

Get the list of events.




Get the list of events for the given Operation or a specific Service (Cluster, Database Catalog, Virtual Warehouse, or Data Visualization App). Events can belong to a particular Operation which might span across multiple Services. This happens if the given operation affects one or more Services e.g.: restore-cluster. It is also possible to return the events only for a given Service, in this case it is enough to pass the Id of a Service (e.g.: env-sq7hfv, warehouse-1696571829-pps2, compute-1696571962-8dd8, impala-1696572085-cn44).


[--operation-id <value>]
[--service-id <value>]
[--limit <value>]
[--ascending | --no-ascending]
[--cli-input-json <value>]


--operation-id (string)

Filter events based on the operation ID. Either operation ID or service ID is required.

--service-id (string)

Filter events based on the service ID. It can be Cluster ID, Database Catalog ID, Virtual Warehouse ID or Data Visualization App ID.

--limit (integer)

Limit the number of returned rows. If not specified then the recent 20 events will be returned. The maximum is 100.

--ascending | --no-ascending (boolean)

Provide the result in ascending order, default is descending.

--cli-input-json (string)

Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.

--generate-cli-skeleton (boolean)

Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json.


events -> (array)

List of the events.

item -> (object)

Represents a Event.

Form Factors: public, private

operationId -> (string)

The ID of the operation to which the event belongs.

serviceId -> (string)

The ID of the service to which the event belongs.

event -> (string)

The name of the event.

message -> (string)

Detailed message.

timestamp -> (datetime)

The timestamp of the event.

Form Factors

public, private