- subtitle
Describe deployment.
- version
Describes a deployment
--deployment-crn <value>
[--cli-input-json <value>]
The deployment CRN
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
deployment -> (object)
A deployment
crn -> (string)
The deployment CRN
name -> (string)
The deployment name
status -> (object)
The status of a deployment
detailedState -> (string)
The detailed state that the deployment is currently in
message -> (string)
Detail message relating to the current status of the deployment
state -> (string)
The state that the deployment is currently in.
service -> (object)
Metadata about a service
crn -> (string)
The crn of the service
name -> (string)
the name of the environment
cloudProvider -> (string)
the cloud provider
region -> (string)
the region within the cloud provider
environmentCrn -> (string)
The CDP Environment CRN
updated -> (integer)
Timestamp of the last time the deployment was modified
clusterSize -> (string)
The initial size of the deployment
flowVersionCrn -> (string)
The deployment’s current flow version CRN
flowCrn -> (string)
The deployment’s current flow CRN
nifiUrl -> (string)
The url to open the deployed flow in NiFi
autoscaleMaxNodes -> (integer)
The maximum number of nodes that the deployment can scale up to, or null if autoscaling is not enabled for this deployment
flowName -> (string)
The name of the flow
flowVersion -> (integer)
The version of the flow
currentNodeCount -> (integer)
The current node count
deployedByCrn -> (string)
The actor CRN of the person who deployed the flow
deployedByName -> (string)
The name of the person who deployed the flow
autoscalingEnabled -> (boolean)
Whether or not to autoscale the deployment.
autoscaleMinNodes -> (integer)
The minimum number of nodes that the deployment will allocate. May only be specified when autoscalingEnabled is true.
activeInfoAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as an info
activeWarningAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as a warning
activeErrorAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as an error
staticNodeCount -> (integer)
The static number of nodes that the deployment will allocate. May only be specified when autoscalingEnabled is false.
dfxLocalUrl -> (string)
Base URL to the dfx-local instance running this deployment
lastUpdatedByName -> (string)
The name of the person who last updated the deployment
configurationVersion -> (integer)
The version of the configuration for this deployment
cfmNifiVersion -> (string)
The version of NiFi being used by this deployment.
flowMetricsScalingEnabled -> (boolean)
Whether or not to use Flow metrics to scale the deployment. May only be specified when autscalingEnabled is true.
project -> (object)
Metadata about a project.
id -> (string)
The id of the project.
crn -> (string)
The crn of the project.
name -> (string)
The name of the group.
Form Factors¶