

Describe a Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.




Describe a Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.


--cluster-id <value>
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--cluster-id (string)

The ID of the cluster to describe.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


cluster -> (object)

A Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.

crn -> (string)

The CRN of the cluster.

id -> (string)

The ID of the cluster.

environmentCrn -> (string)

The CRN of the environment where the cluster is located.

name -> (string)

Name of the cluster (same as the name of the environment).

status -> (string)

Status of the cluster. Possible values are: Creating, Created, Accepted, Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped, Updating, PreUpdate, Upgrading, PreUpgrade, Restarting, Deleting, Waiting, Failed, Error.

creator -> (object)

A CDP actor (user or machine user).

crn -> (string)

Actor CRN.

email -> (string)

Email address for users.

workloadUsername -> (string)

Username for users.

machineUsername -> (string)

Username for machine users.

creationDate -> (datetime)

Creation date of cluster.

cloudPlatform -> (string)

The cloud platform of the environment that was used to create this cluster.

version -> (string)

The version of the deployed CDW cluster.

productSupport -> (object)

Support lifecycle details of the given Cluster version (see version field). Learn more at Support lifecycle site:

Form Factors: public, private

status -> (string)

Status of the support lifecycle. COVERED: The Cluster version has active support. EXPIRED: The Cluster version is no-longer supported. UNKNOWN: The Cluster version is missing or incorrect.

expiryDate -> (datetime)

Shows the expiration date of the support for this Cluster version.

message -> (string)


enableSpotInstances -> (boolean)

Denotes whether the spot instances have been enabled for the cluster. This value is only available for AWS and Azure clusters.

Form Factors: public

computeInstanceTypes -> (array)

NOTE: The cluster level instance type selection will be replaced by virtual warehouse level selection. Compute instance types that the environment is restricted to use. This affects the creation of the virtual warehouses where this restriction will apply.

item -> (string)

awsOptions -> (object)

Response object of the cluster AWS settings.

subnetIds -> (array)

IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster has been deployed.

item -> (string)

workerSubnetIds -> (array)

IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster worker nodes should be deployed.

item -> (string)

lbSubnetIds -> (array)

IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster load balancer should be deployed.

item -> (string)

availabilityZones -> (array)

List of availability zones that the cluster is restricted to use.

item -> (string)

customAmiId -> (string)

Id of the Custom Amazon Machine Image

reducedPermissionMode -> (boolean)

Denotes whether the Reduced Permission mode is enabled.

azureOptions -> (object)

Response object of the cluster Azure settings.

subnetId -> (string)

ID of Azure subnet where the cluster is deployed.

enableAZ -> (boolean)

Denotes whther the Azure Availability Zones for the cluster is enabled or not.

outboundType -> (string)

The current outbound type setting.

aksPodCIDR -> (string)

Pod CIDR setting for Azure CNI networking.

logAnalyticsWorkspaceId -> (string)

Workspace ID for Azure log analytics.

privateSQLSubnetName -> (string)

Name of the delegated subnet where the private SQL should be deployed.

privateDNSZoneSQL -> (string)

Private DNS zone ID for the PostgreSQL server.

enablePrivateSQL -> (boolean)

Denotes whether the private SQL is enabled for the cluster.

privateDNSZoneAKS -> (string)

The resource ID of the private DNS zone for the AKS cluster.

enablePrivateAKS -> (boolean)

Denotes whether the AKS cluster is in private mode.

userAssignedManagedIdentity -> (string)

The resource ID of the managed identity used by the AKS cluster.

description -> (string)

Cluster description.

whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs -> (string)

List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for kubernetes cluster access.

whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs -> (string)

List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for workload access.

useOverlayNetwork -> (boolean)

Denotes whether the overlay network is being used for the cluster.

enablePrivateLoadBalancer -> (boolean)

Denotes whether the private load balancer is enabled for the cluster.

resourcePool -> (string)

The name of the Resource Pool the cluster is in.

Form Factors: private

externalBuckets -> (array)

External buckets attached to the environment.

item -> (object)

External bucket details.

name -> (string)

Name of the bucket.

accessInfo -> (object)

External bucket definition.

accessMode -> (string)

Specifies whether the external bucket will be added in read-only or read-write mode.

kmsCmkArn -> (string)

Enable server side encryption with the specified KMS CMK ARN. If the value is empty or unspecified, default server side encryption will be used when the access mode is read-write. Otherwise this value is ignored.

Form Factors

public, private