- subtitle
Updates the NiFi version of a deployment.
- version
Initiates the process of updating the NiFi version of a deployment.
--environment-crn <value>
--deployment-crn <value>
--cfm-nifi-version <value>
[--cli-input-json <value>]
The CRN of an environment to execute the command.
The deployment crn.
The NiFi version to which to update the deployment.
Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by
. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values.
Prints a sample input JSON to standard output. Note the specified operation is not run if this argument is specified. The sample input can be used as an argument for
deployment -> (object)
Provides details about a deployment.
name -> (string)
The name of the deployment.
status -> (object)
The state and state message associated with a deployment.
detailedState -> (string)
The detailed state that the deployment is currently in.
state -> (string)
The state that the deployment is currently in.
message -> (string)
Detail message relating to the current status of the deployment.
service -> (object)
The meta information about a DataFlow service.
crn -> (string)
The CRN of the DataFlow service
name -> (string)
The name of the DataFlow service
cloudPlatform -> (string)
The cloudPlatform flag of the DataFlow service
region -> (object)
A cloud region
name -> (string)
Name of the cloud region
displayName -> (string)
Display-friendly name of the cloud region
environmentCrn -> (string)
Crn of associated CDP environment
crn -> (string)
The CRN of the deployment.
activeInfoAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as an info.
activeWarningAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as a warning.
activeErrorAlertCount -> (integer)
Current count of active alerts classified as an error.
created -> (integer)
Timestamp of the creation of the deployment.
updated -> (integer)
Timestamp of the last time the deployment was modified.
validActions -> (array)
Valid actions that can be applied to the deployment in its current state.
item -> (string)
project -> (object)
The meta information about a project.
id -> (string)
The id of the project
crn -> (string)
The CRN of the project
name -> (string)
The name of the group
nifiUrl -> (string)
The url to open the deployed flow in NiFi.
clusterSizeParams -> (object)
Cluster scaling parameters.
name -> (string)
The name of this Cluster Size.
coresPerNode -> (double)
The number of CPU Cores per node (will be truncated to the nearest integer).
memoryLimit -> (double)
The memory limit (will be truncated to the nearest integer).
text -> (string)
The text (i.e., the human readable name) for this Cluster Size.
heapSize -> (double)
The heap size.
enabled -> (boolean)
Flag to signal whether this ClusterSize is enabled.
customClusterSizeLimits -> (object)
Limits for the custom cluster size type.
maximumCpuCoresPerNode -> (double)
The maximum number of CPU Cores per node, that fit on the node type.
minimumCpuCoresPerNode -> (double)
The minimum number of CPU Cores per node, that fit on the node type.
maximumMemoryLimit -> (double)
The upper memory limit that is available on the node type.
minimumMemoryLimit -> (double)
The lower memory limit that is available on the node type.
autoscalingEnabled -> (boolean)
Whether or not autoscaling is enabled for this deployment.
flowMetricsScalingEnabled -> (boolean)
Whether or not flow metrics scaling is enabled for this deployment.
autoscaleMinNodes -> (integer)
The minimum number of nodes that the deployment will allocate; can only be used when autoscalingEnabled is true.
autoscaleMaxNodes -> (integer)
The maximum number of nodes that the deployment can scale up to; can only be used when autoscalingEnabled is true.
staticNodeCount -> (integer)
The static number of nodes of the deployment; can only be used when autoscalingEnabled is false.
flowName -> (string)
The name of the flow.
flowVersion -> (integer)
The version of the flow.
flowVersionCrn -> (string)
The deployment’s current flow version CRN.
flowCrn -> (string)
The deployment’s current flow CRN.
creatorCrn -> (string)
The CRN of the user who deployed the flow.
artifactTypeName -> (string)
The type of artifact of the flow.
currentNodeCount -> (integer)
The current node count.
deployedByUsername -> (string)
The username of the person who deployed the flow.
deployedByName -> (string)
The name of the person who deployed the flow.
dfxLocalUrl -> (string)
Base URL to the CDF Local instance running this deployment.
configurationVersion -> (integer)
The current version of the deployment’s configuration.
lastUpdatedByUsername -> (string)
The username of the last person to update the deployment.
cfmNifiVersion -> (string)
The CFM NiFi version associated with the deployment.
inboundConnectionEndpointId -> (string)
The ID of Inbound Connection Endpoint assigned to the deployment.
testSession -> (boolean)
Indicates this deployment was created as a test session for designing a flow.
flowDesignerId -> (string)
The ID of the flow design for a test session deployment.
customNarConfigurationId -> (string)
The identifier of the custom NAR configuration, if used.
customPythonConfigurationId -> (string)
The identifier of the custom python configuration, if used.
nodeStorageProfile -> (string)
The node storage profile.
projectCrn -> (string)
The crn of the project this deployment belongs to, or null if does not belong to a project.
Form Factors¶