- subtitle
Describe a Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.
- version
Describe a Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.
--cluster-id <value>
[--cli-input-json <value>]
The ID of the cluster to describe.
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
cluster -> (object)
A Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.
crn -> (string)
The CRN of the cluster.
id -> (string)
The ID of the cluster.
environmentCrn -> (string)
The CRN of the environment where the cluster is located.
name -> (string)
Name of the cluster (same as the name of the environment).
status -> (string)
Status of the cluster. Possible values are: Creating, Created, Accepted, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Updating, PreUpdate, Upgrading, PreUpgrade, Restarting, Deleting, Waiting, Failed, Error.
creator -> (object)
A CDP actor (user or machine user).
crn -> (string)
Actor CRN.
email -> (string)
Email address for users.
workloadUsername -> (string)
Username for users.
machineUsername -> (string)
Username for machine users.
creationDate -> (datetime)
Creation date of cluster.
cloudPlatform -> (string)
The cloud platform of the environment that was used to create this cluster.
version -> (string)
The version of the deployed CDW cluster.
productSupport -> (object)
Support lifecycle details of the given Cluster version (see version field). Learn more at Support lifecycle site:
Form Factors: public, private
status -> (string)
Status of the support lifecycle. COVERED: The Cluster version has active support. EXPIRED: The Cluster version is no-longer supported. UNKNOWN: The Cluster version is missing or incorrect.
expiryDate -> (datetime)
Shows the expiration date of the support for this Cluster version.
message -> (string)
enableSpotInstances -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the spot instances have been enabled for the cluster. This value is only available for AWS and Azure clusters.
Form Factors: public
awsOptions -> (object)
Response object of the cluster AWS settings.
subnetIds -> (array)
IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster has been deployed.
item -> (string)
workerSubnetIds -> (array)
IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster worker nodes should be deployed.
item -> (string)
lbSubnetIds -> (array)
IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster load balancer should be deployed.
item -> (string)
availabilityZones -> (array)
List of availability zones that the cluster is restricted to use.
item -> (string)
customAmiId -> (string)
Id of the Custom Amazon Machine Image
reducedPermissionMode -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the Reduced Permission mode is enabled.
azureOptions -> (object)
Response object of the cluster Azure settings.
subnetId -> (string)
ID of Azure subnet where the cluster is deployed.
enableAZ -> (boolean)
Denotes whther the Azure Availability Zones for the cluster is enabled or not.
outboundType -> (string)
The current outbound type setting.
aksPodCIDR -> (string)
Pod CIDR setting for Azure CNI networking.
logAnalyticsWorkspaceId -> (string)
Workspace ID for Azure log analytics.
privateSQLSubnetName -> (string)
Name of the delegated subnet where the private SQL should be deployed.
privateDNSZoneSQL -> (string)
Private DNS zone ID for the PostgreSQL server.
enablePrivateSQL -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the private SQL is enabled for the cluster.
privateDNSZoneAKS -> (string)
The resource ID of the private DNS zone for the AKS cluster.
enablePrivateAKS -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the AKS cluster is in private mode.
userAssignedManagedIdentity -> (string)
The resource ID of the managed identity used by the AKS cluster.
description -> (string)
Cluster description.
whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs -> (string)
List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for kubernetes cluster access.
whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs -> (string)
List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for workload access.
useOverlayNetwork -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the overlay network is being used for the cluster.
enablePrivateLoadBalancer -> (boolean)
Denotes whether the private load balancer is enabled for the cluster.
resourcePool -> (string)
The name of the Resource Pool the cluster is in.
Form Factors: private
externalBuckets -> (array)
External buckets attached to the environment.
item -> (object)
External bucket details.
name -> (string)
Name of the bucket.
accessInfo -> (object)
External bucket definition.
accessMode -> (string)
Specifies whether the external bucket will be added in read-only or read-write mode.
kmsCmkArn -> (string)
Enable server side encryption with the specified KMS CMK ARN. If the value is empty or unspecified, default server side encryption will be used when the access mode is read-write. Otherwise this value is ignored.
Form Factors¶
public, private