

Get All Snapshot Policies.




Provides a list of all snapshot policies across all available clusters.


[--cli-input-json <value>]


--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


errorResponses -> (array)

List of snapshot policy errors.

item -> (object)

API error.

code -> (integer)

Error code.

message -> (string)

Error message.

status -> (string)

Error status.

clusterUrl -> (string)

Cluster URL.

requestId -> (string)

Request ID.

snapshotPolicyResponses -> (array)

List of snapshot policies.

item -> (object)

Response object for getSnapshotPolicy.

name -> (string)

The name of the snapshot policy.

cluster -> (string)

The cluster that stores that snapshot policy.

type -> (string)

The snapshot type of snapshot policies.

state -> (string)

The current state of a snapshot policy.

scope -> (array)

Defines the datasets that are covered by the snapshot policy. Contains path patterns for HDFS snapshot policies and table regular expressions for HBase snapshot policies.

item -> (string)

schedule -> (object)

Defines the schedule of a snapshot policy.

minuteOfHour -> (integer)

Minute of the hour that hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly snapshots will be created. Valid values are 0 to 59.

hourOfDay -> (integer)

Hour of the day that daily, weekly, monthly and yearly snapshots will be created. Valid values are 0 to 23.

dayOfWeek -> (integer)

Day of the week that weekly snapshots will be created. Valid values are 1 to 7, 1 representing Sunday.

dayOfMonth -> (integer)

Day of the month that monthly and yearly snapshots will be created. Valid values are 1 to 31. Additionally 0 to -30 can be used to specify offsets from the last day of the month.

monthOfYear -> (integer)

Month of the year that yearly snapshots will be created. Valid values are 1 to 12, 1 representing January.

hoursForHourly -> (array)

Hours of the day that hourly snapshots will be created. Valid values are 0 to 23. If this list is null or empty, then hourly snapshots are created for every hour.

item -> (integer)

alert -> (object)

Alerting behaviour for snapshot policy activities. Defines whether an alert is sent on certain events related to snapshot policies.

onStart -> (boolean)

Whether to alert on start of snapshot creation/deletion activity.

onSuccess -> (boolean)

Whether to alert on successful completion of snapshot creation/deletion activity.

onFail -> (boolean)

Whether to alert on failure of snapshot creation/deletion activity.

onAbort -> (boolean)

Whether to alert on abort of snapshot creation/deletion activity.

snapshotRetentionCount -> (object)

Defines the number of snapshots to be retained for snapshot policies.

hourlySnapshots -> (integer)

The number of hourly snapshots to be retained.

dailySnapshots -> (integer)

The number of daily snapshots to be retained.

weeklySnapshots -> (integer)

The number of weekly snapshots to be retained.

monthlySnapshots -> (integer)

The number of monthly snapshots to be retained.

yearlySnapshots -> (integer)

The number of yearly snapshots to be retained.

paused -> (boolean)

Whether the snapshot policy is suspended.

description -> (string)

The description of the snapshot policy.

lastCommand -> (object)

Detailed information about a snapshot command.

id -> (integer)

The id of the command.

name -> (string)

The name of the command.

startTime -> (datetime)

The start time of the command.

endTime -> (datetime)

The end time of the command, if the command is finished.

active -> (boolean)

Whether the command is currenlty active.

success -> (boolean)

Whether the command was successful, if the command has finished.

resultMessage -> (string)

The result message of the command, if the command has finished.

parent -> (object)

Response object for get command status.

commandId -> (integer)

Id of the CM command.

success -> (boolean)

Whether the diagnostic collection is successful.

active -> (boolean)

Whether the command is still active.

name -> (string)

Name of the policy.

startTime -> (string)

Start time of the CM command.

endTime -> (string)

End time of the CM command.

resultDataUrl -> (string)

Some commands have result data URL for downloading the diagnostic bundle. On certain CM versions the bundle download is only available through this URL, but not with download-diagnostic-bundle operation.

resultMessage -> (string)

Result message of the command.

bundleStatus -> (string)

The current status of the command.

bundleStatusMessage -> (string)

Further information about the current command status.

children -> (array)

List of references to the child commands.

item -> (object)

Response object for get command status.

commandId -> (integer)

Id of the CM command.

success -> (boolean)

Whether the diagnostic collection is successful.

active -> (boolean)

Whether the command is still active.

name -> (string)

Name of the policy.

startTime -> (string)

Start time of the CM command.

endTime -> (string)

End time of the CM command.

resultDataUrl -> (string)

Some commands have result data URL for downloading the diagnostic bundle. On certain CM versions the bundle download is only available through this URL, but not with download-diagnostic-bundle operation.

resultMessage -> (string)

Result message of the command.

bundleStatus -> (string)

The current status of the command.

bundleStatusMessage -> (string)

Further information about the current command status.

lastSuccessfulCommand -> (object)

Detailed information about a snapshot command.

id -> (integer)

The id of the command.

name -> (string)

The name of the command.

startTime -> (datetime)

The start time of the command.

endTime -> (datetime)

The end time of the command, if the command is finished.

active -> (boolean)

Whether the command is currenlty active.

success -> (boolean)

Whether the command was successful, if the command has finished.

resultMessage -> (string)

The result message of the command, if the command has finished.

parent -> (object)

Response object for get command status.

commandId -> (integer)

Id of the CM command.

success -> (boolean)

Whether the diagnostic collection is successful.

active -> (boolean)

Whether the command is still active.

name -> (string)

Name of the policy.

startTime -> (string)

Start time of the CM command.

endTime -> (string)

End time of the CM command.

resultDataUrl -> (string)

Some commands have result data URL for downloading the diagnostic bundle. On certain CM versions the bundle download is only available through this URL, but not with download-diagnostic-bundle operation.

resultMessage -> (string)

Result message of the command.

bundleStatus -> (string)

The current status of the command.

bundleStatusMessage -> (string)

Further information about the current command status.

children -> (array)

List of references to the child commands.

item -> (object)

Response object for get command status.

commandId -> (integer)

Id of the CM command.

success -> (boolean)

Whether the diagnostic collection is successful.

active -> (boolean)

Whether the command is still active.

name -> (string)

Name of the policy.

startTime -> (string)

Start time of the CM command.

endTime -> (string)

End time of the CM command.

resultDataUrl -> (string)

Some commands have result data URL for downloading the diagnostic bundle. On certain CM versions the bundle download is only available through this URL, but not with download-diagnostic-bundle operation.

resultMessage -> (string)

Result message of the command.

bundleStatus -> (string)

The current status of the command.

bundleStatusMessage -> (string)

Further information about the current command status.

hbaseArguments -> (object)

Arguments specific to HBase snapshot policies.

tableRegExps -> (array)

The regular expressions specifying the tables. Tables matching any of them will be eligible for snapshot creation.

item -> (string)

storage -> (string)

The location where the HBase shapshot is stored.

hdfsArguments -> (object)

Arguments specific to HDFS snapshot policies.

pathPatterns -> (array)

The path patterns specifying the paths. Paths matching any of them will be eligible for snapshot creation. The pattern matching characters that can be specific are those supported by HDFS.

item -> (string)

Form Factors
