

Initiate and create deployment on workload




Initiate deployment on the control plane, upload referenced when specified, and create the deployment on workload. This operation is supported for the CLI only.’


--service-crn <value>
--flow-version-crn <value>
--deployment-name <value>
[--from-archive <value>]
[--import-parameters-from <value>]
[--cluster-size-name <value>]
[--cluster-size <value>]
[--static-node-count <value>]
[--auto-scaling-enabled | --no-auto-scaling-enabled]
[--flow-metrics-scaling-enabled | --no-flow-metrics-scaling-enabled]
[--auto-scale-min-nodes <value>]
[--auto-scale-max-nodes <value>]
[--cfm-nifi-version <value>]
[--auto-start-flow | --no-auto-start-flow]
[--parameter-groups <value>]
[--kpis <value>]
[--custom-nar-configuration <value>]
[--custom-python-configuration <value>]
[--inbound-hostname <value>]
[--listen-components <value>]
[--node-storage-profile-name <value>]
[--project-crn <value>]
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--service-crn (string)

CRN for the service.

--flow-version-crn (string)

CRN for the flow definition version.

--deployment-name (string)

Unique name for the deployment.

--from-archive (string)

The name of the deployment configuration archive to import deployment configurations from. This argument cannot be used with –import-parameters-from.

--import-parameters-from (string)

The name of deployment configuration archive to import parameter groups values from. This argument cannot be used when using the –from-archive argument.

--cluster-size-name (string)

Size for the cluster. The default is EXTRA_SMALL. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

Possible values:





--cluster-size (object)

Size for the cluster. The default cluster size is EXTRA_SMALL. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

name -> (string)

Cluster size name.

coresPerNode -> (double)

Cluster Cores Per Node (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

memoryLimit -> (double)

Cluster GB Per Node (will be truncated to the nearest integer).

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "coresPerNode": double,
  "memoryLimit": double

--static-node-count (integer)

The static number of nodes provisioned. The default is 1. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--auto-scaling-enabled | --no-auto-scaling-enabled (boolean)

Automatic node scaling. The default is disabled. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--flow-metrics-scaling-enabled | --no-flow-metrics-scaling-enabled (boolean)

Flow metrics enabled for scaling. The default is disabled. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--auto-scale-min-nodes (integer)

The minimum number of nodes for automatic scaling. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--auto-scale-max-nodes (integer)

The maximum number of nodes for automatic scaling. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--cfm-nifi-version (string)

The CFM NiFi version. Defaults to the latest version. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--auto-start-flow | --no-auto-start-flow (boolean)

Automatically start the flow.

--parameter-groups (array)

Parameter groups with each requiring a value or assets. If –from-archive or –import-parameters-from is used, then parameters defined here will override what is defined in the archive. Sensitive parameters must always be specified here.

JSON Syntax:

    "name": "string",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "string",
        "value": "string",
        "assetReferences": ["string", ...]

--kpis (array)

Key Performance Indicators with associated alerts. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

JSON Syntax:

    "metricId": "string",
    "componentId": "string",
    "alert": {
      "thresholdMoreThan": {
        "unitId": "string",
        "value": double
      "thresholdLessThan": {
        "unitId": "string",
        "value": double
      "frequencyTolerance": {
        "value": double,
        "unit": {
          "id": "SECONDS"|"MINUTES"|"HOURS"|"DAYS"

--custom-nar-configuration (object)

Custom NAR configuration properties. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

username -> (string)

Username for access to NAR storage location

password -> (string)

Password for access to NAR storage location

storageLocation -> (string)

Storage location containing custom NAR files

configurationVersion -> (integer)

Custom configuration version number

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "storageLocation": "string",
  "configurationVersion": integer

--custom-python-configuration (object)

Custom Python configuration properties. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

username -> (string)

Username for access to Python storage location

password -> (string)

Password for access to Python storage location

storageLocation -> (string)

Storage location containing custom Python files

configurationVersion -> (integer)

Custom configuration version number

Shorthand Syntax:


JSON Syntax:

  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "storageLocation": "string",
  "configurationVersion": integer

--inbound-hostname (string)

The FQDN of inbound host or just the prefix part of the hostname. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--listen-components (array)

Listen components port and protocol data. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

Shorthand Syntax:

protocol=string,port=string ... (separate items with spaces)

JSON Syntax:

    "protocol": "TCP"|"UDP",
    "port": "string"

--node-storage-profile-name (string)

Node storage profile name. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

Possible values:





--project-crn (string)

CRN for the project to assign this deployment to. Not specifying this will result in the deployment to be unassigned to any project. This argument will be ignored if –from-archive is used.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


crn -> (string)

CRN for the created deployment.

Form Factors
