- subtitle
Describe a Virtual Warehouse.
- version
Describe a Virtual Warehouse.
--cluster-id <value>
--vw-id <value>
[--cli-input-json <value>]
ID of the Virtual Warehouse’s cluster.
ID of the Virtual Warehouse.
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
vw -> (object)
A Virtual Warehouse.
crn -> (string)
The CRN of the Virtual Warehouse.
id -> (string)
The ID of the Virtual Warehouse.
name -> (string)
The name of the Virtual Warehouse.
vwType -> (string)
Type of Virtual Warehouse: ‘hive’ or ‘impala’.
instanceType -> (string)
The underlying instance type for this Virtual Warehouse.
Form Factors: public
dbcId -> (string)
ID of Database Catalog that the Virtual Warehouse is attached to.
status -> (string)
Status of the Virtual Warehouse. Possible values are: Creating, Created, Accepted, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Updating, PreUpdate, Upgrading, PreUpgrade, Restarting, Deleting, Waiting, Failed, Error.
statusChangedAt -> (datetime)
Timestamp of the last status change of the Virtual Warehouse.
creator -> (object)
A CDP actor (user or machine user).
crn -> (string)
Actor CRN.
email -> (string)
Email address for users.
workloadUsername -> (string)
Username for users.
machineUsername -> (string)
Username for machine users.
creationDate -> (datetime)
Creation date of Virtual Warehouse.
configId -> (string)
ID of the configuration.
cdhVersion -> (string)
CDH image version.
numOfCores -> (integer)
Number of cores of the Virtual Warehouse.
memoryCapacity -> (integer)
Memory size of the Virtual Warehouse in MB.
nodeCount -> (integer)
Size of the Virtual Warehouse (node count per compute cluster).
availabilityZone -> (string)
Availability zone in which the Virtual Warehouse is running.
endpoints -> (object)
Endpoints for accessing the Virtual Warehouse.
hiveJdbc -> (string)
JDBC URL for Hive Virtual Warehouses.
hiveKerberosJdbc -> (string)
JDBC URL with Kerberos authentication for Hive Virtual Warehouses in Private Cloud.
Form Factors: private
impalaJdbc -> (string)
JDBC URL for Impala Virtual Warehouses.
impalaKerberosJdbc -> (string)
JDBC URL for Impala Virtual Warehouses with Kerberos authentication.
Form Factors: private
impalaFENGJdbc -> (string)
FENG JDBC URL for Impala Virtual Warehouses.
impalaFengKerberosJdbc -> (string)
Unified Analytics JDBC URL with Kerberos authentication for Impala Virtual Warehouses in Private Cloud.
Form Factors: private
impalaShell -> (string)
Command to use impala-shell for Impala Virtual Warehouses.
fengImpalaShell -> (string)
Command to use impala-shell for Unified Analytics
Form Factors: private
fengKerberosImpalaShell -> (string)
Command to use impala-shell for Unified Analytics with Kerberos authentication in Private Cloud.
Form Factors: private
kerberosImpalaShell -> (string)
Command to use impala-shell for Impala Virtual Warehouses with Kerberos authentication.
Form Factors: private
trinoCli -> (string)
Command-line client that connects to Trino Virtual Warehouse to execute SQL queries.
hue -> (string)
URL of Hue for both Hive and Impala Virtual Warehouses.
das -> (string)
URL of Data Analytics Studio for Hive Virtual Warehouses.
hostname -> (string)
Hostname for clients to use when connecting to the VW.
port -> (integer)
Port for clients to use when connecting to the VW.
jwtConnectionString -> (string)
Generic semi-colon delimited list of key-value pairs that contain all necessary information for clients to construct a connection to this Virtual Warehouse using JWTs as the authentication method.
jwtTokenGenUrl -> (string)
When platform JWT authentication is enabled, contains a URL where a JWT token can be generated by the CDP JWT token provider.
supportedAuthMethods -> (object)
Describes which authentication methods are supported on this Virtual Warehouse.
ldap -> (boolean)
Indicates if username/password access to this Virtual Warehouse is supported.
jwt -> (boolean)
Indicates if JWT auth is supported on this Virtual Warehouse.
sso -> (boolean)
Indicates if SSO auth is supported on this Virtual Warehouse.
jwtAuth -> (object)
Details related to JWT Authentication settings on this Virtual Warehouse.
provider -> (string)
If JWT auth is enabled on the Virtual Warehouse, describes the type of provider. If set to “CDP”, then the CDP JWT auth provider is configured. If set to “CUSTOM”, then another JWT provider is configured. If empty or missing, then JWT auth is not enabled on this Virtual Warehouse.
impalaQueryLog -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the Virtual Warehouse has the Impala Query Log enabled or not.
Form Factors: public
tags -> (array)
Tags associated with the resources.
item -> (object)
A key/value pair attached to some resources.
key -> (string)
The tag’s name.
value -> (string)
The associated value of the tag.
compactor -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the Hive Virtual Warehouse is a compactor or not.
viz -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the Virtual Warehouse has Data Visualisation or not.
enableUnifiedAnalytics -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the Unified Analytics is enabled.
autoscalingOptions -> (object)
Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse.
minClusters -> (integer)
Minimum number of available compute groups.
maxClusters -> (integer)
Maximum number of available compute groups.
disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)
Turn off auto suspend for Virtual Warehouse.
autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)
Auto suspend threshold for Virtual Warehouse.
hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds -> (integer)
Wait time before a scale event happens.
hiveDesiredFreeCapacity -> (integer)
Desired free capacity.
impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds -> (integer)
Scale up the scaling up threshold in seconds.
impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds -> (integer)
Scale down threshold in seconds.
impalaExecutorGroupSets -> (object)
Describes executor group sets for workload aware autoscaling.
small -> (object)
Describes configurations for an executor group set.
groupSetPrefix -> (string)
Name of resource pool for this executor group set.
execGroupSize -> (integer)
Number of executors per executor group.
minExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Minimum number of executor groups allowed.
maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Maximum number of executor groups allowed.
autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)
Auto suspend threshold.
disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)
Denotes whether auto suspend is turned off.
triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)
Scale up threshold in seconds.
triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)
Scale down threshold in seconds.
custom1 -> (object)
Describes configurations for an executor group set.
groupSetPrefix -> (string)
Name of resource pool for this executor group set.
execGroupSize -> (integer)
Number of executors per executor group.
minExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Minimum number of executor groups allowed.
maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Maximum number of executor groups allowed.
autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)
Auto suspend threshold.
disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)
Denotes whether auto suspend is turned off.
triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)
Scale up threshold in seconds.
triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)
Scale down threshold in seconds.
custom2 -> (object)
Describes configurations for an executor group set.
groupSetPrefix -> (string)
Name of resource pool for this executor group set.
execGroupSize -> (integer)
Number of executors per executor group.
minExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Minimum number of executor groups allowed.
maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Maximum number of executor groups allowed.
autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)
Auto suspend threshold.
disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)
Denotes whether auto suspend is turned off.
triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)
Scale up threshold in seconds.
triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)
Scale down threshold in seconds.
custom3 -> (object)
Describes configurations for an executor group set.
groupSetPrefix -> (string)
Name of resource pool for this executor group set.
execGroupSize -> (integer)
Number of executors per executor group.
minExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Minimum number of executor groups allowed.
maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Maximum number of executor groups allowed.
autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)
Auto suspend threshold.
disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)
Denotes whether auto suspend is turned off.
triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)
Scale up threshold in seconds.
triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)
Scale down threshold in seconds.
large -> (object)
Describes configurations for an executor group set.
groupSetPrefix -> (string)
Name of resource pool for this executor group set.
execGroupSize -> (integer)
Number of executors per executor group.
minExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Minimum number of executor groups allowed.
maxExecutorGroups -> (integer)
Maximum number of executor groups allowed.
autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds -> (integer)
Auto suspend threshold.
disableAutoSuspend -> (boolean)
Denotes whether auto suspend is turned off.
triggerScaleUpDelay -> (integer)
Scale up threshold in seconds.
triggerScaleDownDelay -> (integer)
Scale down threshold in seconds.
impalaOptions -> (object)
Impala specific settings.
spillToS3Uri -> (string)
Impala spill to S3 URI.
scratchSpaceLimit -> (integer)
Maximum scratch space used for spilling to disk.
impalaHaSettingsOptions -> (object)
Impala High Availability settings for a Virtual Warehouse.
highAvailabilityMode -> (string)
Set Impala High Availability mode. If not provided, the default will apply. DISABLED - Disables Impala coordinator and Database Catalog high availability. ACTIVE_PASSIVE - Runs multiple coordinators (one active, one passive) and Database Catalogs (one active, one passive). ACTIVE_ACTIVE - Runs multiple coordinators (both active) and Database Catalogs (one active, one passive). If Unified Analytics is enabled, then this cannot be set to ACTIVE_ACTIVE.
enableShutdownOfCoordinator -> (boolean)
Whether a shutdown of the coordinator is enabled.
numOfActiveCoordinators -> (integer)
Number of the active coordinators.
shutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds -> (integer)
Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.
enableCatalogHighAvailability -> (boolean)
Denotes whether a backup instance for Impala catalog is enabled.
enableStatestoreHighAvailability -> (boolean)
Denotes whether a backup instance for Impala Statestore is enabled.
queryIsolationOptions -> (object)
Configurations for Query Isolation.
maxQueries -> (integer)
Maximum Concurrent Isolated Queries
maxNodesPerQuery -> (integer)
Maximum Nodes Per Isolated Query
replicaStatus -> (object)
Status information on the current state of replicas in the virtual warehouse.
Form Factors: public, private
totalExecutorReplicas -> (integer)
Total number of executor replicas scheduled for the virtual warehouse. This number contains the number of executor replicas in pending state, as well as the replicas that are already running. If this number is zero, then the executor functionality is stopped.
readyExecutorReplicas -> (integer)
Total number of ready executor replicas in the virtual warehouse. This number only contains the healthy executor replicas that have already started up and are ready to accept requests. If this number is less than the totalExecutorReplicas, then the virtual warehouse might still be starting up or there might be a problem scheduling these replicas.
totalCoordinatorReplicas -> (integer)
Total number of coordinator replicas scheduled for the virtual warehouse. This number contains the number of coordinator replicas in pending state, as well as the replicas that are already running. If this number is zero, then the coordinator functionality is stopped.
readyCoordinatorReplicas -> (integer)
Total number of ready coordinator replicas in the virtual warehouse. This number only contains the healthy executor replicas that have already started up and are ready to accept requests. If this number is less than the totalCoordinatorReplicas, then the virtual warehouse might still be starting up or there might be a problem scheduling these replicas.
resourcePool -> (string)
The name of the Resource Pool the Virtual Warehouse is in.
Form Factors: private
ebsLLAPSpillGB -> (integer)
Provides EBS gp3 volume as temporary storage space for Hive LLAP cache, and improves query performance. Configurable only at Virtual Warehouse creation. Using EBS volumes incurs additional costs.
hiveServerHaMode -> (string)
Hive Server High Availability mode in Private Cloud: * DISABLED - Hive Server high availability is disabled. * ACTIVE_PASSIVE - Hive Server high availability is enabled with one active and one passive instances. Hive session failover is not supported in this setup.
Form Factors: private
resources -> (map)
The actual resources used by the Virtual Warehouse.
Form Factors: private
key -> (string)
value -> (object)
The resource requirements of a component.
Form Factors: private
cpu -> (float)
Overall CPU requirements.
memory -> (string)
Overall memory requirements.
breakdown -> (object)
Breakdown of the service memory requirements.
Form Factors: private
xms -> (string)
Java VM configuration for -Xms (initial and minimum heap size).
xmx -> (string)
Java VM configuration for -Xmx (maximum heap size).
xss -> (string)
Java VM configuration for -Xss (thread stack size).
maxDirectMemorySize -> (string)
Java VM configuration for -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize (limit for Direct Byte Buffers).
ephemeralStorage -> (string)
Temporary storage for CDW pods, used for storing configurations and temporary data needed during a process. The lifespan of ephemeral storage is tied to the pod.
localStorageSize -> (object)
Storage related information.
Form Factors: private, public
scratch -> (string)
Local disk space used for writing scratch data.
cache -> (string)
Local disk space used for writing cache data.
overhead -> (string)
Local disk space used for writing other temporary data, tools, etc.
Form Factors¶
public, private