets for workload aware autoscaling.

small -> (object)

Re-configure independently scaling set of uniformly sized executor groups.

execGroupSize -> (integer)

Set number of executors per executor group.

minExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set minimum number of executor groups allowed.

maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set maximum number of executor groups allowed.

autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)

Set auto suspend threshold. If not provided defaults will apply.

disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)

Turn off auto suspend. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)

Set scale up threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)

Set scale down threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

deleteGroupSet -> (boolean)

Delete the executor group set.

custom1 -> (object)

Re-configure independently scaling set of uniformly sized executor groups.

execGroupSize -> (integer)

Set number of executors per executor group.

minExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set minimum number of executor groups allowed.

maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set maximum number of executor groups allowed.

autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)

Set auto suspend threshold. If not provided defaults will apply.

disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)

Turn off auto suspend. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)

Set scale up threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)

Set scale down threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

deleteGroupSet -> (boolean)

Delete the executor group set.

custom2 -> (object)

Re-configure independently scaling set of uniformly sized executor groups.

execGroupSize -> (integer)

Set number of executors per executor group.

minExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set minimum number of executor groups allowed.

maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set maximum number of executor groups allowed.

autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)

Set auto suspend threshold. If not provided defaults will apply.

disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)

Turn off auto suspend. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)

Set scale up threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)

Set scale down threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

deleteGroupSet -> (boolean)

Delete the executor group set.

custom3 -> (object)

Re-configure independently scaling set of uniformly sized executor groups.

execGroupSize -> (integer)

Set number of executors per executor group.

minExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set minimum number of executor groups allowed.

maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set maximum number of executor groups allowed.

autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)

Set auto suspend threshold. If not provided defaults will apply.

disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)

Turn off auto suspend. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)

Set scale up threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)

Set scale down threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

deleteGroupSet -> (boolean)

Delete the executor group set.

large -> (object)

Re-configure independently scaling set of uniformly sized executor groups.

execGroupSize -> (integer)

Set number of executors per executor group.

minExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set minimum number of executor groups allowed.

maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)

Set maximum number of executor groups allowed.

autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)

Set auto suspend threshold. If not provided defaults will apply.

disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)

Turn off auto suspend. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)

Set scale up threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)

Set scale down threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.

deleteGroupSet -> (boolean)

Delete the executor group set.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "minClusters": integer,
  "maxClusters": integer,
  "disableAutoSuspend": true|false,
  "autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds": integer,
  "hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds": integer,
  "hiveDesiredFreeCapacity": integer,
  "impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds": integer,
  "impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds": integer,
  "impalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds": integer,
  "impalaNumOfActiveCoordinators": integer,
  "impalaExecutorGroupSets": {
    "small": {
      "execGroupSize": integer,
      "minExecutorGroups": integer,
      "maxExecutorGroups": integer,
      "autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds": integer,
      "disableAutoSuspend": true|false,
      "triggerScaleUpDelay": integer,
      "triggerScaleDownDelay": integer,
      "deleteGroupSet": true|false
    "custom1": {
      "execGroupSize": integer,
      "minExecutorGroups": integer,
      "maxExecutorGroups": integer,
      "autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds": integer,
      "disableAutoSuspend": true|false,
      "triggerScaleUpDelay": integer,
      "triggerScaleDownDelay": integer,
      "deleteGroupSet": true|false
    "custom2": {
      "execGroupSize": integer,
      "minExecutorGroups": integer,
      "maxExecutorGroups": integer,
      "autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds": integer,
      "disableAutoSuspend": true|false,
      "triggerScaleUpDelay": integer,
      "triggerScaleDownDelay": integer,
      "deleteGroupSet": true|false
    "custom3": {
      "execGroupSize": integer,
      "minExecutorGroups": integer,
      "maxExecutorGroups": integer,
      "autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds": integer,
      "disableAutoSuspend": true|false,
      "triggerScaleUpDelay": integer,
      "triggerScaleDownDelay": integer,
      "deleteGroupSet": true|false
    "large": {
      "execGroupSize": integer,
      "minExecutorGroups": integer,
      "maxExecutorGroups": integer,
      "autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds": integer,
      "disableAutoSuspend": true|false,
      "triggerScaleUpDelay": integer,
      "triggerScaleDownDelay": integer,
      "deleteGroupSet": true|false

--impala-ha-settings (object)

High Availability settings update options for the Impala Virtual Warehouse.

shutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds -> (integer)

Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.

numOfActiveCoordinators -> (integer)

The number of active coordinators.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "shutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds": integer,
  "numOfActiveCoordinators": integer

--query-isolation-options (object)

Configurations for Query Isolation.

maxQueries -> (integer)

Maximum Concurrent Isolated Queries. If not provided, 0 will be applied. The 0 value means the query isoltaion functionality will be disabled.

maxNodesPerQuery -> (integer)

Maximum Nodes Per Isolated Query. If not provided, 0 will be applied. The 0 value means the query isoltaion functionality will be disabled.

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "maxQueries": integer,
  "maxNodesPerQuery": integer

--platform-jwt-auth | --no-platform-jwt-auth (boolean)

Value of ‘true’ automatically configures the Virtual Warehouse to support JWTs issues by the CDP JWT token provider. Value of ‘false’ does not enable JWT auth on the Virtual Warehouse. If this field is not specified, it defaults to ‘false’.

--impala-query-log | --no-impala-query-log (boolean)

Denotes whether the Virtual Warehouse has the Impala Query Log enabled or not.

Form Factors: public

--resource-pool (string)

Used to set the resource pool of the Virtual Warehouses that are not enrolled for quota management.

Form Factors: private

--hive-server-ha-mode (string)

If specified, modifies Hive Server High Availability mode in Private Cloud: * DISABLED - Disables Hive Server high availability. * ACTIVE_PASSIVE - Runs two Hive Server instances, one active and one passive. Hive session failover is not supported in this setup.

Form Factors: private

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


Form Factors

public, private